Friday, October 31, 2014


Oh, my!

 Look who appeared on my

door stoop late Monday evening.

She must have flown in to join her

sisters of the Black Hat Society

who reside here at Hyacinths for the Soul.

Meet Fredericka!

No doubt Fredericka, with her rosy cheeks

and sunny disposition, will fit right in.

She has her own special wand for 

spreading good deeds.

There is another chapter 

of the Black Hat Society who 

live in our neighborhood.

Come in closer and let 

me introduce you.

Miss Maddie, the witch of the moon,

the stars and the grateful hearts,

Is also the one with the pumpkin carts.

Zelda always wears a fancy cape

and is never without her kitty, Moonscape.

Zora, getting a bit up in age,

Leans on her broom to assuage.

Minnie, quiet and shy,

tightly holds her kitty when they fly.

Gertrude, or Gertie as she's known by her friends

is gracious, and generous, and never offends.

Sweet Molly May can be found 

at the pumpkin stand,

Eager to help and lend a hand.

Over to the side 

you'll find yet more.

I suspect that you wished

YOU lived next door.  

Have A Witchie

Screamie Screamie

Happy Happy


Bewitched ~ to enchant and delight

Oh, my!  Look who appeared on my door stoop late Monday evening. She must have flown in to join her sisters of the Black Hat Society who reside here at Hyacinths for the Soul. Meet Fredericka! No doubt Fredericka, with her rosy cheeks and sunny disposition, will fit right in. She has her own special wand for  spreading good deeds....

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Boo~tiful Night!

A group of girlfriends have

enjoyed a dinner group for over 30 years.

Cindy was our hostess this month,

and her beautiful home was ready for Halloween.

Want to take a look?

This charming vignette on a bed of crispy fall leaves 

sets the mood on the entry table.

Sweet Faced Witch

Pumpkin People

See the chandelier reflected

in the mirror.

It gave off a festive glow .   .   .

As we dined below.

These are the party favor treats from everyone.

I forgot to get a shot of the lovely meal.

~ Chilled Avocado Soup ~ Quiche ~ Green Salad ~


This tray showcases a collection of 

Halloween pins collected through the years.

This one in the kitchen holds

a coven of folk art witches.

The breakfast room buffet

offers a whimsical vignette.

A jolly jack-o-lantern and

a witch in flight.

Whimsical pumpkin people

by artist Dan Dipaolo.

Chunky Jack

Three Black Cats

Trick or Treaters,

the work of Lori Mitchell,

March across the shelves of

a kitchen baker's rack.

Hope you enjoyed a peek into

Cindy's beautifully decorated home.


A group of girlfriends have enjoyed a dinner group for over 30 years. Cindy was our hostess this month, and her beautiful home was ready for Halloween. Want to take a look? This charming vignette on a bed of crispy fall leaves  sets the mood on the entry table. Sweet Faced Witch Pumpkin People See the chandelier ref...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Frightfully Delightful

Austin Skyline In The Distance

I know ~

 it's been more than a month.

Thank you to all who reached out

to check in with me.

Lake Austin

I spent two glorious weeks in France

 in September, and since returning home

I've been focused on family and friends.

 I promise I will share about my time in Paris soon.

A very creative friend recently hosted a 

small get together in honor of 

two friends with October birthdays.

It took this 

frightfully delightful table

to spark a new post.


staff on duty!

~ Creepy ~

Cheese Straw Fingers

( Directions found here. )

E e e e k!!!

Creepy, crawly, spiders!!!

More scary deviled eggs can be seen here

Lynn @ Happier Than a Pig in Mud

Chicken Poblano Wraps

Healthy Tidbits

Sweet Bites

For the Birthday Girls

Drink Tray


missing something?

Trick or Treat!

Hope your Halloween Party is

Frightfully Delightful


Austin Skyline In The Distance I know ~  it's been more than a month. Thank you to all who reached out to check in with me. Lake Austin I spent two glorious weeks in France  in September, and since returning home I've been focused on family and friends.  I promise I will share about my time in Paris soon. A very creative friend recently...