Easter has come and gone,
and April is knocking at our doors.
I had planned a "tiptoe through the tulips"
sort of theme for Easter 2016.
When I spotted these adorable golden bunnies
while in Dallas during February, I knew they
would be fun with my group of Courtly Check vases
and urns that I had used for my Queen of Hearts
table for Valentine's Day here.
My plan was to exchange the red tulips for pink,
use stacks of gardening books in
place of the red themed decorating books,
and trade out the Queens of Hearts for bunnies.
The crowns and
Courtly Check hearts
hanging from the brass chandelier . . .
Gave way to frolicking bunnies
and Courtly Check Easter themed figures.
It all came together easily, and we've enjoyed a lovely
spring table during the month of March.
Fresh tulips filled the vases each week
while tulip bouquets were available for just a few dollars.
But by Easter week, tulip prices were suddenly
two and three times what I had been paying.
I decided it best to tiptoe
through the daffodils instead.
With daffodils available for two dollars
a bouquet, it was an easy choice.
A few girlfriends came over early in the week
for a light but delicious chicken hack salad.
Before dinner we munched on chips and guacamole and
healthy "rabbit food," along with a glass or two of prosecco.
Lemon tarts were our treat for dessert.
It was a lovely spring evening
out on the terrace under the full moon.
Our Texas weather didn't cooperate for an
Easter Sunday alfresco brunch as planned, so
Saturday afternoon I decided to set the table inside.
The William Sonoma rabbit offered to load up his
basket with daffodils and hop on board as our centerpiece.
Limoges boxes, gifts from a sweet friend through the years,
were nestled in the grass below.
The other bunnies and daffodils that had been on the table
settled in on the buffet and on tables on the sun porch.
Wedgwood Nantucket Basket was the obvious
choice with the woven basket detail, and green chargers
added just the right color with the natural linens.
Petite vases of daffodils brightened each place setting.
The Texas Easter Bunny filled festive cones
with special chocolates for each of our guests to take home.
We enjoyed tasty appetizers with
champagne to start us off.
I had to have at least
one bouquet of tulips for Easter!
The vintage Easter toys were finds while
antique shopping last year.
They are J. Chein and Co. tin toys
from the 1940s and 1950s,
a bit of nostalgia from my own childhood.
Small bites of smoked trout and smoked salmon
are one of the chef's specialties.
~ Easter Brunch ~
French Toast Sticks with Maple Syrup
Open Face Ham and Scrambled Egg Sandwich
Caramalized Onion and Goat Cheese Tart
Bacon and Sausage Medly
Tri Colored Salad
Lemon curd tarts were my "go to" dessert for Easter week.
My inspiration was that cute lemon curd tart with a
pie crust bunny seen in the top left corner of the mosaic above.
Jain @ A Quiet Life shared the idea in a post here.
The bunny chalkboard was an Easter gift
from a friend that arrived in time to do dessert buffet duty.
Pier 1 was the source for the cute paper napkins.
~ Life Needs More Chocolate Bunnies ~
As well as the darling bunny plates.
That's it for our Easter 2016.
Thanks for stopping by.
Tell me about your Easter ~ I'm all ears!
Easter has come and gone,
and April is knocking at our doors.
I had planned a "tiptoe through the tulips"
sort of theme for Easter 2016.
When I spotted these adorable golden bunnies
while in Dallas during February, I knew they
would be fun with my group of Courtly Check vases
and urns that I had used for my Queen of Hearts
table for Valentine's Day here.