Sunday, July 1, 2012

Santa Fe ~ A Favorite Destination

Santa Fe, New Mexico

is a favorite get away destination for me.

Only 1 hour and 20 minutes from Dallas on American Eagle.

New Mexico ~ Land of Enchantment

I've been enchanted with Santa Fe 

since I was a child when my family 

would stop here on summer vacations on our way to Colorado.

Santa Fe is a unique experience 

with first class art galleries, delicious cuisine, 

cultural activities, outdoor adventures, and amazing shopping.

Adobe structures with charming 

courtyards have a style all their own  

with textures and colors that can make my heart sing.

A beautiful town plaza, 

unique and sometimes quirky shops, 

and authentic New Mexican 

cuisine lure me back time and again.

Santa Fe is a perfect destination for a variety of 

activities or simply rest and relaxation.

Blue skies, incredible vistas, 

and evening sunsets not to be missed.

Click below to read a previous post about the annual  



  1. Sarah, this wonderful post makes me want to hop on a plane straightaway and experience Santa Fe for myself.
    Until then, dear friend, I will savour your gorgeous mosaics and dream!
    Have a wonderful week,

  2. I love that part of the country, too. To walk out and smell the piñon smoke from fireplaces is a memory I treasure. I used to have incense from there that smelled of piñon. Sadly it is all used up, now, but the memory lingers.

  3. Hi Sarah,

    I loved Santa Fe. It's been many years since I've been there but I did love it! :) Your pictures are gorgeous! :) Love the colors.


  4. Great post. We have enjoyed Santa Fe many times too. It really is a great place to visit. Hugs, Marty

  5. Sarah, Santa Fe is awesome. I have never been there but you captured its charm beautifully. I certainly want to go there now. I would also love to go to San Antonio. That part of our nation is so beautiful.
    The picture of the dancing sheep is so fun and the photos of the sky and landscape are breathtaking.
    Have a great week, Ginger:)

  6. Ooooh! how fun! I didn't know you could get in so quick from Dallas! Easy peasy. Love your pics. I'm always a tourist when I visit Santa Fe. Love the blue lintels and your sunset shots. Gorgeous. So glad you had a great time!

  7. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!!! I used to live in Texas when my husband was stationed at Fort Hood. I was totally in love with Gerogetown and Fredricksburg!!!

  8. Just the name 'Santa Fe'conjures up colour and sounds....and I've never been there! I wonder what it is like in the winter time - I must google.
    You are lucky to have such wonderful places within such a short flight time.

  9. Lucky you!! Santa Fe is high on my travel list. When I get ready to visit I will be checking in with you before making plans!

  10. Santa Fe is on my list of places I still need to visit!
    xo Cathy

  11. Santa Fe has been one of our favorite places for many years. We only live about 5 hours away, so we have been known to go out of the way just to have lunch at the LaFonda. Your mosaics captured SF perfectly. Sally

  12. Hi Sarah, I love your blog. I've never been to Santa Fe.. and now I am thinking that I would love to go. You've captured so many gorgeous photos.
    Happy 4th of July.

  13. Such cute doors!
    Everything looks so cool!
    I just found your blog. I'm excited to look at all your posts!

  14. I'd love to visit Sante Fe. Maybe one of these days! Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  15. Sarah,
    Beautiful photography! Looks as if you had an amazing trip!

  16. Sarah, I have had Santa Fe on my list forever. I just need to drop everything I am doing and book a flight :-) My friend's mom lives there in the winter since Upstate NY winters can be long. Thank you for the beautiful photos!

  17. Sarah, I hope the Santa fe tourist office is sending you commission. You have tempted us with wonderful photo's and your own personal recomendations.
    May be another destination to go on my bucket list.

  18. Looks like you had a fun trip! Lovin' the wheel in the fence and "fluffy" sheep! I spy a cute blue pig too... Happy 4th of July Week:@)

  19. Hi Sarah! Thank you for joining my Beautiful Sunday link up. You made me happy!!!!

    I haven't been to any country outside Asia so pictures from blog friends really compensate my desire to see the world.

    Anyway, the pictures of those shabby gates and doors are sooo beautiful. I love them.

    I hope you will still link up for the next weeks. You have a lovely blog.

    Have a great day!

  20. This is a gorgeous post, Sarah! I hope to visit Sante Fe in a few years When I am in Colorado. It looks absolutely beautiful in your mosaics.

  21. Wow! What a wonderful, charming place to visit! I've never been, but you've made it look so enchanting, I will have to add the destination to my bucket list! :)

    Thanks for the visit, and for taking the time to leave the sweet comment!

  22. Hi
    I love your post about Santa Fe. I would love to visit New Mexico. I have it on my bucket list. The Hot Air Balloon festival and Georgia O'Keefe's studio. Hopefully I will get there soon.

  23. thank you for taking me to the other side of the world with your images! I like to see other cultures - and I particularly like your mosaic of the doors - so colourful and interesting! thanks for taking me there through Mosaic Monday and have a wonderful week.

  24. Sarah~ I love your gorgeous mosaics~ I would love to visit Santa Fe! The soft muted terra cotta paired with the aqua and turquoise is such a welcoming and warm color combination! I love the wagon wheel in the fence and your fun airplane reflection in at the airport! Hope you're enjoying the summer and staying cool :)

  25. It's one of my favorite towns, too. I lived in NM for a few years and came to love that part of the country! Beautiful photos! I would love to travel there this Fall!

  26. Hi, Sarah, this is my first time visiting you, and I'm so glad I did. I've only been to Sante Fe once, but I remember it as one of my favorite places. I still have a beautiful piece of pottery I bought and carefully brought back home. It's still used and cherished in my kitchen.

    I love the collage of doors you created. Doors are always a camera seeker to me.

  27. Sarah, I enjoyed your visit to Santa Fe. Fun places to shop? I'm there. Love those dancing sheep.

  28. What a lovely area, Sarah! Your photos are beautiful! Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog!

  29. How wonderful. I have never been to the Southwest. The sunlight and the colors are spectacular.

    Stopping by from The Polohouse Favorites on the First.

  30. I have always wanted to go to Santa Fe! I know I would go crazy over all the artisan villages and their wares.
    I have been to Tucson, which looks a little bit similar.
    Love the food and the vistas out in the western deserts and skies!

    Thanks so much
    for sharing, Sarah
    and thanks for linking up!


  31. Sarah,
    Your photos are enchanting! Love the mosaics you put together of the doors! We ate at the Pink Adobe when we were there last and loved it. Hope you had a great time! Isn't this heat oppressive!? Enjoy your Fourth and stay cool! Thanks for your sweet visit!
    Miss Bloomers

  32. Sarah I've never been to Santa Fe but after seeing all your photographs I'm ready to head west! This is also one of my sister's "favorites destinations!" How lucky you are the trip is easy and short. I'm enjoying your lovely mosaics over my coffee and daydreaming of a getaway to Santa Fe.
    Have a fabulous 4th Sarah!

    The French Hutch

  33. I have never been there but have always wanted to go. Your pictures are beautiful!

  34. :D What a lovely tour of Santa Fe! We lived in Scottsdale, AZ for a couple of years and never made it to New Mexico. It is my one regret from living out West! I will make it there one day, I hope. I would love to have a gallery tour!

    Super photos. Thanks for the tour!


  35. Sarah, what a wonderful post. That looks truly enchanting.
    Love all the colorful doors and the three sheep, funny.
    Happy Independence Day,
    hugs,, Evi

  36. So pretty and colorful! I hope to visit someday!

  37. Hi Sarah, and I'm so happy to see you stopped by my place! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my posts. Your encouraging response is so appreciated. Fun to see your Santa Fe post. Two of my sisters live there. My daughter is going for a visit this month. Unfortunately, we are not so close by. We live in S. Florida, so it's no quick trip. I enjoy seeing the sights via your images though.

  38. Your photos are beautiful. You've convinced me. I need to go to Santa Fe. laurie

  39. Your photos of Santa Fe are not at all what I envisioned it would be. I actually want to visit there now. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  40. I haven't been to Sante Fe in many years, but I crave to go there often. Sweet story - in the old church with the staircase (you know what I'm talking about I'm sure) there is a back room with a very life like figure of an Indian woman sitting in a chair. My youngest sister, probably about 8 at the time, was ever so kindly trying to strike up a conversation with her - "hello, how are you?' type things. I remember that so fondly. I thought that was so gracious of her. Anyway, thanks for sharing the pictures and info. Hopefully I will get back soon! It is nice to meet you at our party!

  41. My husband and I would LOVE to visit there. So colorful and beautiful architecture there too. Nice to be that close!

  42. Your photos definitely captured the colors and feel of Santa Fe. Thank you for linking up to Hot Fun in the Summertime.


  43. We are hoping to make a trip to Santa Fe next year. I have seen it but my husband has not and I know hew would love it. your description is lovely and makes me so happy we have it in our short list.

  44. I've never been to Santa Fe but now I think I must plan to visit there at some point. I wanted to hop right inside of those shops and see what was offered! Thanks for taking us there!

  45. Such an intriguing place.

    So happy to have you at "Oh, the PLACES I have been!"

    - The Tablescaper

  46. love this new meme and adore all your mosaics, you captured it so perfectly! i loved all the doors too, i could shoot every single one...


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.