Saturday, June 1, 2024

Tales of the Traveling Tote, Edition #39

Rabbit, Rabbit!
Welcome to June and Edition #39 of 
Tales of the Traveling Tote.

I've shared this monthly market with you before.
It's small but always offers fresh flowers, fresh produce, 
original local art, and an abundance of cute pups.

Though Miss Merri Mac was too shy to have her photo taken, we took an out of town visitor to Austin's Pease Park to see Malin and her fountain.  The troll which sits in a meadow along the hiking path was designed and built by Danish artist Thomas Dambo.  Malin was built out of reclaimed materials and is the 129th such sculpture that Thomas Dambo has constructed.  The bowl she holds reminds us that we should share water and resources with the animals that live here on this earth with us.

Spring in Texas means it's time for the return of
Round Top Antiques Market.

Roxy, (L) flew in from Carmel-By-The-Sea, to visit, Elizabeth (R).
Shopping Round Top was top of her bucket list, 
so a few of us Instagram friends met up to meet Roxy.

It was a beautiful spring day!  
Here we are waiting for our lunch at Blue Hills.
What fun we had laughing and sharing stories.
Roxy, come back again.  We adored having you visit!
You can find each of these tablescape stylish on Instagram
@imaginary_dinner_parties    @roxannemwilde  @robins_plated_passions
Round Top Antiques Markets 
It is always fun!

 Have you been?

In April Miss Merri Mac and I 
boarded a plane bound for Seattle.

We met up with this wonderful group 
of friends to celebrate 25 years of
The Quimper Club International.

No, we are not in Holland!
Our group took in the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival
Washington's annual event held through out the month of April.  
We toured RoozenGaarde's huge display of vibrant gardens and fields blooming with millions of tulips.  What an amazing experience!

Truly an experience to 
call home about!

Our group enjoyed our annual business meeting with two speakers,
visited collections in the area, and enjoyed three days of 
catching up with dear friendships that span 25 years.
 Unfortunately 4 members came down with a virus the last day,
so our farewell dinner was missing 4 couples. 

Post meeting, my friends and I "escaped the ordinary" 
and joined friends for tea at the 

This charming venue is in Mount Vernon, WA.
I highly recommend it!

After tea, we continued on down scenic Chuckanut Drive to make our way to Kirkland, WA to visit more special friends. 
Victoria, my dear friend who owns
invited us to stay in her gorgeous VRBO 
and hosted us to a beautiful dinner at her home.   

Victoria and Mark and their precious, 
Iggyare the ultimate hosts.

Back home, Miss Merri Mac and I were treated to a special guest visit.  Recognize our fabulous friend, Jackie and Miss Madi K?
Jackie and Kurt were in San Antonio, TX visiting Jackie's sister
and drove to Austin for an afternoon visit.

Next I was off to Houston to celebrate this precious child.  
Happy First Birthday, Emily Kathryn!

The party theme was "Emily in Paris", 
and no detail was spared.

Miss Mini Mac and I joined my darling cousins,  
each of us party ready in our pink berets.

Rounding out our travel days, Miss Merri Mac 
joined me for a few days in Atlanta.

First day we were treated to an afternoon roaming the beautiful grounds of the Atlanta Botanical Garden with the special exhibit,
Alice in Wonderland Returns.
We were enchanted at the sight of 
38 larger-than-life topiary sculptures.  
If you find yourself in Atlanta, 
 don't miss a visit to this exceptional exhibit.

Other days were filled with visits to the Atlanta History Center
lunch at the fabulous Swan Coach House Restaurant, a tour of
the historical Swan Coach House, shopping Scott's Antique Market
a private tour of a beautiful historic home in Buckhead, cocktails at a charming home on Silver Lake, and a farewell dinner at 
Capital City Downtown Club

Without question, a highlight of being in Atlanta was the
opportunity to finally meet my friend Kate Stewart,
the passionate, energetic, entrepreneur
behind another favorite brand, Bauble Stockings!

I'll be joining a group of tabletop stylists on June 11 for a 
Summer Tablescape Blog Hop.
Hope you will join me!

Now hop on over to enjoy the adventures of my  
Traveling Tote Friends at the links below.
Don't forget to leave me a comment.
Miss Merri Mac and I want to know where you've traveled.

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney Childs The French Hutch (Give Away Here)
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul (You are here)

Jackie with Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home 

Miss Merri Mac and I wish you fun travel 
adventures of your own in the next few months.  

See you September 1 for our next edition of 

Tales of the Traveling Tote.

Also Joining

The summer we married, my husband was in graduate school, and I was employed as a teacher. We took a portion of our savings that summer and purchased a sailboat. We christened our Catalina 22, “Hyacinths For The Soul” after Saadi’s poem. Our "Hyacinths" provided years of pleasure.


  1. Rabbit Rabbit Sarah, You HAVE been travelling! What fun adventures and sights and visiting with friends. Round Top Antiques Market is on my bucket list and what an adorable theme and party for Emily Kathryn’s first birthday…ooh la la! Love the pink berets 😊. The White Branches Tea Room looks wonderful, I had to click over to see the menus. The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival looks amazing…so many gorgeous tulips! Happy June ♥

  2. Wow..You got around:) So many many nice visits..How sweet Purple Chocolate Home went to visit..Happy for you:)

  3. PS the pink berets:):) Adorbs..and what a birhday party..LOL I had pin the tail on the donkey as a child;)

  4. Oh, I was so happy to read that you have the "travel bug" again. Isn't it fun and exciting to meet IG and FB friends in person? You are so lucky to be able to do that! Your travels look exciting and interesting and it make me want to jump into your tote and follow you around! The Emily in Paris themed party really caught my eye (a favorite Netflix series of mine!) Keep on traveling, it keeps you young!

  5. Wow and Wow! Sarah, you have had fabulous trips. Love your Round top pics ( I am going one of these days!) Then Quimper meeting and lovely tearoom. And visiting with Victoria sounds wonderful! I just know her from Instagram but she has to be the sweetest person. I love all she does with her company. The sweet and lovely Emily in Paris birthday party looks amazing. I love all the pics. You look adorable with your pink beret. Then onto Atlanta! That was special. I love Scotts antique market and Swan House. So glad you had wonderful trips. I almost forgot mentioning your meeting Kate Stewart founder of Bauble Stockings! I know that was special.

  6. Hi Sarah, you have been traveling everywhere! I enjoyed the sculptures at Pease Park and your Instagram friends at Round Top Market, it does look like a lot of fun~ I have never been to Seattle, and wow, that windmill and tulip garden does transport you to Holland! The tulip garden is incredible! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with The Quimper Club and enjoyed many events. How nice to be able to see so many friends in Washington. Love that you and Jacki got together, how nice of her to come to Austin! Emily is a little doll and her Paris birthday was beautiful! Love love the photo of you in your pink beret, you look so pretty! I have another friend that recently saw the Alice in Wonderland at the Atlanta Botanical garden, it sounds like an incredible experience! It is wonderful that you've been able to visit with so many special friends! Happy June Sarah, and Happy Summer!

  7. You've had a very busy spring Sarah! I love you have been meeting up with blog friends, that's always special. Pease Park's Malin fountain is so interesting, nice you have one of the Danish sculptures in Austin. I enjoyed seeing your Round Top photos, I know you look forward to this. Seattle looks like fun with the QCI. The Seattle and the tulip gardens made a great destination for the club trip. The Atlanta trip had you in a lot of pretty places. Have a wonderful summer sweet Sarah............

  8. Wow Sarah, you are really traveling. How fun for you. Love seeing the travel photos. The sculptures at Pease Park are fabulous. Love seeing the gorgeous tulips. How fun to visit Round Top. That would be on my bucket list. How lovely to visit Victoria and Kate Stewart. It's amazing to connect with people we chat with online. Emily in Paris is such a darling birthday party. Love the pink berets. I am so pleased you are making the rounds and enjoying yourself. Meeting Jackie from Purple chocolat is so special. So happy to hear Jackie and Kirk drove to Austin to meet with you. The Alice in wonderland in Atlanta must have been magical. Happy summer Sarah.

  9. What a fabulous spring with visits so different from each other.The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival had to be incredibly beautiful. Karen (Back Road Journal)

  10. You've had wonderful travels Sarah! Meeting up with Linda and Jackie is the icing on the cake. I always think of you when I know that Round Top is going on, and know you look forward to this. Our big antique show is in August, and they have something for everyone. The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is right up my alley. I hope you have some travel plans this summer to get away from the heat. I've booked an Airbnb in Maine for later in September. xo

  11. Sarah, you have been a busy traveler. I certainly hope to make it to Round Top, it must be so much fun. The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival must have been amazing. The Quimper Club meeting and meeting up with Victoria must have been fabulous. Then on to Atlanta for more exciting adventures. I am so happy for you, Sarah

  12. Oh Sarah, you do the most fun things! And with the most fun people (especially that adorable little baby!). You managed to cover a lot of territory and I'm so delighted. It's the best, meeting your online friends face-to-face. It looks wonderful. (And every photo is beyond beautiful!)

  13. What fun trips! The gardens in Washington look like Holland, and what a fun garden theme in Georgia! You got to meet Jackie, too??? I am soooo jealous. Everyone is meeting up! Wowser, my favorite thing is Little Emily's birthday party, What a theme! And the photos are too precious.

    I have always wanted to visit Round Top. If I ever make it, I would love to meet you! Did you find anything fabulous at there?

    Have a lovely summer! I hope you have more trips planned!

  14. Sarah, oh my goodness, where do I begin to rave about your travels?! No, I've never been to Round Top, and that's a crime in my book. Still on my bucket list. Your trip with the Quimper group to WA looked fabulous in that garden - that heart shape in the tree trunk, the tulips! And then to be with Victoria and her husband as well as Kate Stewart - I'm starstruck. :) Having Jackie was also a treat for us readers to see the Tote sisters get to meet, how special. And your cousin's (?) theme for baby Emily was just darling. I've watched all seasons of that program and love how they played upon it. The Atlanta botanical exhibit truly looks bigger than life, and so magical.
    You are truly a traveling troubadour this quarter, Sarah! Do you have more plans? I can't imagine. I would be road and air weary!
    Happy June!

  15. Hi dear Sarah - so happy to know you are getting out and about and having so much fun with friends and family. Your adventures have certainly kept you busy this spring - hopefully your summer days will be full of more interesting adventures.
    Hope you are well - we've been going through some ups and downs at the house and with Bob's health. I just haven't been doing much blogging as time goes by so fast and life gets overly busy and complicated!
    We think of you often - you look amazing - and send warm hugs.
    Mary -

  16. Sarah, you sure were all over the country, from one end to the other. I would love to see that display at the Botanical Gardens - such amazing topiary scuptures of Alice in Wonderland. I love Emily's Paris party! I am inspired to paint one of my Eiffel Towers pink now! The tea parties look so fun and so many wonderful friends to visit! Sorry I am a little late. Kirk's dad passed away this last week so things got pretty crazy around here.

  17. Sarah, you've had some amazing adventures! I love that you've been all around and you've been with so many different people!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.