In recognition of the five year anniversary of the Traveling Totes,
MacKenzie-Chids generously surprised us with custom bags.
Each bags' fabrics were selected to represent the individuality of
each of us who are part of the Traveling Totes.
Ten "one-of-a-kind" bags!
Clockwise from top left:
I couldn't be more pleased with this very special tote.
It perfectly reflects my love of flowers and plaids
and pairs beautifully with much in my closet.
I chose to name my, one of a kind tote, Miss Poppy.
She definitely symbolizes the beauty, success, and lively imagination of my favorite company, MacKenzie-Childs.
Austin enacted a city ordinance in 2013 to ban the use of plastic bags.
While the ordinance was overturned in the summer of 2018,
most of us here in Austin are in the habit of taking our
own reusable bags when out shopping.
"We go together like milk and cookies!"
Miss Poppy makes the perfect shopping companion!
She is right by my side as we "pop" in and out of
my favorite places around town.
Just this past weekend, Miss Poppy did needlepoint duty
when I met my Stitch Club Austin friends for our
monthly gathering to stitch.
If you are a stitcher and want to find others
who enjoy the art of needlepoint,
look for a Stitch Club in you community. It's a movement across the country that started because of an Instragram account @millennial-needlepointer.
Word is stitch clubs are the new book club!
We met at one of my favorite spots, Fluff Meringue and More.
I ordered a cappuccino with a meringue topper drizzled
with ginger caramel and a side of gingerbread madeleines.
I won Best Order!
Four other stitchers went back and
ordered one of their own.
I'm eager to show Miss Poppy
more of our beautiful city!
Read on because MacKenzie-Childs has a
surprise for one of our readers!
One lucky reader has the chance to win a one-of-a-kind
MacKenzie-Childs tote of their own.
Visit each of the accounts below and leave a comment.
One lucky readers' name will be drawn 1/27/2020.
Good Luck!
Thank you,
I love you so much!