Friday, November 27, 2015

Delicious Autumn!

"Delicious autumn!  
My very soul is wedded to it, 
and if I were a bird I would fly about 
the earth seeking the successive autumns."  
George Eliot

Today we close the door on my favorite season 
and give way to the rush of holiday 
fever as we welcome December.

I hope each of you enjoyed a 
delightful Thanksgiving with family and friends.
Thanksgiving at our home was truly just that!

We hosted a much smaller group than usual,
but the afternoon was one of the best.
The chef prepared a non-traditional meal.

Perfect Filet Mignon in Rich Demi Glaze
Roasted Vegetable Slaw
Garlic Tart
Potatoes Dauphinoise
Lemon Meringue Pie
Pecan Pie

I'm a self confessed dishaholic and setting
a beautiful table is a priority for me.
This year's Thanksgiving table was set for four.
No linen tablecloth, just simple woven reed
chargers atop the bare wood of the table
to add texture to our crisp white wedding china.

I topped each with one of Juliska's Harvest Country Estate
dessert plates to give some added color
and removed them for serving dessert later.

Mini bouquets the colors of autumn, 
wrapped in burlap, and tied with ribbon
paraded down the center of our table 
and were gratitude gifts for our
two guest to take home.

We ended our meal with
sweet treats, a fitting goodbye to
Delicious Autumn!

Stacey @ Poofing the Pillows 
is hosting a group of Texas Bloggers for a
Christmas in Texas Blog Hop.
Mark your calendars and plan to join us December 7-11.
Hyacinths for the Soul is honored to be one of the first to share 
along with several other Texas bloggers on December 7.
I plan to share some uniquely Texan Christmas decorations.

Hope to see you there!


"Delicious autumn!   My very soul is wedded to it,  and if I were a bird I would fly about  the earth seeking the successive autumns."   George Eliot Today we close the door on my favorite season  and give way to the rush of holiday  fever as we welcome December. I hope each of you enjoyed a  delightful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Thanksgiving at our home w...

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Savor the Moment of the Last Days of Autumn

The chef and I along with our sweet Sadie girl

enjoy nice morning walks though our neighborhood.

Lately I've noticed that some have already

added wreaths with red bows, 

greenery swags on doors and windows, 

and Christmas lights in trees and on houses.

Whoa, Nellie!

I'm not ready to move on into the holiday season 

of red and green, holly, and Christmas trees.

I'm still savoring the softness of autumn

with its russets and warm earthy colors.

I like to see pumpkins and gourds

and fall flowers at the entry of homes

to welcome guests and those of us who stroll 

by on neighborhood walks.

We are still all about 

turkeys and pumpkins here.

Lots of soft lush and plump 

velvet pumpkins!

And favorite containers filled with

beautiful fall flowers.

Thanksgiving will be scaled back this year,

only a small group of friends for brunch rather

than a dinner for twelve as is often tradition.

The chef is currently

at work planning the menu.

Like the squirrels burying their winter stash,

I too am savoring the delights of autumn

for the winter months ahead.

Yes, I want to savor the delights

of autumn before I embrace the upcoming

transition into the holiday season 

and winter months ahead.

 What about you?

Are you one to eagerly rush into

the holiday frenzy?

Have you already begun to decorate

for the Christmas season like many of my neighbors?

I plan to share a tad more autumn bliss

before the end of November,

but the first week of December I will join

Laura @ Decor to Adore's 

Christmas in Texas Blog Hop.

Like in the image above, I will have some 

uniquely Texas decor to share.


The chef and I along with our sweet Sadie girl enjoy nice morning walks though our neighborhood. Lately I've noticed that some have already added wreaths with red bows,  greenery swags on doors and windows,  and Christmas lights in trees and on houses. Whoa, Nellie! I'm not ready to move on into the holiday season  of red and green, holly...

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Z is for Zephyranthus

Z is for


Here in Austin, one can spot

colonies of these growing in open grassy fields or

grassy areas beside  sidewalks that run along city streets.

They spring from the ground after a rain.

~ Small ~ Sweet ~ Sturdy ~

Left to Mother Nature to tend them,

the bulbs which produce small, 

grass like leaves are no fuss.

~ No Watering ~ No Pruning ~

These bulbs, originally came from 

Mexico or Guatemala, but have spread

and naturalized through the south.

Cold hardy in zones 8-10, they

are related to Amaryllis.

The starry flowers can be pink to yellow to white.

The blooms last a day or two, but plants will rebloom numerous 

times spring through fall after rains that follow 

periods of drought or dry conditions.

~ Zephyranthus ~

Derived from the Greek god of the west wind,

Zephyus, meaning flower.

Rain Lily ~ Fairy Lily ~ Zephyr Lily ~

Rainflower ~ Magic Lily ~ Atamasco Lily

Actually not lilies at all, but in the Amaryllis family.

Congratulations to 

Anita @ Cedar Hill Ranch

Miss Merri Mac and I will get your

Starbucks Gift Card  off to you this week.

Thank you to all who joined in the fun 

and left a comment on Miss Merri Mac's 

Adventures Celebrating the Golden Days of Fall.

The next Traveling Totes Series is December 15th.

You won't want to miss the generous give away

sponsored by Patti @ Pandora's Box.


Z is for Zephyranthus Here in Austin, one can spot colonies of these growing in open grassy fields or grassy areas beside  sidewalks that run along city streets. They spring from the ground after a rain. ~ Small ~ Sweet ~ Sturdy ~ Left to Mother Nature to tend them, the bulbs which produce small,  grass like leaves are no fuss. ~ No Watering ~ No Pruning ~...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Y is for YES and Yippee! ~ Tartan Parade 2015

Y is for 

YES and Yippee!

MacKenzie-Childs Pocket Watch Ornament


Alison @ Polohouse 

decided it was time for another

Tartan Parade!

iPhone Tartan Case ~ Mackenzie-Childs Glasses ~ Tartan Wool Scarf

To quote Scott Meacham Wood, the King of Tartans,

"All tartans are plaid, 
but not all plaids are tartans."

Tartan Ware Tea Caddy c1880 ~ Marburger Farm Antique Show

But who wants 

to be that technical?

Part Of My Personal Collection of Tartanware

I simply adore all the 

vibrant colors and textures.

Vintage Brass Lamp With Tartan Shade

I say a resounding 


Tartan ~ Plaid ~ Paisley @ Marburger Farm Fall Antique Show 2015

Tartans ~ Plaids ~ Paisley ~ Checks

Vintage Paper Maché Tartan Balls c1970

I'm a fan of all.

Sadie Mercedes In Tartan Frame

Be it fall, 

Winter, Spring, or Summer,


Antique Tartanware Napkin Rings At Christmas

Around the house ~

Wool Dress and Scarf @ Madewell ~ Part of My Fall Wardrobe

Around my neck.

Stack of Tartan Plates From The Cupboards

Tartans ~ Plaids ~ Paisley ~ Checks

Arita Tartan Cup and Saucer ~ Antique Tartanware Glasses Case 

Life's Little Instruction Book

I say YES!

Store Window ~ Madewell in Austin, TX

Are you seeing a pattern here?


Tartans ~ Plaids ~ Paisley ~ Checks

I never met one I didn't like!

How about you?

Alison @ Polohouse 

is hosting a Tartan Parade.

Join the fun HERE,

Click HERE to enter my Fall Giveaway!

Also Joining

Y is for  YES and Yippee! MacKenzie-Childs Pocket Watch Ornament Yippee! Alison @ Polohouse  decided it was time for another Tartan Parade! iPhone Tartan Case ~ Mackenzie-Childs Glasses ~ Tartan Wool Scarf To quote Scott Meacham Wood, the King of Tartans, "All tartans are plaid,  but not all plaids are tartans." Tartan Ware Tea Caddy c1880 ~ Marburg...