Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Again, I Ask, What do you like to do on a Snowy Day?

A winter storm moved into central Texas early morning
with frigid temperatures, sleet, and snow.
Schools are closed, as are many businesses,
because of icy conditions, and I don't plan to leave the house.

The post below was first publised in January 2014.
Considering today's weather, I decided to share and ask again:

What do you like 
to do on a snowy day?

Ski down 
powdery slopes?

Hop on a sled 
to race down a hillside?

Skate with friends on
a frozen pond?

Build a snowman with  
a carrot nose and eyes of coal?

Here in Texas none of these winter
day activities are something we get to enjoy.
Though that doesn't stop me from dreaming about
a day with snowy hills and frozen ponds.

Makes me wonder if artist Betsy Hybicki
lived this scene or only
 dreamed of such fun in the snow.
I wish I knew more about her work.

I bought this piece in early December from 
She found it in a thrift store and decided  
to sell it in her antique booth.
Thanks, Dawn!

I knew it would be a perfect 
companion for these happy faces.

We have to make our own
snowy day fun here in Texas.

Won't be long till the snow people
are put away to make room for 
Valentine's Day vignettes.

What do you like to do on a snowy day?

A winter storm moved into central Texas early morning with frigid temperatures, sleet, and snow. Schools are closed, as are many businesses, because of icy conditions, and I don't plan to leave the house. The post below was first publised in January 2014. Considering today's weather, I decided to share and ask again: What do you like  to do on a snowy day? Ski down  powdery slo...