Saturday, October 17, 2020

Sunflowers Make Me Smile

Fall has arrived bringing 
us beautiful weather.

 We enjoyed this sunny arranngement for over a week,
but after the stems began to rot, 
it was time to restyle.
Years ago, a florist shared a wonderful trick 
for extending the life of cut flowers.
She taught me to gather the blooms into a tight bouquet, 
secure them together, and cut the stems short.
Instant beautiful presentation!
It works especially well for tulips.

I repurposed my sunflowers to a smaller container, 
letting the petals fall where they may, 
and set a sunflower table for two.

These Nicloe Miller Home beaded placemats
were paired with plaid napkins from World Market 
to set the stage for my plate stack.

Plaid Chargers, Willisms Sonoma
Plaid Dinner Plate, Two's Company
Whimsical Rabbit Salad Plate, Anthropologie.

I used a pair of Two's Company mugs as
napkin holders for Crown Linen Design napkins.
I appreciate the quality of these linens as 
well as the classic touch of an elegent 
crown embroideried in a corner.

I'm eager to have a group of friends and family 
gathered round our table, but for now
it's a sunny table for two.

Sunflowers Make Me Smile!

Do you have a special flower that brings smiles?


  1. I think that's one of the big things..we miss..gathering around a table with family or friends♥You suit sunflowers♥Love those leaded like windows in your dining room.And the bunny plate.. food should not go on it lol:)

    1. Monique, our home was built in the 1930s, the windows are original. They were once working casement windows to the side entry porch, but when we remodeled, we enclosed the porch area as part of our sunroom. The bunny plate is so cute, I tend to use it year round. It always brings a smile.

  2. Sunflowers are one of my favorites and this is indeed the cheeriest table! I miss not having others at my table too and I don't think it is likely to happen for awhile. We did, however, have a small distanced gathering with friends to celebrate my mortgage payoff. It's a two-parter and I posted the first part -- the garden walk -- on my blog today. Part two, probably Monday!


    1. Jeanie, congratulations! Morgage free home is indeed something to celebrate!!! We, too have entertained with distance and only family outdoors on the terrace. I had my SIL over this week for lunch to celebrate her birthday!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sarah, most flowers make me smile but I do have my favourites. Your sunflowers are lovely and I love them this time of year. Your table looks so inviting. Love your windows! Have a happy weekend.

    1. Thank you, Sandi. Yes, most flowers make me smile as well. I grew up with fresh flowers in our home from my mom's garden. I will always appreciate that simple pleasure! The windows are original to our 1930s home. Happy Weekend to youu!

  5. Sarah, such a lovely table. The plates rre darling! You have the cutest collections. Sunflowers are such a happy flower. How I would love to be your guest.

    1. Linda, I'd love to have my friends sitting around our table. I hope one day that you and Paul will visit Austin. Happy Weekend!

  6. I really miss having guests for lunch and dinner! Your table looks lovely (and i always cut back my stems and put in smaller vases!) I have two large arrangements right now and hope they last !! Enjoy dining at your festive table.

  7. Dearest Sara,
    Indeed, sunflowers do provoke smiles!
    When we visited our sister-city in Japan, teenagers and I as their chaperone, they grew sunflowers. So naturally the sunflower was their logo.
    Still have a long t-shirt with sunflower that I use for sleeping.
    So many precious things, when looking for them.
    For my long hair I did receive a barrette with a sunflower.
    Lovely setting and very cozy.
    Also your sunflowers arranged inside the creamware cachepot.

  8. I love your sunny bouquet and table Sarah, it makes me smile too! Those beaded mats are gorgeous and make such a statement by themselves. I love your plaid layers and sweet wreathed bunny on top! I keep thinking I'll wake up and 2020 will have been a bad dream and things will be back to normal. Happy weekend to you, the Chef & sweet Sadie. ♥

  9. Sarah, sunflowers make me smile and so does your lovely table for two. I love the beaded placemats and your mix of plaid plates and the darling bunny! Happy Sunday!

  10. Those beaded sunflower placemats are beautiful! Seems ashame to cover them up with a plate even if it’s a pretty one 🌼🌼

  11. Such a pretty table in playful patterns! I love it, Sarah!

  12. Your table looks lovely dresses for fall. I love all kinds of flowers!

  13. Awww such a cheery table for two, Sarah! I hope that you can entertain friends soon. Fresh flowers always bring a smile to my face!

  14. Sunflowers make me smile too Sarah and long or short stemmed they are always a bright spot in any space! I love your sunflower placemats and the plaid plate stack topped with the wonderful bunny! I love the petals on the table too, what a happy table!
    Jenna 🌻

  15. I love sunflowers too Sarah so I really enjoyed your post. The sunflower placemats are almost to pretty to cover up, except when you have a lovely place setting. Loving how you use the plaids together and the Anthropologie plate is adorable. Lovely table for two..........

  16. I miss the days of having people over and going to their houses for a meal.
    Your table for two does make me smile. Love those cherry placemats and your lovely plate stack. You are very good at styling and you have lovely pieces to style with.

    Thanks for sharing the tip about cutting stems shorter.
    Lovely post.

  17. Sarah, sunflowers do it for me too. Who couldn't be happy with those sweet faces staring back at you. I really like the placemats and your dish stack..So pretty..Stay well..xxoJudy

  18. I love the sunflowers Sarah. You also have the most beautiful accessories and such a talent for display.

  19. Lovely sunflowers. I was also checking out your walls around the table and lots of beauties there too.

  20. Sarah,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Everything looks so pretty!! what a wonderful tablescape!!

  21. Oh Sarah, what a pretty tablescape and floral arrangement. Sunflowers are such happy flowers, are they not?

    Hope you are staying safe and well. Hugs.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.