Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Tales of the Traveling Tote #24

June brought a soft reopening of Texas!

I took the opportunity to meet these two cuties!
 We met for a morning coffee, but used social distancing
and wearing of masks when not sipping our coffee.
I'll admit to getting a hug!
We had all been isolating, so I felt comfortable!

 I also took advantage of this reopening.
I have a Starbucks habit!

The cute Barista was wearing my favorite "color"!

June also brought some forward 
progress on our small remodel project.
It has been slow going with unexpected 
delays for various reasons.

The cutie on the left in the opening photo is a new bride.
She married on June 19th, but my chef
and I were only there in spirit.

Still it was fun to think about getting dressed 
up for this special occasion.

It did mean that my sister was here for the week,
so I met her for a picnic lunch one day.

We met at our favorite little lunch spot, The Sweet Lemon.
They are only offering outside dining, and it was perfect.
Picnic tables are spread out under the big oak trees,
and they keep spaces clean and santized.

After all these months, it was much needed Sister Time.

                 Grocery shopping and trips to Trader Joe's 
for flowers remain my weekly outings.

Graduations, birthdays, baby showers, birth announcements ~ 
seems all major celebrations are now honored with 
drive-by parades and signs in front yards.

No Annual Fourth of July Parades were allowed.
Instead families were encouraged to decorate their front lawns
so families could drive around and see the festive displays.
Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty held a solo parade.
You can click here to view my 4th of July Tablescape.

July also brought my sister back to visit!

If you are regular here, you know that I love flowers and gardening. 
I submitted this photo of my garden to the 
MacKenzie-Childs Avant Garden Photo Contest.

I was thrilled to have my photo selected as second place and won a beautiful collection of Courtly Check enamelware flower pots.  Still waiting arrival of part of the gift, so I will post a photo next edition.

MacKenzie-Childs canceled their onsite Annual Barn Sale
and instead held a virtual sale during the 3rd week of July.
Still waiting on my orders to ship, but I had fun shopping!
Did you shop the sale?  I'd love to know what you bought!

My husband and his twin celebrated a major birthday in August.
You can click here to read about how we celebrated.

During these strange times of isolation
it's important to reach out to others and stay in touch.

Please leave a comment and 
let me know what you've been doing.

Rita is hosting our September giveaway, 
leave a comment on her blog to be entered.
Be sure to visit all the adventures below.
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul (You are here)
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader


  1. Sarah, Congrats on your winning photo, I have MKC pot envy! You need to reward yourself and order the azalea watering can, (I know I have been tempted :) So glad you had some sister time, I was able to see mine after 4 months. Your collages of neighbors’ celebration are so festive. I would love to be able to plant my feet at Trader Joe’s…*sigh*. Happy Birthday wishes to your Chef. ♥

  2. Well you have certainly been busy!! Congrats on winning the contest - your flowers are always so pretty. You are so fortunate to be able to spend time with your sister and the outdoor celebrations are also fun!! Some people have been so creative in the ways they share their holidays and celebrations! Beautiful bride and I love the Barista's outfit!! Happy September and Happy Travels!

  3. Great pic of your dear husband! Love the pic of you and your sister too..great post w/ so much happy in it Sarah..well deserved win for the pic!

  4. It sounds like you have been having fun this summer! Congrats on the second place win.

  5. What creative photos Sarah! So glad you have been able to visit with your sister and I love the way you celebrated the Chef's birthday with a 76 trombones tribute! I'm sorry you missed the wedding, I feel so sad for all the cancelled celebrations and special events this year, but the innovative ways people are still managing to get together and have parties and parades has been inspiring! Your town especially with all the colorful festive drive by yards and parties! I know you are anxious to have the remodeling finished, I hope you'll give us a tour when it's complete. Keep staying safe sweet Sarah!

  6. Oh how wonderful your photo was a winner, it is lovely. And, I love all those gorgeous planters. I tried for one at the Barn Sale but it disappeared in my cart. Sorry you and Monnie missed the wedding and all your summer plans. I loved seeing the pics of Monnie, the little scout with his twin is adorable. I am so glad your remodel is moving along, I can't wait for the tour. I've enjoyed seeing you in our Zoom meetings. I'd hoped to see you at the QCI meeting, we'd planned to attend this year. Glad you are getting your Starbucks now, and my sister. Like you she loves them. And, lucky you, sister time. I haven't had this since Covid began. Happy September Sarah........

  7. Sarah, Congratulations on your winning photo! I'm crazy about your MKC planters, oh my! How nice to see your sister, you two look so much alike. What a beautiful bride! Liked how you dressed up for it! Clever!
    Happy September!

  8. Congrats Sarah on winning the Mackenzie Child’s garden photo. Second place is a wonderful mention. You have the most beautiful pots and urns and your garden is lush with beauty. So glad you got to spend some sister time. Being with family is so important. Monnie and his twin look so adorable. I know you want that remodel done quickly, glad it is moving along. Happy September Sarah.

  9. Good for you in meeting at some of your favorite places, Sarah! I couldn’t believe that the barista had on black and white checks!! Sister time is always fun and so special. I’m glad that your Chef had a nice birthday celebration.
    Congratulations in winning second place in the MKC contest. You always showcase your pieces so perfectly.
    Happy September!

  10. Monnie looks just as boyish now as he did as a young Cub Scout! I know you two must be feeling much relieved being closer to your finish line on the renovations. Your niece's wedding was sad to miss (but what a darling outfit!), but I'm sure there'll be an opportunity to celebrate, hopefully soon! So glad you could spend sister time, it's so very important. Your barista was adorable in her checked t-shirt, and you are always a cutie in your MC complementary styling, Sarah. I have a niece in AL who owns a "Card My Yard" franchise, and she's been slammed through COVID with all the life events you've pictured and more. It's a fun way to express what we're unable to up close and in person.
    Happy September, Sarah. I enjoyed your post of being close to home, Sarah. Happy September.

  11. What a delightful picture of Monnie and his twin! It is so hard to have missed so many things, but I love how creative people were with drive-by graduations, wedding receptions, birthday parties, etc. I am still waiting on some things from the sale, but it sure has been fun seeing what people got!
    I hope your remodel finishes up soon! I know how hard it is to wait and have the mess and constant traffic of contractors. Welcome fall, whether I like it or not! Haha

  12. I love the lawn decorations. I'm sorry that you've missed out on so many special events. It makes me sad for you and all of us who've missed out on LIFE. I love the barista's shirt. You made me giggle when you said it was your favorite color! Congratulations on your win! My feelings are still hurt with MacKenzie-Childs. I wish they cared more about customer service! ;P

    Ricki Jill

  13. Dearest Sarah,
    Despite all what is going on and with so many restrictions, your post is a very happy one.
    So glad that you got to meet with your niece, even though you could not be there for the big wedding day.
    What a special happening for your Chef and his twin brother to be able to celebrate such an important birthday; both still alive.
    Love your photos, as always a treat, like reading a fancy magazine.
    Hoping that your renovation will soon be over with and done.
    We too have been let down, since April 25 for some much needed remodeling.
    Hope that soon gets finally done!
    Meanwhile we both are glad that our self publishing job is over with. Time for biking together and getting all my medical appointments out of the way.
    Can't believe we are in September already...

  14. Sarah, I am so glad you finally got to see your sister. I know just how you felt. I got to see mine last week and it had been since January.
    I loved the pic of your husband and his twin. Happy Birthday to them!
    Congratulations on winning second place in the MKC Garden contest. Can't wait to see your prizes.
    Happy September! Wishing everyone wellness and blessings.

  15. Being with family is so important, and I love the photo of you with your sister. Monnie and his twin look so adorable. I'm glad the remodel is moving along. Great pic of your Monnie! Well deserved MacKenzie-Childs win Sarah, and hope to see your new pots in a fall display. Sorry you missed some wonderful events this year. Wishing you a happy and healthy rest of your summer.

  16. Oh, this is lovely. I'm so glad you can see family. We've missed many of ours (and a wedding this weekend). But it looks like you are out far more than I am and I'm glad you can do that. I must say, if there was a TJs near me, I would break my "no stores" rule!

  17. Sarah, it looks like you have had a wonderful summer! Congratulations on your win in the MC contest. I have a few pieces, and my mom has her whole kitchen decorated in MC. I helped her order some items from the barn sale, and we are still waiting for the goodies to arrive. I hope you have a most beautiful and blessed day!

  18. Hi Sarah!!!! What a wonderful post! I so enjoy your MC traveling totes posts.

    Life has certainly changed for us all. It seems you are being careful and are well - and happy - and that's what matters most.

    BIG congrats on your photo win - how exciting! I look very forward to seeing all the new things coming your way. ♥

    I adored the Cup Scouts photo of your hubs and his twin. My mother was a cub scout den mother and just that pic alone brought me smiles. Hope they had a nice birthday.

    The bride looks beautiful - so sad to miss out on all these huge events.

    Take care, stay well. Big (safe) hugs!

  19. Hi Sarah,

    I'm so sorry you had to miss the wedding, it must have been difficult. Our friends daughter had to put her wedding off until next year. NJ has been hit incredibly hard we are mostly still closed.

    Live your photos and that you spent time with your sister. We miss our family and friends terribly. We haven't seen anyone since the virus began.

    Happy Birthday to the chef!


  20. How great you won a lovely MC gift - the photo is great!
    Enjoyed seeing what you've been up to. It's hard I know to miss out on family/friends get togethers etc. at this difficult time.
    Weekly grocery store trip today here, not much else going on.

  21. Sarah,
    What a wonderful post, filled with beauty and joy and so much of what we all need during this time!! Glad to see you got to spend time with your sister and other family and friends!! We did too.... Congrats on placing second in the MC sweepstakes!! Wonderful!! Can't wait to see what you won and what you bought!! Happy Birthday to your hubby and his twin....I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!!
    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and for letting me know that you did by leaving a comment!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  22. Congratulations on your photo contest! Such a fun post filled with joy and happiness, looks like you are still able to enjoy yourself despite the pandemic. It is refreshing to feel uplifted during such trying times.

  23. Sarah, I love your travels and this one was very special. The bride looked so pretty, I am glad they can have their weddings but it is hard on the ones left behind. I miss going to Trader Joe's but we are about a 2 hour ride away so it is hard to do with all else that is going on. I miss their flowers most of all. Congratulations on your win, the display was beautiful. Sarah, if you are on BJ's team, I guess I am not as I couldn't get a comment through. If you are would you tell her for me all the best of luck and I know she has had such a hard time since her hubby passed. I just can't imagine how hard that would be. You and I are so lucky and your's looks a cute as ever. Stay well..xxoJudy


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.