Friday, January 22, 2010

Miss Annabelle's Pinks

Happy Pink Days!

It's Pink Saturday and there just happens to be a wealth

of pink happiness in our family.

I'm joining Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound

to celebrate Pink Saturday and the birth of

Miss Annabelle Fay.

Drawers full of pinkness

And booties so small

A sweet knitted cap

For Miss Annabelle all

Will it be soft minty green with shades of pink

Or pink knitted sweater with white ribbon bows

Perhaps dotty pink pants . . . and so it goes

With so many choices, what do you think?

Precious one,

So small,

So sweet

Dancing in on angel feet

Straight from Heaven's brightest star

What a miracle you are!

Author Unknown

A post of stunning pink tulips awaits you with French artist, Héléne Glehen @ d' Encre et de Couleurs, Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch is sharing some precious pink tassels with a give away, and of course there is plenty of pinkness awaiting you with Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound. Thank you for joining me today.

Happy Pink Days! It's Pink Saturday and there just happens to be a wealth of pink happiness in our family. I'm joining Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound to celebrate Pink Saturday and the birth of Miss Annabelle Fay.Drawers full of pinknessAnd booties so smallA sweet knitted capFor Miss Annabelle allWill it be soft minty green with shades of pinkOr pink knitted sweater with white ribbon bowsPerhaps...