Notice something new at
Hyacinths for the Soul?
That gorgeous new header above was a gift from Vicki @ Curly Willow DYI. A few weeks back, The Tablescaper was sporting a new header made by Vicki, a talented graphic designer who had offered to create new headers for a few of The Tablescaper's followers. I was one of the lucky ones selected.
Vicki contacted me with a few questions. Then she visited my blog to look around, and after a few more exchanges my header went from boring . . .
To this gorgeous new look.
It is the essence of Hyacinths for the Soul.
The Tablescaper is known for her gorgeous tablescapes. You can visit her here. Each Sunday she hosts a delightful meme, Seasonal Sundays, to which I'll be linking this post. After all, hyacinths are in season, and saying "Thank You" is appropriate any season of the year.
to both Vicki and The Tablescaper.
Also linking to: