Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rooster Party ~ 2010

Last fall when Barb hosted her first Show Us Your Roosters Party, I was thrilled. With roosters plentiful around HFTS there was no question that I wanted to join in the fun once again.

Detail of Man's Tie

The rooster is a revered and beloved image in many cultures so it is no surprise that there are many of us that enjoy the decorative nature of these handsome guys.

Chickens, both hens and roosters are often out and about around our home.

This little boite ancienne Reglisse Zan once held French licorice candies. Now long empty, it remains appreciated for the simple joy of the graphics.

Whimsical hand carved "poultry" are colorful folk art pieces from Oaxaca, Mexico that are usually on a shelf in a guest bath. They wandered outside for a little fresh air. Those of you here for Pink Saturday might note there are plenty of pink accents on many of these.

Large jug by Capelo and two small plates by Gorky Gonzales are each made in Guanajuato, Mexico. Both of these famous potters are renown for their beautiful ceramics.

A petite brass and enamel place card holder is likely from the 1940s.

Vintage Chinese mud figures in various poses like to gather in a group. Each are about 2"-3".

A pair of larger Chinese roosters 8" tall are near by. I like the way this one is reflected in the pewter pitcher that stands behind it.

Most recent to join the flock are a pair of vintage Chinese roof tiles found while in Santa Fe.

Once guardians upon the roof of a home or public building in China, these two now stand guard in a bookcase.

A ceramic tea caddy made into a small lamp features a barnyard gathering.

Does your mother know you're out?

A petite paper maché snuff box was found at an early morning London flea market years ago. This one simply puts a smile on my face!

Yes, roosters are definitely in the category of A Few of My Favorite Things.

Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Day!

The older I get the more I realize that this motto is one I want to live.

Barb has set a beautiful rooster tablescape so be sure to visit Barb @ Bella Vista. Links to all who are participating in The Second Annual Show Us Your Roosters Blog Party can be found on Barb's sidebar.

Thank you to our hostess Barb and to the ladies hosting the following weekly parties. More information about each of these memes can be found on my sidebar.

Thanks for stopping by to visit. Details for the Anniversary Give-Back at HFTS can be found at the top of my sidebar. Hope you'll participate.

Last fall when Barb hosted her first Show Us Your Roosters Party, I was thrilled. With roosters plentiful around HFTS there was no question that I wanted to join in the fun once again. Detail of Man's TieThe rooster is a revered and beloved image in many cultures so it is no surprise that there are many of us that enjoy the decorative nature of these handsome guys.Chickens, both hens and roosters...