This post was first published
September 2013, but the topic is timeless.
Trader Joe's

Apples This post was first published September 2013, but the topic is timeless. Although many schools in Texas begin a new school year in late August, I always associate September with Back To School. An Apple For The Teacher My table is a tribute to teachers everywhere. Centerpiece Simplicity ~ Faux Apples in a Basket ~ APPLES by Helen H. Moore Apples, ap...
The summer we married, my husband was in graduate school, and I was employed as a teacher. We took a portion of our savings that summer and purchased a sailboat. We christened our Catalina 22, “Hyacinths For The Soul” after Saadi’s poem. Our "Hyacinths" provided years of pleasure. We continue to cherish the extras of life as food for our souls.
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