Rabbit, Rabbit!
It's December 1st.
Welcome to 2018's latest edition of
Tales of the Traveling Tote.
I'm thrilled to introduce our newest member,
Cherry Kay @ Entertaining Women
and her Courtly Check tote
Miss Carrie Ann Hall
(Carry and Haul)
How clever is that name?
Cherry Kay and I have been blogging friends for many years.
We are both proclaimed "disaholics" and share a love for
MacKenzie-Childs as well as for setting a pretty table.
You might recall from previous adventures
that the first Sunday of the month is
Burgers, Shakes, and Bubbles
at a favorite local restaurant,
The Peached Tortilla.
Not to let a good opportunity pass us by,
I grabbed Miz Checkers, and the Chef and I,
along with our neighbors and longtime friends,
headed to The Peached Tortilla September 2nd for a
Monster Cookie Mega Shake and one of their delicious burgers.
Miz Checkers proclaimed this is a great way to start the month!
Waco, Texas, home to the famous couple Chip and Joanna Gains,
is an easy drive north of Austin, so one September day,
Miz Checkers and I decided to see what all the
chatter is about Magnolia enterprise.
We started the morning off with a stop at Magnolia Table where
Breakfast is served daily and
"where everyone has a seat at the table."
I ordered the French Toast Breakfast and admittedly took more than half of it to go. Delicious there and warmed up back in Austin!
Guess it's obvious that Miz Checkers fit right in!
Magnolia Table, Silos Bakery, The Market, The Warehouse,
and the several "Magnolia Stay" properties have literly put Waco on the map. Thousands of visitor come from far and wide to experience the magic.This group of twelve ladies had come all the way from Illionois. They were guests at one of the Magnolia properties, and were in town to experience the Texas hospitality that Waco, Texas has to offer.
After our delicious breakfast, we headed over to The Silos.
The Gains purchased the two city blocks marked by two 1950s silos that were once part of the Brazos Valley Cotton Oil Company.
Here they created a shopping complex that features a little something for everyone: a large green lawn popular with families for fun and games, a beautiful Market for all things for the home, a garden and garden shop, food trucks, and Silos Baking Co.
We found it impossible to leave
without something to take home.
Miz Checkers and I highly recommend a visit to
Waco, City with a Soul.
For more details on this excursion, click here.
The QCI Annual Meeting was is held in Quimper, France this September and marked the 20th Anniversary for this club.
The dates also correlated with my favorite French Antique Market,
Foire de Chatou.
As they say, "Paris is Always a Good Idea!"
Miss Merri Mac is the perfect travel companion!
I've perfected my packing, getting all I need within a roll aboard.
I learned from a flight attendant to roll clothes to save space,
and learned from experience I just need the basics.

The flight was not without its challenges.
Delayed two hours in Dallas, another 45 minute delay once landed
in Paris, missed my train connection to Quimper by 4 minutes,
waited in station 3+ hours for next train, arrived Quimper 10PM.
Travel is not always easy!
Quimper known as the "cultural heart" of Brittany,
is 350 miles northwest of Paris. All things considered
it is an easy 3.5 hour trip on the TGV.
Located at the confluence of three rivers,
the Steir, the Odet, and the Jet,
the name Quimper comes from the Breton word kemper, which means "confluence".
The Cathedral of Saint Corentin of Quimper, Gothic in style,
was begun in1239 and features soaring twin spires.
The town of Quimper is full of charm!
Footbridges lined with blooming flowers span the rivers,
and the picturesque old town has wide cobbled pedestrian
streets, half-timbered buildings with flower boxes,
delightful shops, and an array of creperies.
The town of Quimper is also known for the
quaint and beautiful pottery that is dear to my heart.
First produced in the 1600s, pieces of Quimper faience are still being made and handpainted in Quimper today.
After a delightful few days in Quimper, Miss Merri Mac
and I boarded the TGV for our return trip to Paris.
Oh, Paris!
My all time favorite destination!
My time in Paris was limited, and I chose to spend it
at a favorite antique market, Foire de Chatou.
Held twice a year on the impressionists' island of Chatou along the banks of the Seine, this large outdoor market dates back to mediaeval times. In addition to hundreds of exceptional antique and art dealers, Foire de Chatou offers a gastronome delight.
One entire alley is dedicated to dining.
Oysters from Brittany and Normandy, fois gras and confits from the Gers, and hams and sausages from Corsica; the choice is yours.
Of course there is wine and champagne as well.
As in typical French fashion, dining is indeed celebrated!
Dealers with beautiful wares, such as this booth of amazing copper offerings, are organized as alley ways within tents.
It truly is an antique shoppers paradise.
There is something for everyone!
I have shopped Chatou many times over the years,
and it never disappoints. This trip I was most restrained;
only a few small treasures that I could easily fit in Miss Merri Mac.
My treasures ~ five sterling and ivory baby teething rings
that I purchased to repurpose as napkin rings.
The one above on the left is my own sterling teething ring.
You can read more about them on my post here.

Once back home,
the fall was full of daily routines.
Miz Checkers and I voted.
And on the first Sunday in November we went for
Burgers, Shakes, and Bubbles!
This has been my favorite so far.
Gingerbread milkshake with vanilla frosting, sprinkles,
ginger caramel, and a Fluff Meringue topper.
Be certain to visit all the other
Traveling Totes at the links below.
We all love it when you leave a comment.
Remember to be entered in the above giveaway,
you must comment at Purple Chocolat Home.
Also Joining
Rabbit, Rabbit!
It's December 1st.
Welcome to 2018's latest edition of
Tales of the Traveling Tote.
I'm thrilled to introduce our newest member,
Cherry Kay @ Entertaining Women
and her Courtly Check tote
Miss Carrie Ann Hall
(Carry and Haul)
How clever is that name?
Cherry Kay and I have been blogging friends for many years.
We are both proclaimed "disaholics" and...