Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunday Shadows ~ Tea on the Porch

Sunday Shadows and Morning Tea on the Porch
With Childhood Friends

Mornings on the porch are lovely when Mr. Sun creeps into the day and casts his light as if he is performing a dance. The graceful light and gentle shadows create the perfect ambiance for morning tea on the porch.

Let's move in a little closer and join the tea party.

Morning tea is served from a sweet
Quimper service in a cheerful soleil pattern.

For afternoon tea ~ a little table perfectly set in the corner of the kitchen.
Tea and Sunday shadows are magical all through the day.

Sunday Shadows and Morning Tea on the Porch With Childhood Friends Mornings on the porch are lovely when Mr. Sun creeps into the day and casts his light as if he is performing a dance. The graceful light and gentle shadows create the perfect ambiance for morning tea on the porch. Let's move in a little closer and join the tea party. Morning tea is served from a sweet Quimpe...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Impromptu Dinner For Two

As the sun sets on the beautiful

Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Santa Fe . . .

The table is set for 

an impromptu dinner for two.

Candlelight and perhaps 

a zesty Margarita on the rocks.

The vibrant woven threads of a Mexican serape,

Talavera pottery, and flatware with a "twist"

provides interest and texture to the glass top table.

White cotton napkins tucked in small bowls,

one mustard yellow - the other rusty red . . .

Add a pop of bright color to the white dinner plates

rimmed in indigo and topped with fanciful floral salad plates.

A quiet spot for evening

 conversation with one's companion . . .

As each reflect on the day spent enjoying

the sights, sounds, and flavors of Santa Fe.


As the sun sets on the beautiful Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Santa Fe . . . The table is set for  an impromptu dinner for two. Candlelight and perhaps  a zesty Margarita on the rocks. The vibrant woven threads of a Mexican serape, Talavera pottery, and flatware with a "twist" provides interest and texture to the glass top table. Whi...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Quiet Reflection

Quiet Reflection

Thinking a lot about friendship these days.

In recent months I've said final goodbyes to four longtime friends. Yesterday, I received the news that one of my childhood friends lost her fight to cancer. Friendships that reach back to years spent at the university, early days in my career, and now childhood. Each taken far too young and unexpectedly. Intelligent, talented, beautiful individuals that gave of themselves to make our community - our world a better place for all.

Today as we reflect on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 our hearts go out to all who lost family and friends during that horrific event. May we never forget those who have been a blessing in our lives.

To all my cherished friends that I've met

here in the Land of Blog, you are treasures.

I appreciate your visits, your comments, and your personal emails.

Each of you are an inspiration who enrich my life beyond measure.

Quiet Reflection Thinking a lot about friendship these days. In recent months I've said final goodbyes to four longtime friends. Yesterday, I received the news that one of my childhood friends lost her fight to cancer. Friendships that reach back to years spent at the university, early days in my career, and now childhood. Each taken far too young and unexpectedly. Intelligent, talent...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Glory, Glory, Morning Glory

September has arrived!

Earlier this summer

I came across this lovely fence . . .

Where Morning Glory vines were twining

their way in and out among the

ornamental fleur de lys.

Delicate blue bell shaped flowers opened to the morning sun,

And peeked from within the mass of heart shaped leaves.

Morning Glory ~ September Birth Flower

Welcome September!

Wishing all a safe and fun holiday weekend!


September has arrived! Earlier this summer I came across this lovely fence . . . Where Morning Glory vines were twining their way in and out among the ornamental fleur de lys. Delicate blue bell shaped flowers opened to the morning sun, And peeked from within the mass of heart shaped leaves. Morning Glory ~ September Birth Flower Welcome Sept...