Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vignettes of Fall

Autumn is a second spring 

where every leaf is a flower.
                                                                                                     Albert Camus

Merry Autumn Days
By Charles Dickens

Hail to the merry Autumn days,

when yellow corn-fields shine,

Far brighter than the costly cup that

holds the monarch's wine!

Hail to the merry harvest-time, 

the gayest of the year,

The time of rich and bounteous crops,

rejoicing, and good cheer!

Tis pleasant on a fine Spring 

morn to see the buds expand,

Tis pleasant in the Summer 

time to view the teeming land;

Tis pleasant on a Winter's 

night to crouch around the blaze,  ~

But what are joys like these, 

my boys, to Autumn's merry days!

~ Wishing you crisp Autumn mornings ~

~ Warm, cozy nights ~

~ Merry Autumn Days ~


Autumn is a second spring  where every leaf is a flower.                                                                                                      Albert Camus Joining  Favorites on the First @ The Polohouse Fall Decor Merry Autumn Days By Charles Dickens Hail to the merry Autumn days, when yellow corn-fields shine, Far...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

~ What's Your Choice ~ A Bowl of Cherries or A Chair of Bowlies?

ME Metal Sculpture by Enesco 1998

is just a 
chair of bowlies!"

Mary Engelbreit coined this phrase 
when she launched her very first greeting card.

 Collection of Assorted  ME Products from 1990s

To say I'm a fan of Mary Engelbreit
and her work is an understatement!  

I've been purchasing her greeting cards since the very first ones were available.  Mary's art work was a favorite in my classroom during the years I taught elementary school, and Mary's whimsical work remains a favorite here in my home.

Fresh Oregon Cherries 
in the grocery this summer prompted 
me to gather my ME cherry things for a recent tablescape.

Hood River Cherries 
from Oregon are the BEST!

I filled one of my ME cookie jars 
with bright golden sunflowers.

Then I set the table with  ME cherry dishes 
paired with solid black dishes 
and MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check.  

I added some cute cherry napkins, 
a recent find at Tuesday Morning.

Love the way they all stack up together!
You can see another tablescape 
that features the ME cherry
dishes paired with plaid here.

I added in the crystal 
compote for a special treat.

 ~ Cherries Jubilee ~

September 24, 2012  
 National Cherries Jubilee Day

Celebrate with your own bowl of 
Cherries Jubilee
Recipe Here

Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable
When it comes to containers for flowers,
don't limit yourself to an ordinary vase.
Get creative and use other 
containers found around your home.
This ME cookie jar was a perfect fit for the sunflowers.

Have a Happy Day!


Centerpiece Wednesday @ The Style Sisters

ME Metal Sculpture by Enesco 1998 "Life  is just a  chair of bowlies!" Mary Engelbreit coined this phrase  when she launched her very first greeting card.  Collection of Assorted  ME Products from 1990s To say I'm a fan of Mary Engelbreit and her work is an understatement!   I've been purchasing her greeting cards since the very first ones were available.  Mary's...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bee Happy

It doesnt' take 

much to make me happy.

Take for instance ~

a simple setting 

for an evening meal.

Italian Pottery

Happy Blues and Yellows

Printemps by Sigma 

Wine Stems 

of Blue Glass

French Provencal Napkins

The Sweetest 

Bee Napkin Rings

Parade of Vintage 

Aqua Ball Canning Jars

Flowers From the Garden

~ Menu ~

Rack of Lamb
Lime Basil Risotto

Lime Basil Risotto

New York Times Recipe here.

This happy little sign 

hanging in my friend's kitchen.

My tidbit for the week........

Savor the simple things in your life.

~ Meals with family and Friends ~

~Flowers in the Garden ~

~ Bee Happy ~

My entry into  

sponsored by Appliances Online

Open House Friday @ Bernideen's Tea Time
Tuesday Treasures @ Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
You're Gonna Love It Tuesday @ Kathe withe an E
Cowgirl Up @ Cedar Hill Ranch
Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style

It doesnt' take  much to make me happy. Take for instance ~ a simple setting  for an evening meal. Italian Pottery Happy Blues and Yellows Printemps by Sigma  Wine Stems  of Blue Glass French Provencal Napkins The Sweetest  Bee Napkin Rings Parade of Vintage  Aqua Ball Canning Jars Flowers From the Garden...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Embellished with Flair

Recently we've been enjoying cooler temps,

and I'm beginning to sense a whiff of fall.

found this beauty while out thrifting.

She immediately 

knew just what it needed!

Now this charmer lives here at 

Hyacinths for the Soul.

Part of a fall vignette 

for the sideboard in the dining room.

~ Silver tea pot embellished with flair, 

sunflowers and a favorite piece of art ~

Sunday I stopped by Barnes and Noble 

to  pick up a few magazines 

for some fall inspiration.

Then fixed myself a tea tray.

I've had this darling tray by Mary Engelbreit for more than 

20 years, and I still smile when I pull this into service.

My husband's grandmother 

monogramed this vintage tea towel.

It's the perfect size for a tray. 

Tea cup is part of 

MacKenzie-Childs' Taylor Series

All paired with Patti's version of

silver dressed in my favorite black and white.

~ A Teapot Embellished With Flair ~

MacKenzie-Childs compote 

in Fran, a sassy new pattern.

Sables, a tasty French butter cookie, 

for a bite of something sweet. 

Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable

If you are not a crafty person like moi,

Pattie knows how to embellish with flair!


Today's Thrifty Treasures @ Southern Hospitality
Tuesday Treasures @ Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
You're Gonna Love it Tuesday @ Kathe with an E
Cowgirl Up @ Cedar Hill Ranch
Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Tuesday Tea @ Sandi's
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays @ Coastal Charm
Tabletop Tuesday @ A Stroll Thru Life
Centerpiece Wednesday @ The Style Sisters
Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps on the Porch

Recently we've been enjoying cooler temps, and I'm beginning to sense a whiff of fall. My friend Patti @ Pandora's Box  found this beauty while out thrifting. She immediately  knew just what it needed! Now this charmer lives here at  Hyacinths for the Soul. Part of a fall vignette  for the sideboard in the dining room. ~ Silver tea po...