Sunday, September 29, 2019

Autumn Tableau

It's the end of September, and yet day after day
the temps reach into the high 90s or above.

 This September has been the hottest ever on record for Austin, 
but I'm like a squirrel gathering nuts, as I gather up a few
of my own things to add a touch of fall here at
home despite the summer-like weather. 

These vibrant fresh cut flowers from Petals Ink 
at the Farmer's Market and a mixed bouquet from Trader Joe's,
inspired me to create a vignette on the terrace to trick
our minds into thinking perhaps it's a crisp fall day outdoors.

I'm always inspired by my dear friend Janice at Fig and Twigs.
Janice's floral creations are pure magic and full of whimsy.
Her flowers appear to dance in the container, so, Janice,
loose and floppy was my goal!

A pair of faux Jarrahdal pumpkins were 
a favorite HomeGoods find last fall.
The darling squirrel carved from wood was a gift
from a thoughtful friend years ago.

I added an older piece of MacKenzie-Childs, a covered box from the Maclachlan Series that features beautiful scenes 
of the MacKenzie-Childs farm in Aurora, NY.
The pair of tapestry pillows plopped in the arm chairs 
were souvenirs from Chateau de Chenonceau of the Loire Valley.
Hopefully the mosaic above offers a sense of the 
whimsy in the details of these pieces.

I pulled a shawl from my 
closet for added color.

Here's to cooler days ahead!

It's the end of September, and yet day after day the temps reach into the high 90s or above.  This September has been the hottest ever on record for Austin,  but I'm like a squirrel gathering nuts, as I gather up a few of my own things to add a touch of fall here at home despite the summer-like weather.  These vibrant fresh cut flowers from Petals Ink  at the Farmer's Market...

Sunday, September 22, 2019

September's Morning Glory Table

A few years ago, my sweet friend, Emily @ The French Hutch ,
gifted me a pair of beautiful MacKenzie-Childs 
Morning Glory napkin rings.
These beaded rings are serious tabletop jewelry!
I was in fact so smitten with these that I later ordered
a few more for when we have dinner guests.

The Morning Glory is September's birth flower.
You can read another recently shared post on 
Morning Glories here.  

In recent weeks on my morning walk,  
I've noticed small volunteer vines of Morning Glories
trailing through beds of flowers and climbing up branches of trees.
 These pretty blooms with their heart shaped leaves
are trailing gently through the bed along our front walk.  

Not the Heavenly Blue that is so common, but the
Pink Morning Glory that is a native wildflower here.

The flowers are funnel shaped and 
are a lavender pink with a dark pink throat.
How appropriate that this gift should appear in September!

 These delicate blooms prompted me to snip a 
few of the vines and set a morning table.

I started with a favorite fall textile,
the MacKenzie-Childs Vendage tablecloth.
The rich hues within the botanical inspired design are set 
off with a border of my favorite Courtly Checks.
I tossed on a wool throw to add texture and a touch more blue.

Vintage French demi-Johns came home with
me from a previous trip to France.

A pair of blue gray pumpkins with golden stems
offered a welcome to the fall season that 
officially begins on September 23 this year.

I added a Courtly Check charger and
mug for my morning coffee.

The majolica leaf plate, sourced from some antique market years
past, is a vintage piece by Jamison Ceramics, Capristano, CA.

It provided the perfect little touch for my morning treat 
~ a pumpkin spice scone.

Silver flatware with "French ivory" handles 
added a touch of elegance.

My favorite morning 
Cafe de Cuba filled the mug.

 Such an elegant way 
to start my day!

It all made for a cozy morning table out on the terrace.
A Morning Glory Table to welcome a new season. ~
~ First Day of Autumn, September 23, 2019

They bloom up the fresh, green trellis
In airy, vigorous ease,
And their fragrant, sensuous honey
Is best beloved of the bees.
~ Madison Juluis Cawein

A few years ago, my sweet friend, Emily @ The French Hutch , gifted me a pair of beautiful MacKenzie-Childs  Morning Glory napkin rings. These beaded rings are serious tabletop jewelry! I was in fact so smitten with these that I later ordered a few more for when we have dinner guests. The Morning Glory is September's birth flower. You can read another recent...

Saturday, September 14, 2019

An Apple for the Teacher

This post was first published
September 2013, but the topic is timeless.

Although many schools in Texas begin 
a new school year in late August,
I always associate September with
 Back To School.

An Apple For The Teacher
My table is a tribute to teachers everywhere.

Centerpiece Simplicity
~ Faux Apples in a Basket ~

by Helen H. Moore
Apples, apples, what a treat,
sweet and tart and good to eat.
Apples green and apples red,
hang from branches overhead,
and when they ripen, down they drop,
so we can taste our apple crop.

~ The Stack ~
Vintage Quilt ~ Irish Chain
Quilted Placemat
PB Chicken Wire Charger
Arita Tartan Charger
Rainbow Gate Apple Slice Plate

Vintage Mother of Pearl Flatware
Woven Water Vine Napkin Ring

Apple Green Glass Stem

Sweet Treat ~ Apple Pie
Trader Joe's

~ An Apple For The Teacher ~
The beautiful apple slice plate above 
was an end of school gift from my class in 1998.

Rainbow Gate Ceramics 
are handmade and painted in Santa Fe, NM.
Visit their site HERE to see the 
beautiful ceramics they offer.


Apples  This post was first published September 2013, but the topic is timeless. Although many schools in Texas begin  a new school year in late August, I always associate September with  Back To School. An Apple For The Teacher My table is a tribute to teachers everywhere. Centerpiece Simplicity ~ Faux Apples in a Basket ~ APPLES by Helen H. Moore Apples, ap...

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Morning Glory ~ September Birth Flower

September has arrived!
Years ago I came across
this lovely fence . . .

Where Morning Glory vines were twining
their way in and out among the
ornamental fleur de lys.

Delicate blue bell shaped flowers 
opened to the morning sun,

And peeked from within the mass 
of heart shaped leaves.

Morning Glory ~ September Birth Flower
Morning Glory flowers are a symbol of affection.
They open in the morning light, and curl shut by evening.
Blue, the most common color of Morning Glories,
represents trust, responsibility, honor, and loyalty.

This post was first published September 2011,
and I pulled it for the archives to share again.

September has arrived! Years ago I came across this lovely fence . . . Where Morning Glory vines were twining their way in and out among the ornamental fleur de lys. Delicate blue bell shaped flowers  opened to the morning sun, And peeked from within the mass  of heart shaped leaves. Morning Glory ~ September Birth Flower Morning Glory flowers are a symbol of aff...

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tales of the Traveling Tote # 20

~ Rabbit, Rabbit ~ 
Welcome to 
Tales of the Traveling Tote #20
It's been a stay at home kind of summer for us, 
but I've managed to entertain myself.
The Texas Hill Country is a beautiful
rural area just west of Austin.
It's an easy drive and perfect for a day trip.
Follow along below to see what I mean.
 Fields of wildflowers and grazing cattle
quickly give one a sense of calm.
These guys were curious about the
city girl taking their photo.
They decided to come a little closer
to check out the stranger.
It's hot in Texas, so relief is often 
found in the shade of a tree.
Along the way, we spied this:
~ Shot Gun Wedding ~
Unexpected artistic humor, courtesy of a local rancher.
 Camp Lucy was the destination for a day trip with friends,
a day to get away from the traffic and buzz of city life.
Whit Hanks, an avid Austin antiques dealer and collector,
opened his family ranch for others to enjoy the 
beauty and quiet of the Texas Hill Country.
Whit's oldest son lived in Asia for several years, 
and when Whit visited his son, an
unexpected odyssey began.
Inspired by the French Colonial buildings in Vietnam,
when Whit discovered an 1880's Catholic Church
on the brink of destruction, he purchased it, disassembled it,
and brought it to the Texas Hill Country to become the first of 
several French Colonial buildings he brought over from Vietnam.
Click here to read the full history of how Camp Lucy came to be.
In addition to the various reconstructed structures, 
including a repurposed Amish barn built in Ohio c1800,
and newly constructed lodging, Camp Lucy includes
Tillie's, a fine dining experience.  
Read the details and histroy of Tillie's here.
Feast your eyes on just a 
sampling of what is on Tillie's menu.
We are at "camp", so every
meal should finish with s'mores!
Miz Checkers and I had a terrific time
on our visit to Camp Lucy.
Another day, another trip.
The vistas of the Texas hills feed my soul.

This day friends and I headed over to Boerne, TX,
a small Hill Country town making a name for itself.
Quickly growing with an influx of new residents, 
a beautiful historic downtown is home to locally owned speciality shops for antiques, home goods, unique gifts, fashion, jewelry, 
art galleries, wineries, and a variety of fine restaurants.
Do you see this?????
Yes, in deed!  Boerne, Texas is home to
an incrediblly beautiful MacKenzie-Childs shop.
~ Finzeas in Beachant ~
Generally, I have to rely on shopping the catalong online,
so it's nice to know this source is just a conversation away.
Finzeas is just one shop in the beautiful 
Beachant Department Store.
Take a look at all that is offered here.
 We enjoyed a delicious lunch at
The Creek, which you can read about here.
Again, fine dining in the 
Texas Hill Country.
All to celebrate this beautiful 
friend on her birthday.
 After lunch, we returned to Main Street 
to continue the shopping excursion.
Laurie Saunders,  Antiques and Interiors 
is chock full of beautiful home accents and delights for the table.
I was thrilled to discover this source for a favorite brand, 
Hester and Cook.
 Case in point, this fun farm house theme table
done in my favorite black and white.
 Epicure ~ Boerne's Gourmet Market,
offered lots of choices for gifts for "the chef".
Two Trick Pony, an interesting and upscale consignment 
store, definitely deserved a visit.

When back home in Austin, plant centers and farmer's markets are always favorite destinations and a good diversion.

Viveroa new discovery for me,

will definitely be a repeat.

Arnosky Family Farms, my favorite Hill Country flower farm,

celebrated their summer launch of peonies with a Peony Party.

 Miss Merri Mac and I drove over early on a Saturday
morning to take advantage of $2 a steam peonies.

Miss Merri Mac happily agreed to be filled with

peonies, sunflowers, and bright colored zinnias.
Weekends at local farmer's markets are great entertainment,
especially when there are bouquets of farm fresh flowers, .   .   .
And the company of the sweetest
sister a girl could want, along with   .   .   .
these two special munchkins.
Ahh, yes!  ~  Simple summer pleasures right here at home!
Be sure to visit all the adventures below.
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul ~You Are Here
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home

~ Rabbit, Rabbit ~  Welcome to  Tales of the Traveling Tote #20 It's been a stay at home kind of summer for us,  but I've managed to entertain myself. The Texas Hill Country is a beautiful rural area just west of Austin. It's an easy drive and perfect for a day trip. Follow along below to see what I mean.  Fields of wildflowers and grazing cattle quickly give one a sens...