Showing posts with label Show and Tell Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Show and Tell Friday. Show all posts

Monday, October 3, 2011

Into The Blue

Life has recently taken me

off into the wild blue yonder.

So I thought I'd share a few shots

of my blue and white collection.

Cool and calming,

blue offers a respite to my day.

A favorite color here at HFTS,

blue can offer both serenity and exhilaration.

In some cultures, many

believe that blue keeps bad spirits away.

White is the perfect compliment.

So I frequently fill a few

pieces with with white blooms.

Perfection in my mind.

The combination is timeless and unmatched.

Blue and white ~ a constant in my life.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Cloche Party!

I spied this beautiful cloche vignette in the home of one of my dearest friends, so I snapped a few photos to have something to share for Marty's Cloche Party this summer.

Take a closer look.

Can you see what's

resting inside this beautiful cloche?

A beautiful reminder of the love of a

mother and her bond with her fledglings.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tea with Two Patriots

Meet Mary Kate


They've been busy preparing for all the July 4th festivities
and are eager to relax with a cup of tea on the porch.

They've set the tea table with Richard Ginori China
and their favorite red polka dot tea service.

Look at the star spangled 
details of this beautiful china.

Lucy chose a chocolate 
cupcake for her teatime treat.

Mary Kate has her eye on a cherry cupcake.
What flavor would you like?

It's very hot here this summer,
but they've picked a shady spot on the front porch.
Shall we join them?

All ready for the neighborhood 4th of July Parade,
Mary Kate has on her special star spangled dress.
She is very patriotic and most proud to be an American.

Lucy's mom made her dress 
with both stars and stripes.
See that big lone star?
This girl is proud to be both American and a Texan!

Looks like these proud little 
patriots found the perfect spot.

With the red, white, and blue flying in the breeze and
fireworks shooting across the tea table . . .

These two are all set 
to enjoy a patriotic tea time.

Lucy wishes you a Happy 4th of July

Mary Kate says,
"Don't forget to fly the red, white, and blue."

"Y'all Come Back Now!"
The dolls and everything on the table were
thrifty finds as well as the table and chairs.
You can read about the make-over here.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Place for Tea

I've been watching all the talented, creative, and extremely industrious individuals who seem to paint something every week. When I was much younger, I too, would refinish a piece of furniture every now and again. But it's been years since I actually took on a painting project!

Summer before last I came across this little thrifty treasure of a child's set of a table and four chairs. You can see it was rusty and in need of being rescued. As I said, it's been years since I've taken on a project to refinish something, but I was totally charmed by the detail of the rooster and leaves and the fact that both the chairs and table fold up flat. So this little set came home with me with the intention of a make-over.

It wasn't long before Cleo and Mr. Barnaby claimed it for their own. They didn't seem to mind the rust and the fact that I hadn't actually gotten around to spiffing up this little set. You see they enjoy an afternoon tea and were happy to have their own little spot on the terrace. If you like, click here to join them.

It also didn't seem to matter when the

animals gathered for tea on a sunny morning.

But when a sweet little girl was coming to visit her Nana who is one of my dearest friends, I decided it was time to get out the wire brush, clean off the rust, and give the set a fresh coat of paint.

To prevent the rust again,

I used a gray primer as an undercoat.

Using a spray paint made it an easy project,

but it took several sweeps to get at all the angles.

Once each piece was primed . . .

I painted them with Rust-Oleum Strawflower, a soft yellow as close to the original color as I could find. My initial idea was to highlight and enhance the rooster and leaves with a bit of color, but I haven't done that.

So what do you think?

Shall I leave it as it was originally painted,
all yellow, or give the rooster and leaves a hint of color?

What would you do?

Mary Kate wants to remind you to join HFTS

for the Summer Week Long Blog Party

You can click here to join DebbieDoos Summer Paint Party June 20th .

Also Joining:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Splendid Beauty ~ Magnolias

Magnolia ~ Harbinger of Spring

Each day as I take my morning walk,

the neighborhood is filled

with a very distinct lemony fragrance.

It announces the magnolia blooms

that are in abundance this time of year.

These splendid white beauties are named

for the 17th century French botanist, Pierre Magnol.

Native to both Asia and the Americas, the evergreen

tree has leathery leaves and gorgeous large white blooms.

Considered to be very primitive,

the blooms are similar to the very first flowers.

Magnolia blooms open in layers,

can be as large as 10 inches across,

and have as many as 14 tepals.

Both Mississippi and Louisiana

selected Magnolias as their state flower.

It's no surprise that these

blooms are associated with . . .



Dignity and,


Please click the links below to see what others are sharing this week.

Also joining The Tablescaper to

celebrate her 2nd Blog-aversary with

Where do you keep it all? Part II

Click below to see the answers.