June 18th is designated as International Picnic Day.
cart of donated books at our local branch library.
girl who loves a good picnic.
of my blogging friends' picnic posts.
To offer up some inspiration and charm,
I've selected some choice picnic ideas to share here.
You can click on the individual links to view the post in full.
Patti, on the other hand, took her MacKenzie-Childs
enamel ware to the beach for a picnic on the sand.
A Perfect Day for a Picnic @ A Quiet Life
Planning ahead with a bit of entertainment is
a good idea ~ kites, bikes, croquet, frisbee.
A Friend's Daughter ~ Jen Schow Photogrphy
Used With Permission
Real or make believe, a picnic is a
delightful way to entertain children outdoors.
And we all know that Teddy Bears
are known to enjoy a good picnic.
A Ride With the Picnic Cookbook @ A Quiet Life
Pack a picnic basket, grab a blanket or quilt,
and head off to your favorite picnic spot to enjoy
the pleasures of dining outdoors on a perfect day.
it's a pleasurable state of mind."
~ DeeDee Stovel, Picnic
photos and links to these charming picnics.
Anita @ Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Jain @ A Quiet Life
Laurie @ Bargain Decorating with Laurie
Linda @ More Fun Less Laundry
Maggie @ Normandy Life
Mary @ Home is Where the Boat Is
Patti @ Pandora's Box