Welcome to a special summer edition of
Tales of the Traveling Totes!
Are you a buzy bee this summer?
Is you summer filled with special trips and events?
No travels for my BFF Miss Merri Mac and myself.
We are at home for the summer!
Most mornings are spent taking an early walk in the
neighborhood, then some time in the garden.
Texas can get pretty hot in the summer, with temps
reaching triple digits and high humitity.
Best to stay inside reading, stitching,
and visiting my favorite blogs and Instagram accounts.
That said, Miss Merri Mac and I invite you
to come in out of the heat
and join us for a sweet, cold treat.
A little tidbit you may not know about me ~
I have a daily Starbucks habit.
It's my pick-me-up time late afternoon.
My drink of choice is a non-fat coffee Frappuccino
with an extra pump of coffee roast and an affogato shot on top.
No flavors or whipped cream for me!
Give me the caffine!
What's you favorite way to beat the heat?
Are you a Starbucks regular?
What's your favorite drink?
To celebrate summer, Miss Merri Mac
and I are offering one of our readers
Starbucks drinks on us.
☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀ ☀
Leave a comment and tell me about your summer fun in the sun.
Let me know if you are a Starbucks fan
and would like to be entered into the drawing.
~ Giveaway Closed ~
Congratulations to Kitty @ Kitty's Kozy Korner
😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎
Grab your bestie
to get out of the heat
and join you for a sweet, cold treat.
Happy Summer!
Click on over to visit my Traveling Tote Buddies for more
~ Fun in the Sun ~
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women
We'll be back in September with more adventures.
Welcome to a special summer edition of
Tales of the Traveling Totes!
Are you a buzy bee this summer?
Is you summer filled with special trips and events?
No travels for my BFF Miss Merri Mac and myself.
We are at home for the summer!
Most mornings are spent taking an early walk in the
neighborhood, then some time in the garden.
Texas can get p...