Monday, April 3, 2023

Monday Morning Blooms For Easter

Welcome to Monday Morrning Blooms
I'm celebrating April and the upcoming Easter holiday
with a profusion of blooms and bunnies!

A huge thank you to Pam, Lidy, and Mary 
for their kind invitation for Janice and me to join in today's 
Monday Morning Blooms.

Come hop along on 
Cottontail Lane!

Spring is slow to arrive in the garden, so join me indoors 
where my collection of moss bunnies frolics 
among colorful blooms in petite silver baskets, 
stemware, and fern pots.
I filled a moss basket with a 
planted hydrangea to set the stage.

Through the years, a variety of darling moss bunnies 
have hopped into my home and heart.

Each one has it's own personality!

I think they are the perfect touch 
for a tabletop garden.

Some like to leap about,

While this pair is more 
interested in rubbing noses.

Years ago I became obsessed with petite silver 
posey baskets and now have a small collection.

I filled them with a few blooms from my garden 
and stems from a grocery store bouquet.

I even tucked in some faux lily of the valley.

A Spring Tabletop Garden

To continue the bunnies in the garden theme, 
I topped my plate stack with the Black Rabbit plate from
Anthropologie Zoological Gardens.

I couldn't resist adding an individual fresh posey 
of bluebonnets, alyssum, and orange violas on the plates.

Look at it with the stunning linen napkin from

Even the napkins are ringed in flowers.

Old World Christmas  knows how I like to use their ornaments 
to add a special touch to tabletops and floral arrangements, so
 I was thrilled to receive a few Easter ornaments to style.  
Old World Christmas' blown glass and hand painted ornaments 
make the perfect place card holder and take home gift for friends.

Are you surprised that this little 
black and white bunny is my favorite?

The darling chick is meant to clip onto a tree branch.
Wouldn't it be fun to have a set of these tucked
here and there among a floral arrangement?

This cute vintage bunny with cart is circa 1950, Made in Japan.
Sometimes I fill the cart with flowers, but today it's malted milk eggs.

Thank you for joining me today.
What is your favorite spring flower?

Hippity Hoppity
Easter is on it's way!


The summer we married, my husband was in graduate school, and I was employed as a teacher. We took a portion of our savings that summer and purchased a sailboat. We christened our Catalina 22, “Hyacinths For The Soul” after Saadi’s poem. Our "Hyacinths" provided years of pleasure.


  1. Good Morning Sarah! Your moss bunnies stole my heart…I want to reside on Cottontail Lane! Such a beautiful vignette and table for Easter or spring with mix of blooms and gorgeous silver pieces- you make me want to shop eBay for pretty silver posey baskets! I love your individual posey bouquets and envy your access to bluebonnets you have in your great state of Texas. I’ve never seen them in person and love seeing photos of them blooming en masse, I bet it’s a sight to behold in person. Such sweet OWC ornaments, I adore the black and white bunny too, perfectly paired with your Anthro Black Rabbit plate! Thank you so much for joining us for some flower therapy today. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead. ♥

  2. How beautiful Sarah. Your garden topped tablescape is so perfect for spring. Love the silver posy vases, so unique. How special to have bluebonnets, your state’s flower. Adorable ornaments, I can see why your love the black and white one.the Anthro black rabbit plate is eye catching. A lovely tablescape for spring. Enjoy your week.

  3. Good morning, Sarah! I love your moss bunnies and how they frolic on your beautiful table! I have a small collection of moss bunnies and I know they would love to join yours and hop along Cottontail Lane. I have petite silver basket envy. Like Mary, I feel a need to shop eBay for those darling Posey baskets. The moss basket is perfect for the potted hydrangea. I would love to find one of those baskets. The OWC ornaments are darling used as place card holders. Hopefully, one day I will see the Texas bluebonnets in bloom.Your spring tabletop garden is perfection and once again, I love your attention to detail! It is always a treat to have you join us for Monday Morning Blooms. Wishing you a blessed Easter!

  4. Sarah, your spring tabletop garden is adorable. Of the moss bunnies, the leaping one captures how I feel about spring. :) Your posey baskets are yet another of your many collectibles I don't think I've ever seen (at least not en masse, so pretty!). That mid-century Japanese ceramic is adorable, and so is the more modern bunny plate from Anthro. Always done in style, your table and floral arrangements keep me coming back and wanting more! Happy Easter week to you.

  5. Oh Sarah, your big moss bunny stole my heart immediately! What an adorable tabletop bunny garden!! I love all the smaller moss bunnies frolicking around the blooms in pretty little vases and baskets. The black bunny plate from Anthro is so fun and different, and the napkin rings are gorgeous! I love all the different colors of blooms in your sweet bunny garden and had to smile when I saw the small black and white bunny :) The bunny ornaments are beautiful, what special place card holders and party favors they make. There is a new surprise everywhere I look! Delightful Sarah, you have certainly brightened this rainy Monday morning!

  6. Sarah, what a delightful table set with all those darling bunnies! How happy anyone invited to join you would be seeing the lovely table setting you have created. I love the silver vases with your pretty flowers, the garden like setting and pretty much every single thing about this inspiring table top.

    Wishing you and your family a blessed Easter, dear friend. It is a joy, always, to have you join our Monday Morning Blooms! xo Lidy

  7. Love love love your Easter tabletop garden. The moss bunnies have stolen my heart and that wonderful collection of silver posey baskets. So pretty! Have a lovely Easter Week!

  8. Dearest Sarah,
    Those bunnies sure look as cute as can be!
    Perfect Easter Table Setting.
    This year I have to skip all that as I'm yet unable to squat down for getting my things out of the oak wall unit... Tough for not being able:
    But let's hope that there will be another year and maybe years, that I can do this again:
    Big hugs and wishing you a special Holy Week and Happy Easter!

  9. Well, I was reading your post and we got a tornado warning and lost power. The wind and rain were fierce and the Country Club very near to our house had roof damage on the outside porch. Fast forward about four hours and the sun is out. I am very thankful we were spared damage but it was scary seeing the bow on the radar.It passed very quickly.
    Your post is delightful. I love seeing your silver posy baskets and pretty flowers with a myriad of cute moss bunnies. Your Japanese bunny cart is adorable. He has such personality.
    I have been blessed to see the Texas bluebonnets in bloom and they look so sweet tucked in your individual posies.
    Sarah, I love all flowers but I am partial to hydrangeas. Can't wait until they bloom. It was a treat to view your post today! Happy Easter!

  10. Oh the Bunny Parade on your most adorable table!!! You always have the most unique and beautiful tablescape with the greatest accessories to enhance your theme! So much inspiration! Happy Easter Sarah!!
    Love and jelly beans, Shirley ~ Housepitality Designs

  11. This is so pretty - I can't believe how many "collections" you have, but the basket vases are so special! I think my fav spring flower is lily of the valley! Happy Easter!

  12. Hi Sarah,

    I love your darling moss bunnies. They are so cute and complement your Easter table beautifully. The abundance of flowers is simply a joy to look at. So many pretty colors and textures. Thank you for the inspiration!

    It was fun joining Monday Morning Blooms with you.


  13. Wonderful exuberant blooms tamed with your choices of your quietly elegant silver poses vases. The miss bunnies add a quotient of sweet and gentle personality. Wait! I just described you! Happy Easter! CherryKay

  14. Dear Sarah, I am late to the party -- and yet in a way, glad I waited. I wanted to have the time to sink into every beautiful photo, to not rush but simply savor the beauty that you have shared with us here. And it IS beyond beautiful. What a lovely table in every way -- who wouldn't want to sit and savor all this? To be honest, it wouldn't matter if you served only chex mix! It's never the food, but the beauty of it all.

    Sending all love for a special and lovely Easter. I sense it might be a challenging one this year. I hope you know that you are wrapped in love from so very many of us.

  15. Darling girl, you have surpassed yourself with these adorable tablescapes, each and every one of them could, and should, be featured in a lifestyle magazine. Love this post. Happy Easter my dear friend.

  16. How lovely! Everything is beautiful, and the Lily of the Valley looks so real! Every little detail of your arrangements and tablescape is perfect. Happy belated Easter!

  17. Its one of the best blog i have came through.
    Tarpaulin Sheeting


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