Tuesday, March 2, 2010

G is for a Ginger Tea Party

is for


and you're invited to a Ginger Tea Party

In honor of this week's letter G, tea will be served in Ginori china in the Palermo Brown pattern.

I've brewed an herbal ginger tea with a spicy taste. This beverage has long been used in the Chinese culture as a warming beverage. It is thought to be an energy boosting tonic.

Even though it is the delicate color of ginger, don't be deceived. It is full of flavor.

There is a tray of ginger thins of a Swedish recipe.

A silver cake stand holds squares of delicious old fashioned gingerbread cake.

This crystal and silver overlay compote holds one of my favorite treats. These soft and chewy ginger candies are all natural and delicious. They are made by Royal Pacific Foods - The Ginger People.

Please help yourself to a plate of ginger goodies and let me tell you about this amazing plant.

Ginger a spicy treat that comes in many forms.

Ginger root is actually a rhizome, a horizontal stem of a plant. Native to both China and India, it is a delicacy that is used for both cooking and medicinal purposes. Whole raw ginger is what is commonly thought of as fresh ginger. It provides the most potent taste.

The flowers of ginger are sold as a popular tropical plant here in the states. The interesting blooms grow on thick woody stems with dark green sword like leaves. In Samoa these red blooms are used in leis during important ceremonies and worn by the royalty.

We have a ginger that grows in our garden. It freezes back in the winter, but comes back lush and green each spring. Last year it was covered with pink blooms. This year we've had a severe winter so it completely froze. I've cut it back, and shoots are already beginning to poke up through the ground.

Ginger is often used as a spice in many recipes. It is one of the earliest spices to be used in Western Europe. Powdered ginger, a ground spice made from dried root, is commonly used in baking recipes.

Crystallized ginger can be used in cooking or simply eaten as a treat. It has been cooked in a sugar syrup, then dried and rolled in sugar.

Ginger has a pungent flavor and has been an important part of Chinese medicine for centuries. It is said to help with digestion and often taken to prevent motion sickness.

Ginger Ale is also often used to settle an upset stomach. This ginger brew is made from herbs, roots, spices, and fruits, and it definitely has a strong ginger bite.

I like to eat these ginger chews from The Ginger People for a hot and spicy tidbit of sweet candy.

Logo used with permission of Royal Pacific Foods - The Ginger People

I've consumed so much ginger today while working on this post, I feel I just might turn into one of these Ginger People. If you too are a fan of ginger then you'll want to visit The Ginger People website here. They offer a wide selection of products from baked goods to candies to sauces to pantry essentials to gluten free products. There is also an extensive section of recipes that use ginger in drinks, appetizers, sides, soups, salads, main dishes, and desserts. The Ginger People also publish Chat-n-Chew, a monthly newsletter available through email.

Thanks for joining me today. For more Letter G Lessons join Mrs. Matlock's class here. To see more table settings visit Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.

References used:

is forGinger and you're invited to a Ginger Tea Party In honor of this week's letter G, tea will be served in Ginori china in the Palermo Brown pattern. I've brewed an herbal ginger tea with a spicy taste. This beverage has long been used in the Chinese culture as a warming beverage. It is thought to be an energy boosting tonic.Even though it is the delicate color of ginger, don't be deceived...