Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Magic of Rain Lilies

Over 14" of rain in Austin over the past two weeks.

Fortunately we have not experienced flooding

with these recent rains, and the cooler than

normal temperatures have been a welcome relief

from the triple digits that are typical here in August.

What we have experienced,  just like magic,

 the sweet little zephyranthes

are doing what they do after a Texas rain.

Zephranthes, also known as a rain lily, prairie rain lily,

or fairy lily, are in the amaryllis family.

Here in central Texas we see them burst into bloom

after heavy rain storms such as we've recently experienced.

The grass like leaves produce the trumpet shaped flowers

after heavy rains.  The blooms begin to open at dusk and by

morning will be almost two inches across, lasting only a few days.

Rain lilies are native to this region 

and often seen in mass along roadsides

or in grassy meadows of parkland as seen above.  

The rain lilies in our herb garden

get full sun and with a layer of gravel 

above the soil, a well drained bed.

We get the pleasure of all three of the pastel colors.

More rain is predicted for the coming week.

It may be sometime before we see blue skies again.

Fortunately we have the magic of the rain lilies!

If you live in Zones 8 - 10,  you too can enjoy the magic.

 Dishing It and Digging It @ Life and Linda


  1. Rain lilies are so new to me. They are lovely. It's great learn about a different plant. I do hope you get some blue skies and. It all rain. Thanks so much for sharing your rain lilies at DI&DI.

  2. Well, aren't they just so beautiful such a pretty sight to enjoy after all that rain. Is this the beginning of Fall in Texas?

  3. I have never seen those flowers - they are so pretty! I am glad to read that the rain didn't result in flooding in your part of the state. We could certainly use a little rain up here!

  4. I love rain lilies! I'm always happy to see them pop up after the rains. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen yellow or pink before though. So cool. Isn't this weather just great? Such a pleasant break from the heat! I'm glad we didn't have any flooding too even with all the rain we got.

  5. I don't know these flowers but they look so pretty and delicate.

  6. What delightful wildflowers, Sarah! I love the idea of lilies blooming only after a heavy rain. It is a gift from nature. I'm glad you did not experience any flooding with the heavy rains. Stay safe!

  7. Isn't that so interesting how they pop up after the rains. They're just sitting there waiting for that moment! We had rain for two straight days and I was ready for it to quit. I can't imagine getting rain at the rate that areas like yours have received. I hope the rains that you are expecting will be brief.

  8. How lovely are the rain lilies Sarah. What a reward after so much rain. You are lucky you at least have cooler temps. We are getting so much rain but still suffering the heat and humidity, when you step outside you think you are in a sauna! Let's hope we have better weather this week, less rain!

  9. Your lilies are beautiful Sarah-enjoy:@)

  10. Sarah, the rain lilies are beautiful and I was not familiar with them! Beauty after the rain! Pam @ Everyday Living

  11. Love your lilies, Sarah! Gorgeous pics. Glad you are having so much rain. We need some soon. The picture of the lake is beautiful. Enjoy your week, dear Sarah.

  12. Hello, gorgeous flowers. I like the rain lilies, they are new to me. Gorgeous view of the lake and city! Beautiful images. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  13. We have rain lilies too. I love the way they always pop up in August when we get those summer thunderstorms!
    Hope your week is off to a good start :)

  14. Beautiful! I've never had any rain lilies but my mom does and she loves them. Enjoy the rain and cooler weather - it's kind of a miracle, don't you think?

  15. The flowers are beautiful and new to me. Wonder if they could survive the heat and rain in Florida? I need to look them up and see if I can order them. Lovely photos!

  16. What a delightful treat to see after the rains!! I saw where you were going to get lots more today. So strange after the awful drought of just a few years.
    The flowers are beautiful...I must ask my brother's wife if she has any in her yard in Kerrville.
    As always, learned something new from you again, still teach!! LOL

  17. These pretty flowers make the rain more welcome! I have never seen them before. Such pretty colors too!

  18. Well that is a lovely little rainy weather treat! All we get is...wet!! ;)

  19. What a sweet little flower - but sad that you get to enjoy them for only a few days! We finally had lots of rain and the grass is green again!! And it is 65' here this morning at 10 am!! A nice refreshing break for us!

  20. Beautiful flowers ... isn't nature wonderful! Have a great week.

  21. Gorgeous! I love rain lilies. Enjoy these "cool" days! Have a great week.

  22. The rain lilies are so pretty. I am not familiar with them but my niece just planted some and posted a pic on FB. I'mm pass your post on to her.

  23. The rain lilies are so pretty. I am not familiar with them but my niece just planted some and posted a pic on FB. I'mm pass your post on to her.

  24. Dearest Sarah,
    Your Zephranthes seem to thrive very well every year! Perfect climatic conditions it looks like.
    Sending you hugs and enjoy the remainder of summer.

  25. I've not heard of rain lilies before. What a lovely gift they are after the rain. So delicate and pretty. Hope the cooler weather remains for you.

  26. I have never heard of them before, but they are beautiful. Well no chance of them growing here in this hot desert land called Southern California. I pray for rain but no such luck.
    Hopefully it will not flood on you. Have a great week.


  27. Sarah,
    We have a stand of magic white rain lilies that popped up along the country road across the street from my house. The first day I spotted them, I called my sister on the phone from my car to tell her to be sure to see them. :) Since they just started appearing a couple of years ago, I wondered if my neighbor planted them, but after reading this post, I'm thinking they have just naturalized there on their own.



  28. Being in Fort Worth, I understand what you are saying weather wise. Seems over night went from hot summer to mild fall. My flowers were so pretty, but all gone now.However, my lawn is looking the best ever.

  29. The flowers are so pretty and loving this rain. But I hope it dries out soon! Hugs, Diane

  30. Those are so beautiful, Sarah! Thankful the rains have not flooded your Austin.

  31. Your rain lilies are so beautiful, glad for you to get to enjoy them along with cooler temps for little while anyway. When we lived in western Ky had several lilies we found after cleaning out one side of yard. Had hostas, lilies tulips,tete-a-tetes, forsythia bushes, honeysuckle, plants we weren't familiar with having lived in west for several years. Problem was my allergies didn't like any of it.
    How wonderful to get to enjoy seeing fields of those lilies. Your lilies in your yard are so pretty, great you have varied colors.
    Gets pretty hot here in western CO also. We live about 18 miles west of Grand Junction, western side of Rockies. Have you lived in Austin all your life. Your sailboat sounds wonderful, am a die hard water person.
    Have really great week.

  32. I love those. I'll have to look for them. I had no idea they even existed.
    Cute. I'm glad you haven't had flooding. It has rain like crazy up here too.

  33. I have some of those. And I never knew that was their name. Yours are beautiful. Mine used to bloom, but the yard guys have been weed whacking them. 😬

  34. I was so excited that I might be able to grow these and then I check the hardiness map and RATS, we are zone 6B :(
    they are beautiful Dianne

  35. I've never heard of rain lilies or seen them. They are beautiful. I'm glad you're not flooding.
    I'm in zone 4b in Eastern Canada.... Thelma.

  36. We did hear about the rain in Austin. Dear was contracting for a company that has offices in Austin and there was a chance we were going to move their if the studies on their new product came back good. But alas the results didn't warrant going ahead with the development of the procedure so we are staying put in the Seattle area and unemployed at this time. I was in Austin in April fro the first time ever and enjoyed a meal at Chuy's! I hope you get cool weather without downpours that will cause flooding and other problems! Glad you are enjoying the pretty blooms.

  37. Sarah, they are so sweet! I have never heard of rain lilies. I love that they pop out after a rain! We could use a little rain here. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  38. We could use some of your rain Sarah! We had a nice week of showers but are still down for the year and the lake level is dropping daily. I love the magic of rain lilies...the term fairy lilies is even more magical. ;)

  39. Hello Sarah, I love your rain lily post. As I was looking at your photos I wondered about the changing colors. I wasn't sure if it was the light that caused the look of the colors. Imagining how pretty they would be in person.

    Thank you for joining Blue Monday and I hope you have a lovely week with a little less rain. Smiling here.

  40. Flowers blooming after a rain is a nice result. They are lovely and they are many. Sylvia D.

  41. After years of winters in western Oregon, I know about rain, but I've never heard of rain lilies ... (Not a prairie state here obviously). They are just beautiful. And lovely to know about this more immediate than usual payback for enduring days of rain.

  42. The lilies are so beautiful ♥

  43. I hope you don't experience flooding like Baton Rouge, Sarah. What a rain benefit to get those pretty flowers to bloom!...Christine

  44. Sarah, those are so pretty. I don't think I have ever seen them before. This has been a wet August for us, too. Yesterday was the first day without a shower.

  45. Wow Sarah, 14" of rain you've had! We've had quite a bit, too, and it's been so nice not having to haul the hose out. I'm also enjoying the cooler temperatures. Those 100 degree days do drag on, don't they? The rain lilies really are magical!

  46. I love Texas. I've been through Austin on the way to La Grange were my brother lives. The rain lilies are so pretty. I'll have ask him if he has any on his property. I usually visit in in June when it is hot. I don't mind the heat either. I would also like to learn more about Texas wildflowers.

  47. I've never seen rain lilies - they are gorgeous! Hope the skies brighten for you soon! I'd love it if you would stop by our link party, Best of the Weekend on Friday nights at 8pm!

  48. So glad for the rain this year-kept my gardens going and growing.
    Pretty flowers!

  49. Hi Sarah, those little rain lillies are very pretty. I love any flower that is naturalized along the roads. You have had a lot of rain, thankfully not as much as in LA. I feel so badly for those poor people. We are begging for rain around here. Such a shame either way..Have a Happy Thursday..Judy

  50. Rain lilies are new to me. Your post was very interesting.
    You have gotten a lot of rain! We've had rain most everyday but not the large amount you received.

  51. The Lilies in your garden are so pretty, Sarah!
    Happy Pink Saturday and best wishes from Austria, Traude

  52. Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Dishing It & Digging It!

  53. Oh Sarah I love these blooms. I think I may need to add some to my yard. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  54. Oh wow, what a beautiful post. I've never heard of rain lilies. So pretty.

  55. Sarah, I love your beautiful photos of the rain lilies! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend in your beautiful garden!
    Hugs, Jody ♥

  56. Sarah, you have the most gorgeous wildflowers in TX. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  57. They are so beautiful, Sarah, and so delightful, coming after the rain. Of course, we don't have them way up here in the chilly northeast, so I thank you for introducing them to me :) Always love seeing your posts at Vintage Charm!


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