Monday, January 18, 2021

Snow Fun

J A N U A R Y  18th
~ World Day of the Snowman ~

Unlike many of my friends, January is 
actually a favorite month for me.

We don't often have severe winters here in central Texas. 
In fact our winter days can be a roller coaster
of temperatures and weather patterns.

A recent Sunday was one of those winter weather days!
We woke to heavy rain, but by 10 AM, 
snow was gently falling and continued till late in the day.

Areas west and north of town received considerable more
snow than the few inches that accumulated here. 

Our beautiful Capitol grounds January 10, 2021
Photo Credit, Richard F. Lyons

Families delighted in the winter wonderland, and snowmen 
could be seen in many outdoor spaces across Austin neighborhoods.

By Monday, the snow had dissolved, leaving vestiges of those
neighborhood snowmen standing on brown winter grass.
I know, not a very pretty sight! 

Most January days are 
simply cold and dreary here.

But, that's OK with me. 
I'm a fan of winter!

I get to dress Sadie in a favorite sweater,
though admittedly she doesn't like rain or snow.

She would rather be
 inside up on a comfy bed or .   .   .

In her favorite chair 
with her cuddly snowman.

You'll find me on the sofa with a cup of hot tea while 
the chef sips on his mug of hot chocolate.

Yes, January 
is a favorite month.

I get to celebrate my birthday in January, 
the birthdays of some dear friends,
and a great niece and nephew.

Are you living among snowy scenes, 
out playing in the snow and enjoying the winter sports?

I say,
"Let it snow!"

Have you ever built a snowman?

Or, how about a Snowhog?
Samantha posted photos on her FB page with the quote:
 "When you show hogs, you don't make snowmen!"
Is this not the cutest?  Talk about having fun in the snow!
Photo credit, Samantha McGinnis

Tell me, are you a fan?
Is January a favorite month for you?
What do you like to do in January?

Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine's Corner Charming Homes and Gardens @ Shiplap and Shells  Embracing Home and Family @ The Everyday Farmhouse   Farmhouse Friday @ The Painted Hinge 

J A N U A R Y  18th~ World Day of the Snowman ~ Unlike many of my friends, January is  actually a favorite month for me.We don't often have severe winters here in central Texas. In fact our winter days can be a roller coasterof temperatures and weather patterns.A recent Sunday was one of those winter weather days!We woke to heavy rain, but by 10 AM, snow was gently falling and continued till...