Sunday, October 29, 2017

Autumn in New York ~ It is So Inviting!

Autumn in New York is always inviting, and especially
so when one is meeting up with a group of friends.

Yes, after more than two years into the series, 
Tales of the Traveling Tote,
the girls behind the totes decided to meet up in the Big Apple 
and finally meet each other in person.

Seven of the nine of us made the trip,
traveling from California, Texas, Alabama, 
Connecticut, Massachusetts, and upstate NY.
It was a weekend to remember!

First up ~ Friday evening @ Fonda in Chelsea.

Each of us arrived in the city at different times through the week,
so a few of us got a head start with Friday Happy Hour.
It's amazing how this group easily connected as if we
had known each other for a life time.

Saturday morning, the girls and totes all converged 
for brunch @ The Russian Tea Room.

Clockwise From Left
Sarah @ Hyacinth for the Soul
Linda @ Life and Linda
Debbie @ Mountain Breaths
Patti @ Pandora's Box

The Birthday Girl

Jenna @ The Painted Apron and Rita @ Panoply
were definitely with us in spirit.

Look for more about this beautiful
venue in the next Traveling Tote series.

After brunch, Katie was off to the theatre,
 but the rest of us headed to our favorite NY store.
~ MacKenzie-Childs @ 20 West 57th Street ~

We were warmly greeted by Greg and Roz.

This duo was expecting us and graciously arranged for champagne 
and sweet treats upstairs in the beautiful mezzanine area,
serving us on our favorite dishes.

The girls of the Traveling Totes have been cyber friends for years,
and it was truly heartwarming to see how easily and 
smoothly we melded into real time.
You would have thought we all had been life long friends.
As Winnie the Pooh said,
"As soon as I met you, I knew an adventure was going to begin!"
An adventure it was! Even some of the
Men Behind the Totes 
joined in on the fun time in NYC.

Needless to say, MacKenzie-Childs is like nirvana,
the idyllic shop that makes us happy!

Shopping with these girls is the best!

"The best things in life are the people you love, the places
you've been, and the memories you've made along the way."

Thank you, Traveling Tote Gals, for a magical 
and fun time in NYC!

Let the adventures continue!


Autumn in New York is always inviting, and especially so when one is meeting up with a group of friends. Yes, after more than two years into the series,  Tales of the Traveling Tote, the girls behind the totes decided to meet up in the Big Apple  and finally meet each other in person. Seven of the nine of us made the trip, traveling from California, Texas, Alabama,  Conne...

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Autumn Traditions, A Blog Tour


I'm joining a group of Texas bloggers
for our annual Fall Blog Tour.

Last year I shared fall Texas style around my home.
You can view that post here.

Touches of fall added here and there around the house
are a nod to my favorite season of cooler temps
and the earthy colors that I'm drawn to.

Today's post is more about favorite fall traditions
that I thought I'd share with my readers.

If it's fall in Texas, that means it's time for me to head on over
to the beautiful area around Round Top, Texas
for the annual Antiques Festival.

Photo ~ 
Big Red Barn ~ The Show That Started It All
This year was the Golden Anniversary of the antiques show
that started the incredible phenomenon of the biannual 
Round Top Antiques Festival.

Two favorites I left behind.
I admit that I haven't been attending for fifty years, but I can 
certainly say I shopped Emma Lee Tourney's original show at the Riffle Hall in the 1980s when it was the solo venue.

Gorgeous Display of Copper and Staffordshire Pieces
Over the years the original show grew, eventually moved to it's current location at the Big Red Barn, and spawned hundreds of other antique venues which open around the same time.

The Garden Company, Marburger Farm
Marburger Farm is one of those shows, and it's a favorite.
I wouldn't miss this show!  There are over 350 unique dealers  from across the US and Europe, and all offer quality antiques and
vintage finds.  Each space is styled with amazingly original and creative vignettes, tablescapes, and displays, all there to inspire.   

Cottonseed Trading Company Main Display
One of my favorite vendors is Cottonseed Trading Company from Alabama.  Marsha and David Smith are the creative duo behind the incredible visual treats one finds when visiting their space.  
Last year most of their booth was sold out within 
hours after the show opened.  

Cottonseed Trading Company Tablescape
Each show Marsha sets several creative and inspiring tables.
Click here to see a post on one of her spring tables from years past. 

More Gorgeous Copper For My Chef
Yes, shopping Marburger is a unique experience, 
one that reminds me of shopping the wonderful
antique markets in France and the UK.

Another tradition is the annual purchase of bittersweet and pumpkins.  These seem to signal that fall has arrived, and that it's time to add those special fall touches to our home.

This year I added bittersweet to my MacKenzie-Childs three tiered stand, topping off each Courtly Check planter with a baby boo.
The Heirloom Needlepoint Pumpkins are the creative offerings from SM Wollman Designs sold online here.

 This darling pumpkin from my friend Patti @ Pandora's Box
is the perfect touch in my home.  If you click over to Patti's link above, you'll see lots of fall inspiration in her home.

The cooler temps of fall inspire me to spend time in the kitchen. 
 I like to bake mini loaves of quick breads to take
to friends as a "Welcome Autumn" gift.
It's a favorite fall tradition.

 I also like to tie a bow on the stem of a special pumpkin
and deliver that instead of flowers.

A complete post on this 
banana nut bread is found here.

Last but not least, pumpkins and fall annuals are always added to
our front porch to provide a festive fall welcome at home.
Simple fall traditions!

Fall In Love With Texas Blog Tour
Be sure to stop by my fellow TX bloggers' tours.
Just click the links below.

Day 1

Day 2 

Day 3

Also joining

HOWDY, Y'ALL! I'm joining a group of Texas bloggers for our annual Fall Blog Tour. Last year I shared fall Texas style around my home. You can view that post here. Touches of fall added here and there around the house are a nod to my favorite season of cooler temps and the earthy colors that I'm drawn to. Today's post is more about favorite fall traditio...