Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fire Works French Toast

It's the 4th of July!
What better way to start the day 
than with French Toast before 
heading off to the neighborhood parade.

Of course you'll want to set your tray 
with red, white, and blue details.

A crisp linen napkin .   .   .

Held by a vintage silver napkin ring, 
will make one's breakfast taste even better.  

It's a perfect setting for thick, 
rich French Toast with a side of sausage.

I topped mine off with fresh blueberries, blackberries, and whipped cream, but I like the idea of adding red, white, and blue sprinkles.

Hope your day has been festive!

Happy Birthday, USA!



  1. Yum! That French toast looks good enough for dinner too. I've yet to eat and that looks like a feast! Happy fourth!

  2. Hi Sarah, I like the idea of the red, white and blue sprinkles too! I have some from my basket win from Mary, and we're having waffles tomorrow morning so I can use them! Hope it isn't too warm where you are! Linda

  3. That thick toast is just my kind Sarah. Lovely all.

  4. Sarah, I'm the only one who likes French toast in this house! I'll take it over pancakes or waffles any ol' day. You have me drooling for this sweet breakfast treat with your photos. :-) Sue

  5. Wow that French Toast looks so good! I think I am going to make some this week...I don't think I've had it in years!!! Hope you had a relaxing day!
    Miss Bloomers

  6. Is someone serving up breakfast in bed? I'm in!

  7. You're making me want to make French toast tomorrow morning, Sarah!! Hope you had a happy 4th.

  8. Oh boy that looks really good.
    Love your breakfast table.
    Very inviting.
    Happy 4th!

  9. HAPPY 4th to you!!!
    your breakfast looked divine!!!I love berries with mine too...and who can forget the whipped cream!!!

  10. Love French toast with fresh berries, hope you had a wonderful day.

  11. Looks like a great breakfast! Sounds like you had a fun 4th:@)

  12. What a delicious way to start off the 4th..Your Texas :) French toast looks sooo good and with sausage. Yum~
    What kind of bread did you use.. brioche? challah? Thanks for serving breakfast...and with a linen napkin and silver napkin ring,too. Hugs,Babs

  13. Sarah,
    What a lovely trayscape with the red, white and blue. French toast looks delicious! I am a firm believer in a good breakfast for the best beginning to a GREAT day! This one gets an A+!!!

  14. Oh, Sarah, I'm salivating here at my desk, wishing I had at least one bite of that fabulous French toast! What a beautiful tray you've set -- the dishes are definitely up my alley! I hope you had a lovely Fourth.

  15. I love French toast and maple syrup - oooh and that sausage! Torture as I sit here on a weekday morning having just eaten my sensible cereal (which reminds me of goat food!) with blueberries. *sigh*

  16. The french toast looks amazing! Love your trayscape! Hope your 4th was wonderful.

  17. Yum! French toast looks so good, dripping with syrup, sugar, and berries. Love the vintage silver touches, napkin rings and coffee pot. Perfect summer morning. Thanks for posting! ~CJ

  18. Oh my goodness! That french toast and setting is so wonderful. Now I'm hungry for breakfast.

  19. As delicious as the French Taste looks, it's a wonder you could take the time to photograph the scene. I'm afraid I would not have been able to wait to dig in!

  20. Not only a beautiful setting, but the food is 1,000,000% appetizing!!!! I'm with Priscilla on this one...I don't know that I could have held off long enough to snap a photo. My fork would've hit the French Toast almost as soon as it came off the griddle!

  21. Hi Sarah: How did you know french toast is my favorite?? This looks scrumptous, and the tablescape is just lovely. Thank you so much for sharing, and have a delightful weekend!

  22. Your place setting looks so pretty on that breakfast tray. This really has the B & B look to it. I've been suffering from a stomach flu all week but my mouth is watering from that french toast and sausage (my favorite breakfast foods!)

    Robin Flies South

  23. Sarah, If I had a beautiful breakfast tray like that in my bed, I'd probably never make it to the parade. Of course, I would have been in a rush to take pictures of that tray, because I'd be so anxious to eat that breakfast. (You should be a photo stylist. I always love the way your photos look). laurie

  24. Hi sarah, thank you so much for your lovely comments on my blog
    your breakfast tray so pretty.
    Happy 4th of July

  25. Beautifully set, and simply scrumptious looking!

  26. Sarah~ What a perfectly delicious trayscape! Your French Toast is mouth-watering with your berries, whipped cream, and syrup! I love the idea of freedom sprinkles too :)

    We sweltered yesterday in the heat along with most of the country~ if you're not in the water it's just too HOT to be outdoors!

    I have serious napkin ring envy every time I see those handsome monogrammed treasures :)

  27. How beautiful,Sarah! I love the quilt especially. You are making me hungry for french toast now, lol...Christine

  28. French toast is always a welcome treat at our home. The breakfast tray is lovely. Great details...making me hungry. Thanks for visiting....Linda

  29. How pretty! This looks like the perfect start to the 4th. I haven't had french toast in, does yours look delish!

  30. Wow, bet you couldn't wait to take a bite. Looks yummy, my husband and I were just talking about making french toast and now here you go, beautiful job, well done.

  31. Your table is splendid! I would love the have breakfast with you, especially if we had that wonderful French toast!

    Thank you for sharing your creativity at Potpourri Friday!

  32. That is such a pretty table setting and the French toast looks delicious! ~ Maureen

  33. Hi Sarah,
    this is the most adorable French toast I ever saw. With a French Provence tablecloth, beautiful French Quimper dishes and the cute cushion in the back. And the French toast itself - yummy. This vignettes are really magazin worthy.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  34. The table looks great, but what I'm wanting is the French toast and sausage. Why don't I ever make it when I love French toast?


    This French toast looks delicious! I have not been hungry due to the excessive heat here, but when I saw your pic, my stomach grumbled!!!

    I hope you had a great celebration! We are building a deck and also painting my studio. We have been having a lovely summer but there is a lot to do!

    Thank you for coming by to visit the ocean; I am dreaming of cool blue waters these days! Anita

  36. Oh boy, loving that French toast and sausage.. I haven't had those in a while!! Very nice and patriotic table for it too. Hope you had a very happy 4th. of July. Thank you for dropping by with your lovely comment on my salmon. Have a great weekend.

  37. Sarah, what yummylicious french toast! A perfect breakfast for the 4th. I love your setting...very summery and cheery. The plates are so pretty with yellow and blue happily cheering your on to enjoy your meal.

    Thank you for stopping by and visiting me. I enjoy seeing everyone's delightful goodies.

    Blessings for a Happy Pink Saturday,

  38. Happy Pink Saturday, Sarah! You set a wonderfully festive table for the holiday. I love french toast and your looks really delish! Have a lovely weekend.


  39. Hi Sarah! Now your breakfast tray is where I would have loved to be sitting on the 4th. Man, that looks so good! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  40. What a lovely tablesetting and that French toast looks delicious. Have a nice weekend

  41. Now THIS is a great way to celebrate the 4th! Thanks, Sarah.

  42. Your tray looks splendid. It's so wonderful to see it filled with all of your amazing treasures. So happy you brought this post filled with your lovelies to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  43. Hi Sarah, I just join your lovely blog. I think you came by mine recently...nice to see you again. You have a lovely table and delicious french toast. yummm. It is so interesting to skip around blogs and find a friendly place.

  44. Your French toast is going straight to my waistline. Looks absolutely yummy. Thanks again for linking to Hot Fun in the Summertime.

  45. oh how I love french toast with lots of butter on it!!!! I might just have to make some for breakfast today! That silver napkin ring is so lovely. Hope you had a great 4th!

  46. Oh how fabulous Miss Sarah! You seriously just had my mouth watering. What a fun way to start the festivities for the 4th. Glad it was a good one.

  47. Uh oh! Now I have to go find some french toast! Love your frenchy red, white and blue!

  48. Hi Sarah, I love the antique silver napkin ring and the pretty plates. The french toast looks delicious. Thanks for linking to the Open House party.

  49. This is what I would call serious yum! Hope the rest of your 4th was wonderful :)

  50. Oh my, my favorite breakfast! There's a restaurant in town that makes the best FT! It's almost like eating a bread pudding! And I learned a new word today...trayscape!
    Thanks for stopping by my place!

  51. What a nice way to begin a holiday, or any weekend, Sarah! i love a hearty French toast. It sounds like your 4th of July was a happy one!

  52. Sarah, I want to have breakfast at your house!! That looks simply divine.

  53. Hello Sarah, Your French Toast looks delicious! I haven't made french toast in a while! I am inspired - I hop you had a wonderful Fourth of July! I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  54. This looks absolutely scrumptious, Sarah, and a wonderful way to start ANY day!
    The silver napkin ring is so beautiful! I would love to collect a set (I have one or two sterling pieces that belonged to my Great Aunt and Uncle) but they can be very pricey.
    Thank you for sending the photos. I so enjoyed seeing the way you arranged everything. I will email you back directly but wanted you to know that I did get your pics and message.

    Have a wonderful evening,


  55. What a beautiful table setting, Sarah!
    Love all the red, white, and blueness!


  56. Hello, Hope you had a great 4th.We sure did busy with our hometown parade, Rodeo, Carnival.
    Your French Toast looks delicious one of my favs!
    It all looks os pretty on your sweet lil tray.~Cheers Kim

  57. I'm on a diet at the moment....I can't look at that toast!! Love the flag in the window!!

  58. Not only does your french toast look delicious, it is beautiful as well! I'll be right over. :-)
    Mary Alice

  59. This looks delicious! I especially love your vintage napking ring! Thanks for sharing!

  60. Such a beautiful breakfast, served up in grand style. I love the touch of fruit!

  61. What a delicious way to start any day Sarah. Adorable setting and I love the pillow and the flag in the window!
    I know it must have been a grand parade.

    The French Hutch

  62. Oh my goodness that looks so delicious and festive!


  63. This looks fantastic! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  64. Oh, yum, Sarah. That looks so good. I wish I had some right now.

    Happy Pink Saturday. I've missed you. Work is so busy, and it is making me crazy.

  65. YUM :) That french toast looks delicious :)

    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  66. Hi Sarah!

    Oh My Goodness... that looks so yummy! I hope you had a nice 4th.

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  67. YUMMO! I want to come to your place for breakfast! :)
    Thanks for your kind comment on my Trash to Treasure post.


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