Sunday, May 31, 2015

C Is for Cow

~ C is for COW ~

I didn't grow up on a farm,
and though I did grow up in a small 
rural community,  I'm definitely more of a city girl.
Not to say that I don't adore the beauty, 
the quiet, and the sheer magic of country life.  I do!

My longtime real life friend and fellow blogger, 
lives in the most picturesque 
rural area of Normandy, France.

You can look out her windows
and gaze upon these beautiful creatures
that graze the green pastures which surround her home.

Pure Bliss !
  ~  Bovine Love  ~

Yes, I'm a Texas girl who lives in the big city,
but looks forward to the occasional get away to the country.
This longhorn lives on a friend's ranch in Fredricksburg.

The black and white Belted Galloways
greet us at the entrance.
I call them the "Oreo" Cows.
They never fail to make me smile with delight.

Image Used With Permission

I have a Pinterest Board ~ Bovine Love
The image above from Miss Mustard Seed
is my most popular pin.  
One look and you must know why.
You can follow my board here if so inclined.

This bovine pair with their keepers traveled home 
with me from France to live in my Texas kitchen.
They are hand-painted French faience 
from the Desvres region.

Image Used With Permission
My friend, Nancy @ Nancy's Daily Dish
is one of the best resources for
vintage transferware.

This Charlotte butter box is one of
my favorite pieces purchased from Nancy.

The cow creamer was a Round Top find, but
 Nancy has several cow creamers available in her web store.
This girl joined several others here in a tablescape entitled,
How Now Brown Cow.

Image Used With Permission
Another blogger friend, Jacqueline @ Cabin and Cottage
shares the most exquisite posts of vintage linens,
transfer ware, and other delights.

Image Used With Permission
When I first spied this butter tub on her site,
I was totally smitten.
It's one of those images that have stayed with me,
always in the back of my mind, holding out hope 
that I, too, might find one.

Image Used With Permission
What's not to love?
~ Vintage Brown Transfer Ware ~
~ Figural Finial ~
~ Embossed Lettering ~

Have you ever heard the old adage,
 "till the cows come home" ?
Cows are known for languidly grazing the green 
pastures before making their way back home.
It means:  for a long but indefinite time

I waited a long time!
I waited till the cows came home!
When I spied this charmer tucked way back in a 
glass case in a Dallas antique mall, 
almost hidden from sight,
I could hardly control my excitement.  
Yes, this sweet butter tub finally came home!


~ C is for COW ~


~ C is for COW ~ I didn't grow up on a farm, and though I did grow up in a small  rural community,  I'm definitely more of a city girl. Not to say that I don't adore the beauty,  the quiet, and the sheer magic of country life.  I do! My longtime real life friend and fellow blogger,  Maggie @ Normandy Life lives in the most picturesque  rural area of Normandy, France. You ca...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

B is for Breaking News

Memorial Day 2015.

Austin made the national news once again.

Another Memorial Day Flood

for Austin, Texas.

Area at 15th and Lamar ~ Photo Shared By A Neighbor

Heavy rains have fallen over Austin for more than a week,

but Saturday night and Monday afternoon

the rains were torrential, filling creeks and

rivers with fast moving water.

Shoal Creek Bridge At Park Entrance On Lamar

Shoal Creek runs through west Austin

down to the Colorado River, known as Lady Bird Lake,

where the river flows through downtown Austin.

Looking South Down Lamar ~ Photo by Jill Pewet-McCann

The rains started mid afternoon, but by

late afternoon they had moved out 

leaving flooded streets behind.

Austin rescue teams were posted at major bridges

ready to assist and rescue if needed.

By 8 PM water continued to

 roar down Shoal Creek.

But the bridge over the creek near

our neighborhood was back to normal.

Remember it had been completely covered

with roaring water just hours earlier.



Austin is in the heart of what is called

Flash Flood Alley.

Flash floods are considered the leading

natural disaster in Central Texas.

Photo of Missing Corpus Christi Families That Was Posted On The Web

The small village of Wimberley, TX, 

just a few miles south of Austin, was devastated

Saturday night when the Blanco River crested 

at over 40 feet, washing homes off their foundations.

My heart aches at the news of the loss, 

especially the missing families from Corpus Christi

who are long time friends of many of my own friends.

Continued prayers and hope that these families will be rescued.


B is for Breaking News,

but A is for Appreciation,

and I'd like to once again thank

my blogging friends for all the recent emails

of concern for our safety here in Austin.

We are safe and fortunate to be high and dry.


Memorial Day 2015. Austin made the national news once again. Another Memorial Day Flood for Austin, Texas. Area at 15th and Lamar ~ Photo Shared By A Neighbor Heavy rains have fallen over Austin for more than a week, but Saturday night and Monday afternoon the rains were torrential, filling creeks and rivers with fast moving water. Shoal Creek Bridge At Park Entrance...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A is for Appreciation

A is for Appreciation!

I'm still here,

just not very visible these days.

I wish I could say I've

been busy in my garden.

Recent heavy rains have been delightful,

and have left the garden lush and green.

 Knockout roses

have bloomed and bloomed.

The day lilies, my "sure bet" perennial

are bright and cheerful.

What have I been doing?

Sorting  ~ Organizing ~ Donating ~ Packing

That's what my focus has been in recent weeks.

A move is in our future!

Thank you to all my blogging buddies 

who have written to check in on me.

This community is the best!

I much appreciate each and every friendship!

A is for Appreciation!

A is for Appreciation! I'm still here, just not very visible these days. I wish I could say I've been busy in my garden. Recent heavy rains have been delightful, and have left the garden lush and green.  Knockout roses have bloomed and bloomed. The day lilies, my "sure bet" perennial are bright and cheerful. What have I been doing? Sorti...