Saturday, July 11, 2015

Mad Tea Party ~ 2015

It's the 8th Annual

Mad Tea Party 

with Vanessa @ A Fanciful Twist

Hooray, Hooray!

Come along and join the fun.

It's the 150th Anniversary of Lewis Carroll's


Tea is ready and

just so you know, I checked.

There wasn't one dormouse in the tea pots!

Come along, please.

Don't be late!

 Oh, what a perfectly

mad party!

Mad about sweets, don't you know!

Yes, Alice is here,

and so is the Mad Hatter.

The White Rabbit, too.

But, where is that grinning cat?

Ahh, there he is!

I knew he wouldn't miss this party.

Oh, look!

Even the characters in 

Robert Sabuda's edition popped-up

for this party.

Help yourself 

to some sweet treats.

You can lounge on the chaise

and take it all in.

Go ahead and indulge yourself.

It is the 150th anniversary!

What's this?

Well, it is summer in Texas you know, so

you might find it a bit too warm for a cup of hot tea.

What about an icy cold cherry limeade?

It is a Mad Party after all!

Before you leave, tell me about

your favorite Wonderland character.

Everyone who leaves a comment with  

an email link will be entered in my 

Celebrating 150 Years of Alice  Giveaway.

It's a surprise, but you can be certain

it will be something Alice.

Winner announced July 25, 2015.

Click here if you missed this post on the exceptional

exhibit celebrating the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll's


Just follow the Mad Hatter to join

all the other Mad Teas.

Click the link below.

Thank you Vanessa for hosting this fun event!

Also Joining

It's the 8th Annual Mad Tea Party  with Vanessa @ A Fanciful Twist Hooray, Hooray! Come along and join the fun. It's the 150th Anniversary of Lewis Carroll's ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. Tea is ready and just so you know, I checked. There wasn't one dormouse in the tea pots! Come along, please. Don't be late!  O...