Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tales of the Traveling Totes # 6 ~ The Adventures Continue

Tales of the Traveling Totes #6


Miss Merri Mac has rapidly become a

Best Friend Forever,

especially as a travel buddy to share adventures.

In early January I woke to find that

Miss Merri Mac had taken up 

with a unicorn ~ a Rainbow Unicorn?

I quickly realized these two were

rarin' to go to Miss Annabelle's 6th birthday party.

Rainbow Unicorn Party!

Yes, it was a colorful event

and Miss Merri Mac was excited to deliver her 

new found friend to one happy little girl.

It's wasn't long after that my BFF and I were

off on a long weekend adventure to 

Los Angeles with girlfriends.

The mission was to search for a wedding dress

for a beautiful young woman who is 

getting married in August.

Our days were filled with the task at hand,

though we did manage to work in a tour of the Getty Villa,

window shopping on Rodeo Drive, and

dinner at the Beverly Wilshire.

One night we took in the sights and

sounds at Santa Monica Pier.

Another evening we enjoyed a quiet dinner by 

a cozy fire dock side in Marina Del Rey.

With lingering thoughts of love and romance 

after the wedding dress adventure,

Miss Merri Mac was in the Valentine mood.

Our most recent adventure was just a three hour drive north.

Miss Merri Mac and I traveled to Dallas 

where we were welcomed in splendid French style.

A delightful week spent with friends

from both the east and west coasts and Canada

who flew in to join us Texas girls  

for a mini reunion.

~ Beautiful Homes ~

~ Collections of French Faience ~

~ Delicious Meals ~

~ French Desserts ~

~ Antique Shopping ~

~ Lunch at Rise ~

 ~ Rise ~ 

The Dallas Restaurant 

for the best in 

French Soufflé  ~  Both Savory and Sweet


To Visit Previous Miss Merri Mac Adventures
Just click on number links below. 
#1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and also
herehere, and here.

More Tales of the Traveling Totes

at the links below.

~ Don't Miss the Fun ~

Fabulous Give Away @ Panoply

We all like it when you take the time to leave a comment,

but you must be certain to leave a comment with Rita to be

entered in the fabulous give away.  Check out the details below.

Leave Rita C @ Panoply a comment (either directly on her blog or by sending her an email mentioning this post) for a chance to win a MacKenzie-Childs Sticky Note Pad and Set of 3 Courtly Check Enamel Herb Pots.  Both are just in time for your Spring planning and planting (or for stashing pens and pencils, utensils - you decide)!

 A winner will be randomly chosen by March 15, 2016.

Look for more adventures with the totes on June 1, 2016.


Tales of the Traveling Totes #6 Welcome! Miss Merri Mac has rapidly become a Best Friend Forever, especially as a travel buddy to share adventures. In early January I woke to find that Miss Merri Mac had taken up  with a unicorn ~ a Rainbow Unicorn? I quickly realized these two were rarin' to go to Miss Annabelle's 6th birthday party....