Friday, June 3, 2016

June 2016

June 4, 2016 ~ National Trails Day 

Butler Trail and Lady Bird Lake ~ Austin, TX

National Trails Day is held the first Saturday in June.

It's a day in which the American Hiking Society 

sponsors events all across the country, including

hiking, biking, horseback riding, paddling trips,

 birdwatching, geocaching, stewardship projects, and more.

I plan to take to the trails at the Lady Bird Wildflower Center 

or perhaps walk the Butler Trail around Lady Bird Lake.

June 9, 2016 ~ National Celebration of Reading

Book and Author Luncheon Quilt 
Displayed in New Braunfels, Texas, 2012

A special National Celebration of Reading,

 sponsored by the 

Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy

will be held on June 9th to celebrate 

the power of literacy and to commemorate the 

25th Anniversary of the National Literacy Act

signed into law by President George H. W. Bush.

You can find details here.

June 14th ~ National Flag Day

Although many states had designated a special

day to honor the US flag each year,

it wasn't until 1949 that President Truman signed an 

Act of Congress designating June 14th of each year as 

National Flag Day.

June 18th ~ International Picnic Day

June 19th ~ Father's Day

Pack your picnic basket and head out to your favorite park or lake.

When we had our sailboat, we always packed a picnic basket

for a little alfresco dining on the water.

The basket above is the one my dad gave to me 

when I headed off to attend the University of Texas.

With all the public parks and lakes in and around Austin,

it was a perfect "send off" gift.  That was 50 years ago!

Father's Day would be the perfect time to

pack a picnic basket, spread a blanket, and treat your dad to 

a special picnic in the beautiful outdoors.

June 20th ~ Summer Solstice

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year

and marks the beginning of summer.

Happy Summer All!


June 4, 2016 ~ National Trails Day  Butler Trail and Lady Bird Lake ~ Austin, TX National Trails Day is held the first Saturday in June. It's a day in which the American Hiking Society  sponsors events all across the country, including hiking, biking, horseback riding, paddling trips,  birdwatching, geocaching, stewardship projects, and more. I plan to take to the...