Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Silver Sunday Valentine

It's Silver Sunday here at Hyacinths for the Soul, and we have a special message for you . . .

On Valentine's Day
my wants are few,
Just three small
lettters, just

Happy Valentine's Day

from ~


Beth has graciously offered to host Season II of Silver Sunday. We can now all look forward to Silver Sundays the second Sunday of each month. Stop by and visit The Gypsy Journal to see others sharing silver delights this Valentine's Day.

It's Silver Sunday here at Hyacinths for the Soul, and we have a special message for you . . . On Valentine's Daymy wants are few,Just three smalllettters, just Y~O~UHappy Valentine's Dayfrom ~HyacinthBeth has graciously offered to host Season II of Silver Sunday. We can now all look forward to Silver Sundays the second Sunday of each month. Stop by and visit The Gypsy Journal to see others sh...