Sunday, March 1, 2020

Tales of the Traveling Tote # 22

Rabbit, Rabbit!
Welcome to Tales of the Traveling Tote #22

I'm dedicating this edition to Poppy, my new MKC tote,
You can read all about this special bag here.
Poppy has been out and about,
 getting to know Austin the past 3 months.

 January is my birth month 
and this cutie's too.

We celebrated together at 
Hayley's Cakes and Cookies.

Januuary was filled with celebration lunches 
with friends, and Poppy joined in on every occasion.
I was excited to introduce this new girl to my precious friend, Pamela, who is also an enthusiastic collector of MacKenzie-Childs.
Image from Peached Tortilla
January 25 was the start of the Lunar New Year,
so First Sundays at The Peached Tortilla
celebrated with a Lunar New Year Megashake.

Of course I had to take Poppy!

We've been visiting favorite plant centers to see what 
might be available as we plan a new courtyard
that is part of our remodel project.

Miss Poppy selected a few new pots.

 Miss Poppy and I visited Gerogetown to share the day with my sister, and took her to our favorite lunch spot, Sweet Lemon!

After lunch we popped into a few new shops. 
This clever heart decorated cacti caught our attention.

 The shop is The World Headquarters of the Texas travel TV show, 
THE DAYTRIPPER, with host Chet Garnet.
Inside we found a variety of Texas themed merchandise and handmade products made here in Texas.

"Texas is BIG!  And exploring it ain't no small vacation - it's a lifetime endeavor.  But that's exactly why we're here.  From the well-known landmarks to the completely obscure dives and hideaways, we explore every corner of the Lone Star State.  Hopefuly , inspiring you to head out on your own Texas-sized adventures." 
The Texas Daytripper

Look at these cute pillows created by the 
young woman who owns this shop.

 Gatherings, my favorite Georgetown antique shop, 
is always packed to the brim with antique and vintage pieces from the past, styled in the most amazing, eye catching vignettes.

Back in Austin, I confess, Miss Poppy is well 
known at my local Starbucks.

 And all my go to bakeries in town.  

I enjoyed a fun evening out with girlfriends for dinner and the
Broadway Austin production of HELLO DOLLY.
My Courtly Check wallet is a perfect fit in my newly gifted
clear bag, required for such events.

No exotic travels for us,
but we sure have stayed busy!
Thanks for joining us!

Jenna is hosting the March giveaway, 
leave a comment on her blog to be entered.
Be sure to visit all the adventures below.
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul (You are here)
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  

Rabbit, Rabbit! Welcome to Tales of the Traveling Tote #22 I'm dedicating this edition to Poppy, my new MKC tote, You can read all about this special bag here. Poppy has been out and about,  getting to know Austin the past 3 months.  January is my birth month  and this cutie's too. We celebrated together at  Hayley's Cakes and Cookies. Januuary was fill...