Saturday, March 1, 2025

Tales of the Traveling Tote #42

Rabbit, Rabbit!
Welcome March

March has arrived, and it's time for another edition of
Tales of the Traveling Tote
It's amazing to me that this is our 42nd edition.
You can read all the details how the group started here.
Our group has grown over the years, and now we are ten.

Miz Merri Mac and I had the most wonderful surprise in December.
Traveling Tote Sister, Debbie Cantales @ Mountain Breaths 
and her sister, traveled from upstate NY to deep in the heart of Texas.  

A surprise visit from Debbie was
the best present of the season! 

Debbie and I, along with Patti Pultorak, were the original three
Traveling Tote Sisters. 
Debbie and I first met in person when I flew
to upstate NY the summer of 2018 to attend my first ever 
MacKenzie-Childs Barn Sale.
Here we are at E. B. Morgan House, Aurora, NY
my home for the week.

It was this occasion when I also met Laura Baratta, 
another avid MKC collector who lives in California 
and who had also flown in to attend the sale.
Note Laura's cute hat.

Laura and others, like me, had come great distances for 
the sale and were there for several days, staying in Aurora.
It was a wonderful time to create endearing real time friendships.
One afternoon,  I complimented Laura on her hat, 
she then handed it to me, saying she had made it specifically for the trip, and had decided to give it to the first person to compliment it.  
Well, dear readers, that was me! 
 I was the lucky one to fly home with the hat.

Fast forward to December 2024 when Deb was visiting.
Deb saw it hanging on the hat rack and slipped it on.
Perfect fit, and now Deb is the next proud owner of this fun hat.
Laura's generosity continues and now we laugh
that we now also have a Traveling Hat.
Wonder who might end up with it next?

Christmas here was quiet and reflective.

In the immediate days to follow, Miz Merri Mac and I loaded the car and drove to nearby Canyon Lake, Texas to attend a family wedding.

Our weekend accommodations were a spacious
vacation rental on the Guadalupe River, Texas.

Met this darling pup at a local barbecue spot.
He was spoken for, or I think I might have 
coaxed this cutie into Miz Merri Mac.

Congratulations to this darling couple!

May they be blessed with a 
long and happy marriage!

January brought another year 
around the globe for me
and Miz Merri Mac snapped my photo.

January and February brought 
winter knocking at the door.

We didn't venture far most days.

Rather we took in the 
silence and beauty of nature .   .   .

Enjoyed meals by a cozy fire .   .   .

And often spent hours reading, and I have
several new books to recommend.

Lydia Menzies, one of my favorite Instagramers, has published a book.
 "Driven by a love for genuine connection centered around creative dinner parties, Lydia invites you to step into the world of The Supper Club, her community of like-minded individuals who enjoy hosting fabulous events and making memories with family and friends.
From simple shindigs to sophisticated soirées, within Lydia's book, you will find a plethora of parties designed by The Supper Club
guiding you on your own journey of home entertaining." 

Mark your calendar for Upcoming Book Events 
if you find yourself nearby any of the above locations.
Lydia's book is available here.
Information on joining Lydia's Supper Club here.

My dear, longtime friend, Susan, drove in from Dallas for a recent visit, excited about a book event she had attended by Austin author, Rena Pederson, on her newly published, THE KING OF DIAMONDS.  Having grown up in Dallas, Susan was intrigued by this wonderful new non-fiction read about the search for the elusive Texas jewel thief of the 1950s to the early 1970s. Rena agreed to meet for lunch at a local bakery to sign our books, and we enjoyed a delightful visit with this charming and entertaining author as Rena shared intriguing tales about Stanley Marcus, of Neiman Marcus, the CIA in Dallas prior to JFK's assassination, the mob, and more!  With signed copies now in hand, Susan and I can't wait to delve into our new books.
You can order KING OF DIAMONDS,  here.

Rena has authored four previous books and is considered 
a trail blazer for women in journalism in Texas.
Named "one of the best non-fiction crime books of 2024" 
by Crime Reads publication, THE KING OF DIAMONDS 
was also an "Editor's Pick" on Amazon.
You can read more about Rena here.

For all my friends in the Dallas Metroplex, Rena will 
be speaking in Dallas, TX on Saturday, March 22.

Don't miss all the adventures below:

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch   

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box  

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Bookish Dilettante  


  1. Good morning Sarah! So glad you’ve enjoyed some fun visits and outings! I love the concept of your traveling hat originally shared by fellow MKC enthusiast. Love the bird’s eye view of your terrace in the snow. I don’t think I’ve seen your patio/terrace area before from that vantage point, what a wonderful outdoor space! Happy March. ♥

  2. Happy March, Sarah! I loved reading of your travels and your TTT visitor!! The concept of the traveling hat is unique, and having to meet in person is a neat factor to up the game. đŸ˜‰ I love when notable authors explore regionally interesting stories, but Rena is extra special, given her national level interest connections. That must've been a very inspiring meet! I saw the Supper Club spoken of in one of the Hoffman media magazines (SLady?). It looked very interesting, given our mutual love of tablescaping.
    All the cozy and reflective moments at home are not lost on me either. Your heart is there, most certainly, and I always enjoy reading of how you've made it such a special place to be.

  3. You've had loads of lovely fun on your travels. I like the addition of the traveling hat! What a delightful idea (and it was adorable on you!). Having a blog friend visit is the best. And everything here is so darned pretty. February is a good month to lay low at home. I've been doing much the same. Your home is lovely and all looks well. Now, onto a new month!

  4. Happy March Sarah. I love the idea of the traveling hat. You and Deb look so cute in it. How special Deb and her sister got to visit. It is always a treat to meet a fellow tote sister in person.Your terrace looks so gorgeous and those amazing views. So glad you shared that photo. Your cozy days at home sound so relaxing and special. Your collections amaze me. Cheers to an early spring.

  5. Cute idea to pass on the hat! You, Laura and Deb certainly look cute in hats! I love how you make your cozy time at home so special, your photos are always so warm and interesting! So happy you got to visit with Deb - it's always fun to meet in person! I treasure the times you and I have! Enjoy spring, it's right around the corner!

  6. Sarah, you have definitely been a girl on the go since December. I love you've also had special visitors from NY. I know Deb's visit along with her sister was so special. I love the story of the MC traveling hat, how fitting Deb is the new owner. Looks like a fun time in Dallas, sweet friends and a lovely evening out for dinner. Love seeing the pics of you and friends and so nice to see Susan visiting. I know you two always have a lot to catch up with. Lovely scene out your window of the snow covered terrace, so beautiful. Wishing you a very happy March dear friend..........

  7. Happy March, Sarah. The traveling hat is a cute and fun idea. I am so glad you were able to spend time with your lovely friends. You have wonderful friendships that I know mean so much to you. Your terrace dressed in snow is stunning! I am ready for spring!!

  8. Great blog and read. Love nonfiction reads

  9. Happy March Sarah, your lovely terrace will be showing off spring blooms soon and you will enjoying sitting at the patio table. This post took me back to when we first met for a very special weekend in NYC in 2017. What a fun lunch we had at The Russian Tea Room. And it was a dream come true when we got to spend time together in Aurora, NY at the Mackenzie Childs barn sale. Our happy place! I'm hoping to visit MC this summer and wear my traveling hat :-) Looks like a fun time in Dallas, sweet friends and a lovely evening out for dinner. Happy Almost Spring Sarah!

  10. Aw, those wedding photos are fabulous! We spent much of January inside hiding from winter too but I feel like I get to really enjoy those books without guilt that way.

  11. Sarah, I loved seeing photos of you and Debbie! Y'all are the very cutest. I can't get over the snow y'all got, my goodness! That's so rare for your part of the world. You have me intrigued about The Supper Club. Now I'm seeing it all over the place on Instagram. It looks like a lot of fun! I hope that all the TTT ladies can meet up soon. I would love that! Happy Mardi Gras!

  12. I adore the Traveling hat! you all look so cute in it! I also loved hearing about your first trip and meeting Deb and Patti. Thanks for bringing me in too!
    We have a Cookbook Club, so I am thinking I must get the Supper Club.
    I was so shocked by the snow in your lovely garden. I hope it didn't last long. Have a great March - it has come so fast.

  13. You look lovely:) Love your hair and natural beauty Sarah..And that garden.That's a dream with all the architectural elements there.LOVE it.Fun for you to see Debbie and her sister also. Belated HB:):):


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.