It has long been a dream to experience the
MacKenzie-Childs' Annual Barn Sale,
and this was the summer for me.
As they say, "There is a first time for everything!"
The MacKenzie-Childs Barn Sale is a four day event held at the
company's headquarters just outside of Aurora, NY.
The tranquil property, once a dairy farm, is situated on 65 acres overlooking Cayuga Lake and welcomes thousands of shoppers
every summer. Last summer over 27,000 attended.
Faithful fans of the brand come from far and wide to attend this event. I say an event, because it is much more than shopping for discounted items. It's a tradition for many, an annual trip for couples or a getaway for a group ofgirlfriends. Many arrive the day before and set up camp to claim their spot in line to be some of the first to enter the tents that open early on a Thursday morning.
For all intended purposes, it's a time to celebrate and connect
with others who share a passion for this special,
whimsical brand of handmade ceramics, enamel ware, furniture, things for the garden, and other home accessories.
Both shoppers and staff sport attire in tribute to their favorite brand.
Yes, the day is a sea of black and white checks!
And, yes,the lines are long, but the comrodary shared with those waiting in line is hugely fun. Food and drink vendors are set up both outside and within the shopping area. Music is broadcast and the atmosphere is that of a large outdoor party or festival.
My Traveling Tote pal, Patti @ Pandora's Box drove over from
Syracuse for opening day to share her shopping expertise.
We arrived at 6 am and waited in line less than two hours,
all the while having a great time chatting and laughing with
the throng of other MacKenzie-Childs fanatics who get up
at the crack of dawn to stand in line to spend money.
I love to shop, so it's no surprise that some things came home with me, but the real treasures of my trip were the friendships that resulted from the amazing group of friendly people.
There were Instagram friends who recognized each other and made the effort to introduce themselves and also the newly
made friends met while we waited in lines.
Who knew there is a group called,
Barn Sale Line Friends?
Once the line makes it to the covered walk,
shoppers are close to entering the shopping tents.
MacKenzie-Childs staffers, like this cutie, are on hand to tag shoppers with a wrist band for the day. The wrist band is the ticket into the shopping tents and allows shoppers to come and go without having to wait in line to re-enter the tents that day.
Patient, good sport spouses,like Jim and Jack,
often wait outside the tents to ferry goods
to the car while the shopper keeps on shopping!
Once inside, the tents are jam packed with racks and boxes
and tables full of various MKC goodies from linens to ceramics
to garden goods, to furniture to holiday to accessories to . . . .
Words can't begin to describe the incredible inventory.
The property of the MacKenzie-Childs headquarters was bucolic even with the two acres of tents and all the food and drink vendors.
Oh, I've much to share with you about this incredible
former dairy farm property, but I'll save more for later.
I have a complete post on what's inside the Farmhouse,
so look for another post along with . . .
A post spotlighting the goods that arrived in these boxes.
Still much to share about this magical experience!
It has long been a dream to experience the
MacKenzie-Childs' Annual Barn Sale,
and this was the summer for me.
As they say, "There is a first time for everything!"
The MacKenzie-Childs Barn Sale is a four day event held at the
company's headquarters just outside of Aurora, NY.
The tranquil property, once a dairy farm, is situated on 65 acres overlooking Cayuga Lake and welcome...