Saturday, August 17, 2019

Bee Kind ~ Celebrate World Honey Bee Day

August 17, 2019 ~ World Honey Bee Day!

 Please come join in the 
celebration out on the terrace.

 We are serving sweet 
honey lemon bee hive cakelets.

Everyone knows I'm a collector at heart.
Are you surprised that I would have a collection
of bee hive honey pots and other bee items?

 Buzz right on in and get a "bees" eye view
of all the bee inspired details.

 Mack the Bear is here to also share some 
important details about the day. 

A day to honor those busy buzzing bees who are responsible 
for more than a third of the food we enjoy eating.
A day to honor those dedicated honey bee enthusiast 
who care for the hives of bees across the world.

Mack the Bear wants to put a "bee in your bonnet"!
There are many envionmental issues that affect honey bees today.

We all need to be aware of what we 
can do to make a difference.
The Honey Bee Conservency 
offers excellent suggestions here.

Don't forget:

Plant a garden of bee loving plants. 

Support your local bee keepers.

Buy local honey and .   .   . 

Take advantage of the many 
health benefits associated with local honey.

Sadie encourages you to 
become an advocate for bees.

"Woof, Woof"
Spread the word!

If interested, you can find the recipe for 
Honey Lemon Cakelets 

Ten Ways to Make Your Yard More Friendly
to Bees and Other Pollinators 

Let's Celebrate 
World Honey Bees 

~ Save the Bees ~

Sadie Mercedes and I always 
appreciate your comments and visits.
Thank you for buzzing in today.


August 17, 2019 ~ World Honey Bee Day!  Please come join in the  celebration out on the terrace.  We are serving sweet  honey lemon bee hive cakelets. Everyone knows I'm a collector at heart. Are you surprised that I would have a collection of bee hive honey pots and other bee items?  Buzz right on in and get a "bees" eye view of all the bee inspired details.  Mac...

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Celebrate with the Hedgehogs ~ National S'mores Day

Come celebrate with the hedghogs for
National S'mores Day!

Summer isn't summer without s'mores!
I'm long retired from my days in an elementary classroom,
but if I were still teaching, I'd have a small teepee set up
for a quiet reading spot that would include a couple of these big, soft pillows fom MacKenzie-Childs.  
I predict such a reading corner would be in high demand for those students looking for some quiet solitude.  

Sadie doesn't read, 

but she agrees this cute MacKenzie-Childs pillow is a 
perfect soft addition for lounging.

It was also the springboard for setting a dessert tray to 
celebrate the day with s'mores and an afternoon cup of expresso.

Too hot for a campfire, so I'm serving these delicious bites
 of chocolate with roasted marshmallows ~ S'mores Tiny Pies.

Do you see those cute little hedgehogs?
Chocolate is toxic to dogs, so
I added a safe little treat for our Sadie girl.
Trader Joe's Organic Honey Hedgehog Cookies
are for people, but a bite or two is safe for Sadie.

The petite cup and saucer was a antique shop find  
last fall when I visited Kansas City.
It's the perfect size for an expresso, but mostly it was the rim of words that name different animals that intrigued me.
This teacher loving heart couldn't resist it!

S'mores is the contraction of "some more"!
As a young  Girl Scout, camping always ended 
with these gooey chocolate treats.
As an adult, campfires are no longer a frequent occurance 
in my life, but I never turn down a chance to indulge 
in a s'more of any variety.

S'mores Tiny Pies, 
chocolate custard baked in a graham cracker crust and topped with homemade marshmallows roasted to perfection.

What is your favorite way to eat s'mores?

Congratulations to Kitty @ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen,
the winner of our Starbucks Besties Gift Card.
Thank you to all who visited and left a comment on 
Fun in the Sun with Miss Merri Mac.
If you missed the post, you can read it here.

Come celebrate with the hedghogs for National S'mores Day! Summer isn't summer without s'mores! I'm long retired from my days in an elementary classroom, but if I were still teaching, I'd have a small teepee set up for a quiet reading spot that would include a couple of these big, soft pillows fom MacKenzie-Childs.   I predict such a reading corner would be in high demand for tho...