Monday, February 17, 2020

President's Day Table

~ Presidents' Day ~
Monday, February 17, 2020
This day always brings to mind memories of my oldest brother who was born on February 22.  He shares both the name and birthdate
of the first President of the United States.

Cherries make me think of
both of these guys named George.

In their honor I set a table  
with what else but ~
CHERRIES, of course!

Vintage linens, black and white checks, tartan plaid,
and Mary Engelbreit's own cherry inspired dishes.
Definitely a Mary Engelbreit sort of table!

A vintage cloth 
with sassy lacy details . . .

Holds its own below black ruffled
placemats and a bold tartan plaid charger.

Dinner Plate

Salad Plate

Soup or Cereal Bowl

All layered to give the
classic Mary Engelbreit look.

Add a bit of vintage 
mother of pearl flatware . . .

And a spoon 
with ginkgo leaf detail . . .

A bit more touch of 
tartan plaid for good measure . . .

And a bit more 
black and white checks.

The special touch 
of a vintage toast rack . . .

Paired with the acorn leaf details of a
favorite butter knife finish off the setting.

As you munch on a bite of bread and butter before
lunch, lean in closely, I've a little secret to share.

All the dishes on this table were "thrifty" finds!
"Goodwill Hunting" @ 99¢ a piece

Oh, is that bowl still empty?

How about 
a cherry pie . . .

To finish out the layers for this
very cherry table
honoring two guys named George.
I first shared this table in 2011, but I like to bring it
out of the archives to share again and again.
Hope you don't mind seeing a repeat every now and then.


~ Presidents' Day ~ Monday, February 17, 2020 This day always brings to mind memories of my oldest brother who was born on February 22.  He shares both the name and birthdate of the first President of the United States. Cherries make me think of both of these guys named George. In their honor I set a table   with what else but ~ CHERRIES, of course! Vintage linens, black and w...

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Tulips and Tea

Welcome to Tulips and Tea
~ A Friendship Valentine Tea ~

I've set a tea tray with some of my favorite 

MacKenzie-Childs dishes, perfect
partners for Valentine's.

A special Mariage Freres tea is steeping.
in my favorite Odd Fellows tea pot.

 Tea cups in a variety of Taylor patterns
are stacked at the ready, waiting for each of you.

 My "chef" has prepared some savory bites of 
egg with bacon and creme fraiche atop a potato round.

There are also yummy sweet treats.
~ Crispy French Palmiers ~ 
~Chocolate Shortbread Hearts ~
~ Fancy Marshmallow Bites ~
~ Sweetheart Macarons ~

Don't miss out on these 
melt in your mouth delights.

These special French macarons  
are embellished with edible gold.
Hayley's Cakes and Cookies

Tiny Belle de Sucre hearts for those 
who like to sweeten their tea.

This Friendship Tea is for you, my
Sisters by Heart!

Tea with friends is 
an afternoon delight!


 A Group on Instagram @Friends Who Inspire 
will share virtual tea parties today 2/6/2020
3 pm EST and  8 pm EST.
I hope this post has inspired you to visit each of us on Instagram.
If you like my style, I invite you to follow me 

Below are lists of accounts who are participating.
Afternoon Group

Evening Group

Welcome to Tulips and Tea ~ A Friendship Valentine Tea ~ I've set a tea tray with some of my favorite  MacKenzie-Childs dishes, perfect partners for Valentine's. A special Mariage Freres tea is steeping. in my favorite Odd Fellows tea pot.  Tea cups in a variety of Taylor patterns are stacked at the ready, waiting for each of you.  My "chef" has prepared s...

Sunday, February 2, 2020

We Have a Winner!

Congratulations to Rhonda,  
the lucky winner of this wonderful, 
one-of-a-kind tote bag from MacKenzie-Childs. 
Rhonda left a comment with Jenna @ The Painted Apron.
Thank you to all who participated! 

 Each of us are most appreciative of your interest and for the many 
thoughtful comments left on our blogs, Face Book, and Instragram.  
Patti @ Pandora's Box held the drawing.
A huge thank you to the generous and talented team at 

Hop on the Merry-Go-Round and join us 
March 1st for our next adventures!

Congratulations to Rhonda,   the lucky winner of this wonderful,  one-of-a-kind tote bag from MacKenzie-Childs.  Rhonda left a comment with Jenna @ The Painted Apron. Thank you to all who participated!   Each of us are most appreciative of your interest and for the many  thoughtful comments left on our blogs, Face Book, and Instragram.   Patti @ Pandora's Box held the drawing. A hu...