Friday, October 30, 2015

Traveling Totes #4 + Fall Giveaway - X is for EXcited for the Golden Days of Fall

X is for


about the Golden Days of Fall

Welcome to Tales of the Traveling Totes #4

Texas is often hot and dry well into October,

so we don't experience the beauty that

one sees in the Northeast with  

the blazing glow of changing leaf color.

Our autumns are much more subtle.

They are indeed, Golden!

Miss Merri Mac and I

have to find our flaming orange hues

at the local plant centers.

And the many pumpkin patches

that pop up around town in early October.

Even Miss Mini Mac enjoys exploring

the abundance of russet hued pumpkins and gourds

that seem to be at every market in Austin.

Loading up a few plants

to put out in the fall garden.

A favorite fall activity is

of course shopping the venues during

Round Top Antiques Week.

Miss Merri Mac 

and I wouldn't miss it!

Always the first week in October.

A highlight this year was meeting

Anita @ Cedar Hill Ranch.

She was there signing her new book,


Farmhouse French Style.

What a treat to meet a blogging friend

whom I've admired and followed for many years.

You can find her book HERE.

Autumn in the Texas Hill Country west of Austin

is always a beautiful time of the year.

One such delightful day trip is to a

nearby olive grove at the Texas Olive Company.

Halloween is definitely

a big part of the Golden Days of Fall

here at Hyacinths for the Soul.

There is the Annual Halloween 

Dinner Party with long time girlfriends.

You can see previous years' dinner parties


Miss Merri Mac and I have also joined girlfriends

at several Halloween themed Happy Hours

where the treats were very scary.

Previous Halloween Happy Hours 

can be seen HERE and HERE.

Great ideas for party food!

Miss Merri Mac has her mask

and is ready to be filled with Halloween treats

to share with all those little goblins 

that will soon be on the street.


Golden Days of Fall!

Let's Celebrate!

All who leave a comment on this post will be

entered into a draw for a $25 Starbucks Card,

Miss Merri Mac's treat as a Thank You for

following along and joining us for

Tales of the Traveling Totes.

Winner will be announced November 11, 2015.

Below are the links to more 
Golden Days of Fall with the Traveling Totes
Join the fun!

Patti and Miss Kenzie @ Pandoras Box

Linda and Miss Posie @ More Fun Less Laundry

Debbie and Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths

Colleen and Miss MacKenzie Joy
Tami and Miss MC La Mer

Rita and Miss Luna C @ Panoply

Next Traveling Totes Series on December 15th.


X is for e-X-c-i-t-e-d about the Golden Days of Fall Welcome to Tales of the Traveling Totes #4 Texas is often hot and dry well into October, so we don't experience the beauty that one sees in the Northeast with   the blazing glow of changing leaf color. Our autumns are much more subtle. They are indeed, Golden! Miss Merri Mac and I h...