Sunday, September 11, 2011

Quiet Reflection

Quiet Reflection

Thinking a lot about friendship these days.

In recent months I've said final goodbyes to four longtime friends. Yesterday, I received the news that one of my childhood friends lost her fight to cancer. Friendships that reach back to years spent at the university, early days in my career, and now childhood. Each taken far too young and unexpectedly. Intelligent, talented, beautiful individuals that gave of themselves to make our community - our world a better place for all.

Today as we reflect on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 our hearts go out to all who lost family and friends during that horrific event. May we never forget those who have been a blessing in our lives.

To all my cherished friends that I've met

here in the Land of Blog, you are treasures.

I appreciate your visits, your comments, and your personal emails.

Each of you are an inspiration who enrich my life beyond measure.


  1. Dear Sarah,
    we all don't know how long our life will last and what is decided to happen with us. We can only live our life properly and not waste any day. And how nice, if we lifed that way, that other my remember us friendly. My thoughts are with all the people who lost their lifes on that terrible day and their families.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. Beautiful post Sarah!

    Susan and Bentley

  3. Dear Sarah,

    My heart goes to you ... so sorry for your recent losses. Friendships near or far are precious and it is so tough when someone we loves passes.
    Such a lovely post.
    Big hugs from me to you today,

  4. Such a lovely post, Sarah, and like you, I will never forget that day. May your life be filled with love, laughter and beauty.


  5. We have to cherish every day. Well said post.

  6. A beautiful post and a reminder to each of us to live and love.

  7. Sarah, The last chat we had was not so long ago when you told me about loosing one of your dear friends. Now you have lost another. I am so sorry for your loss. I am thinking of you........
    Blessings and Hugs

    The French Hutch

  8. So sorry for your loss dear Sarah;
    It is very sad when we lose a friend and you wish you had done more, but we never know when our life ends, or our journey has finished it's labor on earth! This weekend too, my husband lost a cousin we loved very much, along with 9-11, it has been a very sad weekend for us too.
    Like you say, all good friends are a treasure, close and far, like you and all my other dear blog friends, we're always here to console each other. Thank you and God bless. FABBY

  9. You brought a tear to my eye with this heartfelt post.
    My sympathies to you..
    My thoughts for all the victims of Sept 11th..

    and my thanks to you for expressing gratitude to those that touch our hearts through our blogs.
    You are so right..
    You are one of those..that brings joy to us.

  10. I am so sorry for the losses you have been facing. I don't know why life seems to hit us with multiple things like that at once. It is a reflective time right now I think of everyone. I can't believe it has been ten years.

  11. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend, Sarah. I think we begin to understand how precious life really is as we get older. To live every day to its fullest is a good motto to live by...hugs...Debbie

  12. A beautiful post. So sorry to hear of the loss of a dear friend of yours. It is always painful to say goodbye. Hoping that your believe that we will see them again.
    Blessings and prayers of comfort to you. And yes, I too, treasure my blog friends.

  13. Sarah,
    My prayers and thoughts are with you, dear and in the days ahead. May God give you comfort as you continue to serve Him. I, too, have been bleseed with your blog friendship and you are a treasure in my life!

  14. My condolences on the loss of your dear friends, Sarah. Each loss diminishes the whole. It is so hard to say goodbye to those we love. {{{ hugs}}}

    As a New Yorker the sadness of 9-11feels so very overwhelming. I hope that one day the anniversary of this day will be one where good deeds and kindness towards one another are done in memory of the lives that were lost. That way goodness can overcome evil.

    I also value your friendship since getting to know you through our blogs. You are a wonderfully talented person and your blog is a joy and inspiration!

  15. I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost a dear friend. Your words are so true - so timely.
    I'm grateful, as well, for all of the friends I've made in blogland, and especially for the gift of your friendship. I always feel uplifted when I visit one of your posts.

  16. So sorry to hear about your loss Sarah. Such a sweet post.

  17. Sarah, I am so sorry for your losses.
    Next to family, there is nothing so precious as good friends. I treasure each and everyone, old and new.
    Your post touched me deeply. We almost lost our nephew who was delayed by missing the ferry.
    He worked for Cantor Fitzgerald where the first plane hit.
    I hope we are all spared more tragedies.
    Hugs and blessings,

  18. It is so hard to lose a dear friend. Cherish the memories.

    9/11 drains me, reliving that terrible time and seeing the still raw grief of those who lost loved ones.
    Our dear friend who was killed grandson read at the WTC yesterday. His gpa would have been very proud.

    And life goes on, it is what they would want.

  19. I'm so sorry that you've suffered these losses. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Sarah.

  20. So sorry for your loss of friends. It is so hard to lose the one's we love. Keep positive and hang in there and know that your friends would want you to be happy!

  21. Beautiful post, Sarah. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. Thanks for sharing. Hugs,

  22. So sorry for your friends' passings. Sounds like you have been very blessed to have such wonderuful relationships for so long. I'm glad to have you as a wonderful blogging friend.

  23. Lovely post Sarah,
    see you soon, my friend.
    Stay safe.
    a bientot

  24. So beautifully said. Prayers lifted up for you and the families. I cherish your sweet visits too. xo marlis

  25. So sorry for the loss, Sarah. We should cherish our friends while we have them....Christine

  26. I am SOOOO sorry for your recent losses!!!! And I LOVE this tribute here to them and to the Sept 11th losses--Tom and I personally suffered losses that day and Tom almost died at the Pentagon with them, so it's just surreal. Life can be so short and that's why I ALWAYS try to be kind and joyful, even amidst difficult times--because each moment is such a gift!
    And YOU are such a gift. Your kindness/heart/goodness come through in every post you create and share with us!
    You are a blessing to all who read you!


  27. When my husband lost his best friend at the early age of 34, a very wise man said, "That is too bad, because we don't have that many friends in this life." It is true. I count my numerous blog friends as dear friends even though I have never met them. I am sorry about all of your losses. Friends are dear treasures.

  28. Sarah:
    Your post is beautiful on such a poignant day. I'm so sorry to hear of your personal losses. Those numbers seem way to large for a such a short span of time. I treasure our blogging friendship and hope that one day we'll get to meet in person.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. Oh that is sad, I am sorry to hear about so many friends passing on. I am with you about the blog friends. We're here, maybe not in person, but we're here.

  30. Oh lovely, I'm so sorry for your painful losses. It's heartbreaking to lose good friends, isn't it?

    I love that saying at the end of your post. IT's easy to feel thrilled by the excitement of new friends but old friends ARE gold.


  31. So sorry to hear that you lost you childhood friend. It sometimes seems these losses come all too frequently.
    You are so right about the blog community. I haven't run across one person who wasn't friendly, sincere and caring. I was so blessed to see so many people who loved the Lord and were not ashamed to proclaim it.
    Your friends gravitate to you because you have a gentle way of making people feel special to you.
    You are special to us.
    Ginger xoxo

  32. What lovely thoughts and what a nice tribute. At the funeral of Diana this was read and i thought is was so beautiful...."Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity."

  33. Sarah~ I'm so sorry for your losses. Especially hard and painful to experience them in a short span of time. You are an inspiration and are oh so generous with your comments and visits. I hope you're having a wonderful vacation and I'll look forward to your posts.

  34. A lovely tribute, Sarah.
    I, too, have lost family members that were way too young to go, friends, classmates. It all makes me so sad to think about.

    I wanted to come by to check on you..haven't seen you out visiting. Hope all is ok with you and yours.
    xoxo bj

  35. Hope all is going well and you are enjoying every day!

    The loss of a loved one, whether family or friend, is always very sad. Hopefully your good memories of better times will help you through dear.

    Missing you of course but know you are keeping busy!
    Hugs - Mary

  36. I thought you'd been a little quiet lately, Sarah. I'm sorry for the loss of your 4 sad. I will say some prayers for them & for you so that you find Peace & Comfort soon.

    Gentle Hugs my bloggy friend,

  37. Sarah, I am so very sorry. I understand what you are feeling and cry along with you. You are special to all of us, and I hope you know that. All of your friends are blessed to know and be loved by you.

    Much love, my friend...



  38. That is so sad Sarah. A friend I have had since I was 13 just lost her Dad yesterday. As we were talking and reminiscing , I realized just how long this family has been in my life and how lucky I have been to have a dear friend for so long. Some cherished memories for sure. I bet you have many.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.