Scarecrow, Scarecrow
I see Blackbirds looking at me.
I see Frisky Squirrel
Frisky Squirrel, Frisky Squirrel

Scarecrow, Scarecrow What do you see? I see Blackbirds looking at me. Blackbirds, Blackbirds What do you see? I see Frisky Squirrel Looking at me. Frisky Squirrel, Frisky Squirrel What do you see? I see hoards of acorns Falling from the trees! Yes, here in Central Texas we are slowly falling into the fall season. The temperatures might still be in...
The summer we married, my husband was in graduate school, and I was employed as a teacher. We took a portion of our savings that summer and purchased a sailboat. We christened our Catalina 22, “Hyacinths For The Soul” after Saadi’s poem. Our "Hyacinths" provided years of pleasure. We continue to cherish the extras of life as food for our souls.
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