Sunday, November 1, 2020

Let's Make Halloween 2020 Beary Special

Rabbit, Rabbit!

Here we are leaping into a new month again!
Welcome November!

October was truly a delightful month here in Austin.
A dear, long time friend sent me the beautifully calligraphed rendering 
of a favorite poem, October Gave a Party, by George Cooper.
It pretty much sums up our beautiful October.

October definitely gave reason for a party in the garden.
A Beary Special party!

A very talented and generous friend, 
Bobbie of Rollinghill Cottage and Studio
mailed me a package for a Halloween gathering 
she knew I was planning for my little great nieces.  
Making memories with these two precious girls
 in my life is a priority for me.

Definitely treats in these bags!
No tricks in sight!

Our cooler sweater weather was perfect for 
hot chocolate among the profusion orange zinnias.

I added lots of pumpkins to give the feel 
as if we were in a pumpkin patch.

Caramel corn, chocolate Jack-o-lanterns, and 
Halloween Oreos were tasty treats.

I used a special Halloween kit from Bobbie 
to add hats and masks to baby pumpkins.
Bobbie packages up  and sells wonderful themed 
kits for making holiday decorating a snap!

Marshmallow ghosts were an added fun touch.

This charming duet look as if they 
are off to a masquerade ball!

With all these whimsical touches, I couldn't 
resist setting up a little tablescape.

I simply used my placesettings and flowers from my previous
table hereand added a black plate to hold the baby pumpkins.

Take home treats for the girls were cute ceramic kitty bowls 
filled with chocolates, a stack of the Oreos, a cute face mask for school, and their special bears from Bobbie.

I packaged it all up in a gift bag 
along with the baby pumpkins.
And that, my friends, made 
Halloween 2020 Beary Special!

Our lone Trick or Treater!
Sadie is always ready for a treat!


  1. Sarah, what a special Aunt you are to your grand nieces! I know they had to be absolutely thrilled with each and every little detail you provided for their treats for Halloween. Everything you style is done with such unique quality and style! Happy November, my friend.

  2. Sarah, this is a fabulous party for your grand nieces! I know their eyes were taken with all the enchantment you created. Happy November!

  3. Oh Sarah, this just couldn't be any cuter! Those bears are the most adorable bears I've ever seen! And the masked pumpkins are sheer delight! I bet your great nieces had a ball, everything is over the top so fabulous!! Sadie is a cutie too! What fun! My daughter did a trick or treat candy hunt with hidden candy all around her house for her children and nephew who couldn't go trick or treating and they had a grand time! Happy November!

  4. Sarah, this is SO special!! OH I am sure that your little people were beyond charmed, and this is a memory they (and you!) will lock in their hearts forever. You could not have made this party any cuter. So much fun and so lovely. Happy November. I enjoyed this post incredibly much. xo Lidy

  5. Wow Sarah, your Halloween decorations are just stunning. All your collections make a beautiful display for the fun, not scary day. I'm sure those great nieces enjoy spending special times with their aunt Sarah. I don't do much for Halloween but enjoy all the fun. My sister is the queen of Halloween decorating, she's like you and goes all out. Miss Sadie looks ready for your Halloween. Happy November Sarah.........

  6. Your party is just so adorable! your littles must have been overjoyed with all the fun and cuteness! Those bears are just the sweetest. Your photos are beautiful and looks like a magazine feature!

  7. Wow, so cute and so fun. Your grand nieces I am sure loved this!Those masks and accessories are the cutest ever. I haven't seen where to purchase them. I noticed Debbie had them as well. Fabulous table and vignette. Happy November

  8. Oh Sarah, this is darling beyond words. What lucky litle girls your nieces are. It couldn't be more cute or more fun!

  9. Sarah, What a fabulous party for your nieces. Everything is darling. Those masked pumpkins are too cute.
    Miss Sadie looks adorable in her Halloween ribbons also very cute.
    Thanks for the inspiration. Those Halloween oreos tied in orange ribbon are festive. Very inspiring post.

  10. Oh my goodness, this is awesome ! How lucky those grandnieces are to have you. Who needs a granny anyway ? Every detail is fabulous my friend and so much goodies to eat as well !

  11. Sarah, I don’t know how I missed this post, I’m squealing in delight! How adorable are those sweet bears, Halloween treats and masked pumpkins?! I know your grand nieces must have been over the moon. It makes me want to celebrate Halloween all over again. I adore everything here, especially your over the top cute plate stack too. ♥

  12. What an adorable post...everything is too cute..and colorful. I've missed your posts, it says I'm following, yet I don't get emails anymore...sigh! Hugs, Sandi


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