Saturday, September 14, 2019

An Apple for the Teacher

This post was first published
September 2013, but the topic is timeless.

Although many schools in Texas begin 
a new school year in late August,
I always associate September with
 Back To School.

An Apple For The Teacher
My table is a tribute to teachers everywhere.

Centerpiece Simplicity
~ Faux Apples in a Basket ~

by Helen H. Moore
Apples, apples, what a treat,
sweet and tart and good to eat.
Apples green and apples red,
hang from branches overhead,
and when they ripen, down they drop,
so we can taste our apple crop.

~ The Stack ~
Vintage Quilt ~ Irish Chain
Quilted Placemat
PB Chicken Wire Charger
Arita Tartan Charger
Rainbow Gate Apple Slice Plate

Vintage Mother of Pearl Flatware
Woven Water Vine Napkin Ring

Apple Green Glass Stem

Sweet Treat ~ Apple Pie
Trader Joe's

~ An Apple For The Teacher ~
The beautiful apple slice plate above 
was an end of school gift from my class in 1998.

Rainbow Gate Ceramics 
are handmade and painted in Santa Fe, NM.
Visit their site HERE to see the 
beautiful ceramics they offer.


Apples  This post was first published September 2013, but the topic is timeless. Although many schools in Texas begin  a new school year in late August, I always associate September with  Back To School. An Apple For The Teacher My table is a tribute to teachers everywhere. Centerpiece Simplicity ~ Faux Apples in a Basket ~ APPLES by Helen H. Moore Apples, ap...