Saturday, September 3, 2011

Glory, Glory, Morning Glory

September has arrived!

Earlier this summer

I came across this lovely fence . . .

Where Morning Glory vines were twining

their way in and out among the

ornamental fleur de lys.

Delicate blue bell shaped flowers opened to the morning sun,

And peeked from within the mass of heart shaped leaves.

Morning Glory ~ September Birth Flower

Welcome September!

Wishing all a safe and fun holiday weekend!



  1. Hi Sarah,

    Oh I love morning glories..even though they try to take over my garden! I selectively pull out what I don't want and I have a few vines that are starting to bloom...heavenly blue and a deep purple are my favs! Happy Septmeber...our temps are going from 100 today to a high of 85 tomorrow!! Hope you get cooler weather too..this is my favorite time of year.

    Miss Bloomers

  2. Hi Sarah, this is a sweet and lovely post! Happy Weekend, xo

  3. Hi Sarah,
    The flowers are so lovely. Isn't it a wonderful time of year to renew and refresh our hearts and souls! I love the fall and I'm looking forward to it's beautiful rewards.


  4. Your morning glories are lovely, Sarah. I hope you have avery happy September!

  5. I love morning glories...they ask for so little. I have them on my back porch trellis...almost the same color as these! Lovely, Sarah! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


  6. Thanks for sharing that lovely flower Sarah! Great captures. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Sarah~ I was just noticing some wild growing morning glories on my morning walk at the lake with the dogs! I didn't realize they were September's flower~ it is good for the soul to see their bright blooms & heart shaped foliage!
    Wishing you a happy Labor Day weekend!

  8. i love morning glories, good thing they are so INVASIVE HERE! nothing wrong with loads of beautiful blue greeting you everyday~

    happy holiday weekend to you~

  9. I'm loving your photos of the Morning Glory vines. They look so pretty on the fence.
    I tried some last year and they were pretty on the pergola, but didn't plant any this year.
    Hope you have a nice Labor Day,

  10. And how beautiful a flower for September! Hope you are enjoying this last big summer weekend.

  11. I do love the morning glory and particularly the blue ones! Such delightful captures, Sarah, and a wonderful flower for September. And, yes, do enjoy the Labor Day Weekend -- what's left of it!


  12. This is a great post, Sarah. The Morning Glories are so pretty! I'm a September birthday, and it's my favorite month of the year. I love anything with fleur de lys, especially wrought iron fences. Thanks for sharing and Happy Seasonal Sunday!


  13. Thanks for sharing! I love your photos. The colors are beautiful.

  14. I love Morning Glories, but we only have white ones. Blue flowers must be stunning.

  15. Very pretty Sarah! Love the purples morning glories come in-enjoy:@)

  16. THESE have to be my favorite vine. They don't do well here in Minnesota, at least not in my yard! teeeheeee...but I remember in Los Angeles, they really looked beautiful, a whole WALL hugged in morning glory....

    Thank you dearest for your visit. I cannot, no...I REFUSE to believe summer is over!

    BLESSINGS, Anita

  17. I love morning glories. These are so beautiful, particularly with the touch of pink in the petals. Gorgeous fence. Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. I love, love, love Morning Glories. I even love the way they smell. If I had a garden, I'd plant them EVERY year.
    For now, I'll just have to enjoy yours. Thanks for sharing.

  19. I too love Morning Glories..They take forever to take off here and not every seed took here..I have one vine growing and some last..soon frost will hyjack the rest:(
    They really are ethereally beautiful.

  20. Hi Sarah,
    I didn't knew that the name of thos beauties is Morning Glory. What a pretty name for that plant. I love the delicate blues, it is like a summer heaven.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  21. Just delightful, Sarah, love the fence too.

  22. Morning glories scaling the trellis on the back porch is what sold me on our house 10 years ago!

  23. one of my favorites Morning glories are spectacular i love the heart shaped leaves

  24. Sarah, What beautiful photographs. The Morning Glory vines are a lovely color and finding them on the fleur de lys fence was was an added bonus. A great way to welcome September! Lovely post.

    The French Hutch

  25. How beautiful! I have never had luck growing them, I must try again!

  26. So pretty! Love the shade of blue that a morning glory gorgeous.
    I have not had luck growing these either! Only my clematis comes back for me each year.

  27. Morning glories are such sweet flowers! Your photographs are amazing!

  28. Ooooo, one of my most favorite flowers! Love the Frenchy Fence, too.

    Last year, I had them covering my trellis but I tried planting them again this year & they didn't germinate. :(
    I have no idea why. Sad. I'll try again, though, in the spring.

    Hope you're cooling off a little & praying for some rain to come your way. Sure wish we could share ours...we've got plenty.


  29. These is so pretty. And yes September is here and yes we have 55F here MI. ^_^

    Blue Monday

  30. There are so few blue blooms that this is super special.

    Happy Blue Monday, Sarah!

  31. Hello Sarah! What a spectacular "Morning Glory! I've always loved this flower and have not had in my garden in years! What wonderful photographs! I can still hear my daddy saying, "Good Morning, Glory!" This truly brought back a special memory.

    I've so miss your charming blog and I'm glad to be back! Thanks for dropping in to see me.


  32. Beautiful! I'm so glad things are getting more temperate where you are. September really is a beautiful month.

  33. a beautiful weed that I love. I planted some hybrid morning glories last year and the flowers were huge and a brilliant blue. I replanted the saved seeds this year but they didn't even come up. :)

  34. How lovely and refreshing! I remember when I was little, we lived in the country and was able to burn our garbage in a big metal can away from the house. I didn't like taking the garbage out to the can, but it was always worth it in the mornings just to see the beautiful morning glories growing all around the can.

  35. Hi Sarah!

    I love blue morning glories when they wind up a trellis or fence this way. Happy September! I came back to a cool and rainy NYC from a hot and sunny Denver. Autumn is in the air.

  36. Beautiful morning glories and beautiful fence, and how great that you took time to notice them and photograph them. I hope the fires aren't anywhere close to you. laurie

  37. Nice pictures of the morning glories they are so pretty.

  38. Such pretty flowers but they take over everything In my gazebo so I've been pulling out most of them.... Christine

  39. Morning Glory vines are beautiful, in the right place. They do love to sprawl out!

    I think when they are in a natural setting or along a fence is just perfect!

    Thanks for joining this Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    @ Bunny Jean's Decor and More!
    (my MAIN blog)

  40. It would be nice waking up to a morning glory like this.

  41. Oh...I love morning glories. I used to have them climbing my fences, but then along came our dog, I had to rip them all out. The seeds are poisonous. Beautiful photos!

  42. How pretty! Love morning glories!

    Visiting from Bunny Jean's Bunny Hop Linky Party today,
    :) Suzanne in NW IL

  43. Those morning glories are so beautiful and peaceful.

  44. Hoping you are safe with the terrible fires nearby perhaps - please let us know. So very sad to see people losing their homes - this year has certainly been a terrible one for weather around the nation.

    Love your pics of the morning glories - mine are not blossoming as prolifically this year, however the huge white moon flowers entwined around them are spectacular!

    Sarah, you are in our thoughts and prayers. When is our trip dear?
    Hugs, Mary

  45. Happy September to you too, Sarah! I hope the month has started beautifully for you.

    I am enjoying the gorgeous springtime weather and am counting down to a short beach holiday next weekend. I love September!

    Best wishes,

  46. I just love the color of this fence! It is so pretty and the fleur de lys toppers are beautiful! What beautiful morning glories and the colors go so well with the fence. I love that you shared this with us.

  47. I love morning glories. Thanks for linking up to Open House Party. Happy Friday!

  48. Your morning glories are indeed glorious and isn't that a wonderful fence?

    Thanks for linking to Potpourri Friday. Your participation makes the party more successful. I appreciate you!

  49. How lovely! And the fence of fleur de lis is really wonderful too! Vanna

  50. What beautiful pictures of a beautiful flower. I love the fence, reminds me of an old cemetary of my childhood.

  51. For no particular reason, I have always thought that morning glories were "story book" flowers. They enchant me.

  52. What a beautiful post, I'd love to stumble upon that glorious vine of morning glories covering the fence.

  53. I remember these from my childhood, but haven't seen any since! So pretty... Maybe I should find some for the backyard slope that abuts the park behind me. :-) Thanks for sharing, Sarah.

  54. Hi Sarah,
    Your morning glories are beautiful. We have them going crazy too in the garden. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  55. I missed this post! What beautiful flowers....I have an arbor full of the vine but so far no flowers. What a wonderful combination, morning glories and fleur-de- it!

  56. I love, love, love Morning Glories. I even love the way they smell. If I had a garden, I'd plant them EVERY year.
    For now, I'll just have to enjoy yours. Thanks for sharing.


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