Monday, June 1, 2020

Tales of the Traveling Tote #23

Welcome, friends!
Like most, we are masked and in mandatory "stay at home" here.
Obviously there hasn't been any travel.

Our first major disappointment was this!
Round Top Antique Market

That meant one of my besties who was 
scheduled to join me from Cape Cod
had to cancel her visit.

I've been shopping these 
bi-annual markets since the 1980s.

Grocery shopping is done online 
with curbside pickup.

 Then there was this!
Fresh cut flowers are difficult to find.

Fortunately, Mother Nature came to the rescue!
~Red Bud Blooms ~ 

 ~ Mountain Laurel ~

~ Bridal Wreath ~

 In May, Texas began to reopen, and I began to 
venture into the grocery stores on occasion.
Entries are timed to limit the number of shoppers inside 
a store, so shoppers line up waiting to enter.
Masks and strict social distancing are required, and store employees are stationed to monitor that rules are observed.

I only venture out for 
essential shopping!

Trader Joe's of course 
has very clever 6 foot stations.

 Our neighborhood streets are active with 
children and families out walking or biking.

Sadie doesn't think all this fuss about 
social distancing applies to canines.

In reality, Sadie has enjoyed the months of isolation.
She gets multiple walks, likes to stop and smell the flowers,
and always finds a comfy spot for napping.
Now that Austin has begun reopening, curbside drop-off for grooming means Sadie gets time with her favorite groomer, Joelle.

 Early on, someone in our neighborhood suggested that 
the neighbors set up a Bear Hunt based on the children's book,
by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.

The idea was that families would place
a teddy bear in one of their front windows.

When families are out on their daily walks, 
the children look for bears, as they go on a Bear Hunt.
The idea was immediately embraced as you can see with
my sampling in the collage above.  It even expanded to an 
Easter Egg Hunt with some families adding eggs in their windows.

When Debbie @ Mountain Breaths convinced me to add
Olivia Owl to my nest, I decided to have a little fun with her too.
Olivia flitted about from one flower filled container to another.
Instead of WHERE'S WALDO, it was WHERE'S OLIVIA?

 Families have embraced this isolation time to reconnect.
The slower pace has families enjoying just being together.
No schools are open, so children are finishing the school year online from home with the assistance of their parents.
 Birthdays are celebrated with drive by parades or
gathering together for virtual parties on Zoom.
Our local schools organized graduation parades.
Last week high school seniors rode through the neighborhoods in cars and trucks decorated with balloons and flags and banners;
honking horns and the sound of cheers filled the streets.

One of my friends organized a couple of us to 
celebrate a friend's birthday with a tailgate party.
Four masked friends sitting six feet apart in a parking lot!
When life gives you lemons, 
make something sweet!

In addition to the isolation and lockdown orders, we are
in the throws of a remodel.  Meetings with our contractor and architect are held outside, masked, and distanced.

May 13th brought a special event to our city.
The US Air Force Thunderbirds conducted a flyover of 
Austin area hospitals to salute health care workers,
first responders, and other essential workers on the front lines.
A friend snapped this photo from her vantage point downtown.

Rabbit, Rabbit! ~ Today is June 1st
A new month, a new start!
Today, more than ever, our country must embrace the
oneness of humanity, to live with kindness and compassion.
"Through judging, we separate.  
Through understanding, we grow."
~ Doe Zantamata~

Linda is hosting our June giveaway, 
leave a comment on her blog to be entered.
Be sure to visit all the adventures below.
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul (You are here)
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  


  1. Sarah, I LOVE your quarantine recap! You've captured all the letdowns and upticks of this crazy time. The lemon-themed tailgate party was a genius idea! The parades, the kids playing....somehow those feel very nostalgic of better days. Of course, all the blooms and walks are what I love best about Spring always, but even more so this year. Most incredible is the fact that the Spring Texas antique markets had to close. Little did we know that would just a couple of so many. You certainly have ridden out the pandemic in style.

  2. You have such beautiful flowers in your area - ours are just coming to life and it gives me hope that all will be well soon! Sorry that your two special markets were closed, we have had so many disappointments lately and I hope our country can heal from all the negativity and sickness. The lemon tailgate party looks like it brought some fun into your lives, very clever!

  3. I love the Bear Hunt Sarah, I have heard other cities doing that or something is incredible how we have figured out ways to be social and have fun despite the social distancing limitations. My grandsons had drive by birthday parties and had so much fun! I have only ventured out a couple of times, and sure do miss Trader Joe's and fresh flowers! Love the lemon tailgate, that's definitely making lemonade out of lemons! I hope you annual markets can once again be open...I am grateful that we finally had a normal family weekend over Memorial Day, that will sustain my soul for a while! I am glad your remodeling hasn't been shut down, I know you will be happy when that part of your life is back to normal too!

  4. I can't wit to see your remodel:) You made me smile essentials:)This is my worst gardening yr w/ no nursery shopping I am looking at empty pots with seeds.

    Take care!

  5. Sarah, the Bear Hunt idea is so sweet for children and fun for adults as well. How exciting that you are starting a remodel, I will be anticipating your progress. The lemon-tailgate party was a creative idea and Olivia is a perfect addition! Happy June!

  6. Sarah, love your opening photo of the masked bear, doesn't it just say it all! A great Quarantine recap of these strange past months. All of our spring favorites are cancelled and some for the first time since the beginning, favorite flea markets here. Hope you'll get to reschedule your visit with your dear friend. I've missed my flowers too and hope I'll soon venture out to Trader Joe's for some. Your gardens are full of beautiful blooms to get you through. Our numbers have been going up so we are still home for the most part. But, family who've been staying home are coming soon. Look forward to seeing you in Zoom........

  7. I can't believe that you have been able to continue with your remodel! Glad that contractors have been able to work. Ours are too, but some of our employees aren't comfortable going into homes for remodels.
    Your spring flowers are fabulous, and I love how you photographed them.
    I haven't gone to Trader Joe's yet. I sent my much younger niece and she waited outside to get in line for me.
    The teddy bear hunt is brilliant. What a fun idea. And where's Olivia is adorable!

  8. What a fun post Sarah. All of the flowers are lovely with Miss Merri mac. How fun the teddy bears are and so creative. Olivia is the sweetest little owl. so nice your remodel is going on. something to really look forward to when finished. The lemon tailgate is so cute. Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom real soon. Happy week ahead.

  9. Wonderful recap of the month. I love the bear hunt idea!

  10. I put a bear in my front window, too, Sarah. These last three months have been surreal, haven’t they? However, in spite of it all, we’ve managed! I’ve met with some of my friends, but have done outdoor picnics. Today I had lunch with my BFF at an outdoor patio. We must continue to enjoy life, only differently now. Happy Summer to you! I hope your renovations go smoothly. ❤️

  11. Our neighborhood did the same thing with the bears. We live in a very active family neighborhood, and it's been fun hearing them playing because summer break started so early for them (it didn't seem to take long for them to finish their schoolwork in the morning). I know you're disappointed that your Round Top trip was cancelled. We had to cancel a trip to Spring Training in Scottsdale, and to St. Augustine for our niece's doctoral graduation.

    I love it when you feature sweet Sadie on your posts. Our fur babies don't understand social distancing and don't care....yet one more reason to love them!

    Ricki Jill

  12. Oh Sarah, what a delightful post! When I see your posts, and see what my DIL experiences as a first grade teacher, I think I would have enjoyed teaching that grade. Well enough of that, I am almost ready to retire! Our neighborhood did the same thing with the bears. I only had one bear in the house, Xavier's huge black bear that we leave at camp for the summer. When he visited the camp a few weeks ago, he asked me where his bear was. Oops, I need to return it to camp soon. I love when you share sweet Sadie in your posts. Love our fur babies, and I miss seeing my granddog Chase. Hope we all have a happy summer and an even better fall. xo

  13. What an interesting & lively post, Sarah! We've had the Teddy Bears in windows here too. So fun to check them out on my walks. The checkered mask on your bear is darling!
    How fun to see Sadie checking out her friends on your walk. Also seeing all your blooms makes my ♥ sing. We FINALLY have some warm weather & my peonies & iris are all in bloom.

  14. Lovely post and just left Linda. You girls are keeping your totes happy.

    Sadie is adorable.


  15. Sarah, Love the Courtly Check mask …you might as well wear a stylish one! So disappointing about the cancelled shows, I always enjoy being a virtual shopper with you. The tailgate birthday party is a great way to make lemonade out of lemons, especially if there are bubbles involved. ;) Sadie seems to be enjoying the quarantine much like Sophie and Lola. I’m afraid they’re both going to have a major case of separation anxiety once my hubby goes back to the office and I’m able to get out and about again. Hope your remodel is moving along, it must be so frustrating for it to drag out.

  16. I love the Bear Hunt idea too. I can see how exciting that would be for kids and fun for all.We have had the drive by birthday parties and teachers driving by their students homes but I haven't heard of the Teddy Bears in the windows. Such a cute idea.
    All the cancellations have been disappointing but most have taken them in stride.
    I wish you well with your remodel. Look forward to you sharing your plans.
    I'm glad things are slowly opening and yearn for things to get back to normal. I always enjoy your posts.

  17. Enjoyed the catch up dear Sarah, and seeing how Austin is handling this new way of celebrating and living!
    Excited to hear you are doing a remodel which means you aren't moving! We are still here too and I must say glad we didn't move to a condo because the garden is what is keeping us going these days! Without it I don't think I could have done this quarantine. . . . . .and we still only go to the grocery, no other stores!

    Hope all good with you and M - stay healthy and be safe.
    Hugs - Mary


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.