E is for Excursion
Excursion ~ a short trip or outing to some place,
usually for a special purpose,
and with the intention of a prompt return.
I just know you have all been anxiously awaiting
June 15th and the first installment of
Tales of the Traveling Totes.
A little background ~ I'm one of a group of bloggers
who are long time fans of MacKenzie-Childs.
When MacKenzie-Childs offered these Courtly Check totes
so we could each snag one for ourselves.
Patti suggested we share a series of
travel adventures taken with our totes.
Tales of the Traveling Totes
Come along if you enjoy "arm chair" travels.
Spring in Texas!
~ Miss CC's Maiden Excursion ~
Round Top Antiques Fair!
Time to leave the big city
and enjoy a little country time.
The roadsides and fields were covered
in beautiful bluebonnets.
There are over 60 different shows
during the Round Top Antiques Fair,
and over 100,00 vistors from across the
US flock to TX to ether buy or sell.
Marburger Farm is one of my favorites!
Marburger Farm is spread out over 43 acres
with 10 large tents and 12 historic buildings
filled with antique treasures from
early Texas to Mid-Century Modern.
French ~ English ~ Asian ~ Continental
Architectural ~ Garden ~ Silver ~ Art
There is something for everyone.
~ Beautiful Ceramics ~
~ Copper ~ Tortoise ~ Unique Finds
~ Tartan Ware ~
~ Bovine Butter Molds ~
Amazing Assortment of Heart Themed Objects
~ L ~ O ~ V ~ E ~
~ Victorian Bamboo Furniture ~
The instant we spied this piece,
it was love at first sight.
With Miss CC's approval
and a thumbs up from the "chef",
this beauty is now part of our sun room.
Yes, I'd say Miss CC had a perfect day
among the bluebonnets and antiques.
Miss CC is the perfect shopping companion!
Fall Show ~ September 29 - October 3, 2015
Make your plans to join us!
Miss CC had such a great time
shopping at Marburger Farm in early April
that she wanted to tag along on the Hill Country Antiques Trip
with the Austin Antiques Club to Comfort and Boerne.
Off bright and early on a Wednesday morning,
our hostesses served us breakfast treats
during our bus ride to Comfort, TX.
We arrived ready to hit the streets
in search of antiques and other finds.
A day out shopping with girlfriends.
What fun!
~ Religious Art and Icons ~
~ Reproduction Signs and Gifts ~
~ Antique Chocolate Molds ~
But it was this little
guy that captured my heart.
~ J Chein and Co. Vintage Tin Toy c1950 ~
Next Easter, he'll join this vintage tin toy
I brought home from Marburger Farm.
We enjoyed a delicious lunch
at 814 A Texas Bistro.
Chef and Owner, Millard Kunkendall,
usually open only for dinner,
welcomed our group for a private lunch,
serving a delicious mixed green salad
along side a crab cake on cheese grits.
Dessert was amazing!
~ Double Walnut Cinnamon Bread Pudding ~
The bistro is housed in a charming 1910 building
that was originally built for the Comfort Post Office.
After lunch the bus drove us
on to Boerne, TX for more shopping.
This Bradley and Hubbard
brass letter holder caught my attention.
As did this set of
Wedgwood Napoleon Ivy.
I wanted to add this rather large
chocolate mold to the group I have,
but I left him behind.
Before heading to the bus,
we stopped to sit a bit with Wild Bill Hickok.
Back on the bus, our hostesses
were ready with a glass of wine and savory treats.
As the bus made
it's way back to Austin,
Everyone relaxed and visited about our day
while Ruben, our competent driver,
drove us safely back to Austin.
Stay tuned for more adventures
on the road again with Miss CC.
E is for Excursion
Excursion ~ a short trip or outing to some place,
usually for a special purpose,
and with the intention of a prompt return.
I just know you have all been anxiously awaiting
June 15th and the first installment of
Tales of the Traveling Totes.
A little background ~ I'm one of a group of bloggers
who are long time fans of...