What's out and about this Halloween?Come along and see some "hauntingly creative" yards and porches.Pumpkins and gourds are the first sign of Autumn.Doors of Welcome usher in the Fall Season around neighborhoods.But Halloween brings the scary scene.Here we have a bit of "skeletal" creativity with a touch of humor!A couple of yards full of "boo-tiful" whimsey.And others with a more frightful touc...
Black Cat, Black Cat Author Unknown Black cat, Black cat Looking for a witch. All around the Night is dark as pitch. You can see because Your eyes are green. Black cat, Black cat This is Halloween! Black cats and witches seem to go together at Halloween, and we've a few who have taken up residence here at HFTS. Little Miss can usually be found in the the pump...
As the sun hangs low the witches begin to gather.There're flying in from all around, with faithful black cats along side.Mr. Scarecrow welcomes the lively group . . .Offering bits of cheese with fresh picked figs.A spooky tree centers the evening table.As each witch cat finds a spot among the bare branches.Each will hover above their witch who dines below.Shiny black dinnerware sets the stage.So...
Hello, my little lovelies. Glad you stopped by. The witches are in and accepting guests! Hop in the basket with Cyrus, We'll introduce you to some of our favorite friends. There's always a jar full of candy corn this time of year. Grab a handful and let's continue on our way. No "snickering"! Or "popping" in and out of the basket for more...
The summer we married, my husband was in graduate school, and I was employed as a teacher. We took a portion of our savings that summer and purchased a sailboat. We christened our Catalina 22, “Hyacinths For The Soul” after Saadi’s poem. Our "Hyacinths" provided years of pleasure. We continue to cherish the extras of life as food for our souls.
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