Sunday, August 14, 2016

How to Eat a Lobster

I recently had a delightful trip

to visit a friend who lives on Cape Cod.

Do you know what that means?


You've no idea what a treat 

it is for this Texan to have fresh lobster, and just

in case this "foreigner" needed help eating a lobster dinner,

the place setting came with instructions.  

And all the necessary tools!

The perfect meal!

Fresh Corn on the Cob ~ Green Salad ~ Fresh Lobster

Oh, and I made certain that most of my

lunches out included a lobster roll.  

I have lots of photos to share, so you

can look for more New England delights ahead.


I recently had a delightful trip to visit a friend who lives on Cape Cod. Do you know what that means? L O B S T E R You've no idea what a treat  it is for this Texan to have fresh lobster, and just in case this "foreigner" needed help eating a lobster dinner, the place setting came with instructions.   And all the necessary tools!...