Happy New Year Everyone!
My holidays have been filled with joy this year. I've much to be thankful for and not least among my list of blessings to count are the many wonderful friends I've made since I started HFTS. I want to thank each of you who stop by for visits. Your kind and thoughtful words encourage me, your friendships bring much joy, and your incredibly creative blogs continue to inspire me with each new post. Your postings give me pause to smile and laugh; your incredible photographs take me to beautiful homes and gardens and interesting places. I'm in awe of the endless number of talented individuals who share their creative spirit and are so generous with their time and talents.
This beautiful pink ornament from Jacque @ Campagne Maison hangs on our Christmas tree this year, a cherished reminder of the many new friends I've made in these past five months. Click on the link above to read Jacque's toast to the New Year.
In the spring of this year I knew little about the world of Blog. Then by chance I found Between Naps on the Porch and Confessions of a Plate Addict. Both Susan and Debbie encouraged me and guided me, and in August Hyacinths for the Soul became a reality. Now I'm joining in the fun of the weekly blog events Sunday Favorites, Blue Monday, Three or More Tuesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Tablescape Thursday, Foodie Friday, and Pink Saturday. Since those first encounters, blogging has provided hours of friendship that I never expected. I've come to feel that many of you are the dearest of friends, even though we've never met. So a heartfelt "Thank you!" to each who have encouraged me and offered your friendship through your blogs and personal emails.
In addition to kind and thoughtful words from many blogging friends, I've recently been the beneficiary of several blog give always. In early December I received this elegant beaded pouch of lavender from Cindy @ Fairy Tale Cottage. I was so surprised! And little did Cindy know that the aromatic fragrance of lavender is my favorite. The fragrance from lavender calms and soothes my being. It's a wonderful way to relax. "Thank you, Cindy, for this thoughtful and delightful gift you sent my way."
December also brought new dishes to my home. Like many of you I'm a bit of a dishaholic. So needless to say, I was thrilled to learn that I had won Linda's give away @ My Shabby Rose Cottage. Thank you, Linda, for sending these charming plates my way. They are already favorites! I'm only sharing this peek at what was inside the package I received, because I'm saving the best photos for a future Tablescape Thursday. You see, another package of dishes arrived about the same time from a "dish angel", a blogging friend who facilitated a purchase for me after locating the very dishes I'd been searching for. 
A toast to each of you who
are reading this New Year's Day!
May your year ahead
be one of good health and good fortune!
Happy New Year Everyone! I WISH YOU ALL GOOD THINGS FOR 2010My holidays have been filled with joy this year. I've much to be thankful for and not least among my list of blessings to count are the many wonderful friends I've made since I started HFTS. I want to thank each of you who stop by for visits. Your kind and thoughtful words encourage me, your friendships bring much joy, and your incred...