Wednesday, August 18, 2010

GREEN ~ It'll Do Fine

"It's not that easy being Green.
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things,
And people tend to pass you over . . . "
Words taken from Kermit's Famous Song IT'S NOT THAT EASY BEING GREEN

No, it's not that easy being green, 

especially in the world of Quimper French pottery. 

 The color green is found on many pieces as an accent, 

but for the primary color of this pottery 

to be green is most unusual.

Green Hydrangeas and Yoko Ono Green Land Mums

Others might have passed this coffee/tea service by 

without much thought, but it was 

love at first sight for "the chef" and me. 

 It's a complete service for twelve: 

dessert plates, cups and saucers, 

creamer, sugar, and coffee/tea pot.

A friend contacted me in the summer of 2006. 

 She knew of a couple who were downsizing 

and wanted to sell a complete tea/coffee service. 

Jacqueline, who is French and the original owner, 

included a note with the special story of this set.

Soon after WWII, she and her American soldier husband, 

traveled to the United States to begin a life together here. 

In the summer of 1946, on a visit back to France 

to visit her parents, Jacqueline and her mother visited  

Brittany and the atelier of Paul Fouillen. 

 It was on this trip that Jacqueline's mother 

purchased this set as a gift for Jacqueline.

There were actually two sets purchased at the time. 

 The other very different in color and design 

was enjoyed by Jacqueline's mother during her lifetime.

 Jacqueline's daughter now treasures the set 

that had been her grandmother's, so she didn't need this set. 

 Lucky me!

Jacqueline told me that she carefully 

packed this set in her suitcase and 

carried it with her on the return journey, 

crossing the Atlantic by ship and 

then traveling by train on to Texas.

Paul Fouillen opened his atelier in the late 1920s. 

 He is well known for his unique designs 

with both Celtic and Art Deco influences.

The wonderful hand crimped handles 

on each of these pieces are glazed with a sponge technique. 

 Though each piece includes the 

concentric bands of green color and the green checks, 

there are different designs painted 

on each side of the various pieces.

And this magnificent t

ray matches our service!

A very thoughtful friend and fellow 

member in the Quimper Club International 

sent me this tray as a surprise one Christmas.

It was a piece 

from her own collection.

When she learned that I had purchased the dessert service, 

she felt the tray should be reunited with the set.

See, it has the darling dragonfly 

that is on the tea/coffee pot.

Lucky me, again! Thank you, Laverne!

I've talked enough. 

 Won't you join me for a cup of tea?



And how about a 

little something sweet?

You may serve yourself with this 

sweet sterling fork that I found 

while antique shopping in Santa Fe.

Help yourself to a plate and 

one of these little cake forks.

You may use one of the beautiful linen napkins 

that were gifts from Mary @ A Breath of Fresh Air. 

 Just look at the fine detail on these.

May I tempt you with a horn of dulce de leche? 

 These horns are filled with a 

sweet caramelized goat's milk cream.

Or for all you chocolate lovers, 

here is a special Hatch chili chocolate brownie.

This is the season for the famous 

Hatch chilies from Hatch, New Mexico.

These chilies are HOT and add a 

subtle spicy after-taste to the chocolate.

The chocolate isn't really that hot, 

but have another sip of tea if you like.

"I'm green, and it'll do fine, it's beautiful!"

As you can see, sometimes I repurpose this service when I want to serve a glass of ice tea. With the heat of summer, perhaps you'd like a glass of ice tea before you head off to Mrs. Matlock's Rainbow Summer School Class for more on the color GREEN and the other parties listed below.

Don't forget to join in for the Celebration Give Back here. You have until the end of August to participate.

Bargain Hunting & Chatting w/ Laurie ~ Favorite Things Saturday

"It's not that easy being Green. Having to spend each day the color of the leaves. It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things, And people tend to pass you over . . . " Words taken from Kermit's Famous Song IT'S NOT THAT EASY BEING GREEN No, it's not that easy being green,  especially in the world of Quimper French pottery.   The color green is found on many pi...