~ February ~
The month of hearts and flowers
and special valentines.
Sometime last year and again this past month,
I happened upon some vintage valentines
that charmed my heart.
They brought back memories of the
valentine boxes of my youth.
Any box with a removable lid worked,
but ours were usually a shoebox or oatmeal container.
Mother helped us cut an opening
slot in the lid and then cover
the box with shiny gift wrap paper.
She showed us how to make crepe paper ruffles
to trim the sides and gave us delicate
paper doilies and ribbons to decorate the top.
Construction paper hearts accented with silver, gold, or red glitter
were the final adornments for our annual
February Valentine Box.
You remember ~ the pretty boxes that we took
to school for that all important
Valentine's Day Party.
Our boxes were filled to the brim with these simple
flat valentines from our classmates.
Black rotary phones were the norm
in households of the 1950s,
but mechanical valentines were the special
ones found among the cards in the classroom valentine box.
Mechanical valentines, those with moveable parts,
were popular in the 1940s and 1950s.
Do you see the tiny metal brad
at the top of the fence post?
It's the mechanism that allows the horse
to jump over the fence.
This very clever one reveals a message in
the window on the building on the dock.
Notice the play on words and
watch the eyes as
the message begins to appear.
"I'm going to "SEA"
you'll be mine.
Honeycomb popups were also
popular in my youthful years.
Tell me . . .
What are your favorite valentine memories
from your childhood days?
Do you remember fancy valentine boxes
and Valentine's Day parties?
This is a post from the archives that
I brought back just for the new linky party
Thoughts of Home on Thursday
Click the link and join me for the fun.
The hostesses are offering a great give away.
~ February ~
The month of hearts and flowers
and special valentines.
Sometime last year and again this past month,
I happened upon some vintage valentines
that charmed my heart.
They brought back memories of the
valentine boxes of my youth.
Any box with a removable lid worked,
but ours were usually a shoebox or oatmeal container.