Monday, September 14, 2015

Tales of the Traveling Tote #3 ~ Miss Merri Mac Goes to the Park or R is for Relaxing ~ Reading ~ Riding and a Give Away!

Tales of the Traveling Totes #3

Miss Merri Mac Goes

To The Park

We've been having some lovely

weather of late, so Miss Merri Mac and I

headed to the park for a Sunday afternoon.

~ Zilker Park ~

At over 351 acres in the heart of Austin,

there is something for everyone here.

Zilker is without doubt the most beloved park in the city.

The list above is only part of what this park has to offer.

One of the main attractions of Zilker is

Barton Springs Pool, the crown jewel of Austin.

Barton Springs Pool is in the channel of Barton Creek

but fed from underground springs.   

The temperature is a cool 60-70 degrees year round.  

Too cool for moi!

Home to the infamous and endangered

Barton Springs Salamanders and the Austin Blind Salamanders,

the pool is listed as a federally protected habitat.

Weekly methodical and vigorous cleaning is 

required to maintain the pool for both the human guests

and the wildlife that lives within the cool waters.

The serene setting and the grassy slopes

on either bank of the pool offer the perfect

venue for basking in the sun to relax with a good book.

That is just what I did!

MEMORY OF VIOLETS is a sweet read.

sent me this book knowing that,

like her, I appreciate history and flowers.

I recommend you read this poignant story.

Rules prohibit food and drinks within the pool area,

but there is a concession stand just outside the pool entrance.

Miss Merri Mac and I decided

the afternoon called for a little sweet treat.

Which I enjoyed while sitting here

waiting for the next train to arrive.

The Zilker Zephyr that is!

The Zilker Zephyr is a narrow-guage light-rail 

miniature train that takes its passengers along 

Barton Creek, Lady Bird Lake, and through Zilker Park

for a leisurely scenic ride.

Hop on and grab a seat!

I want to show you the beauty of our park.

Zilker Park ~ Lady Bird Hike and Bike Trail ~ Barton Springs

Austinites and out of town visitors alike

gravitate to these major sites in the heart of Austin.

Come visit sometime.

Miss Merri Mac and I think you'll like our city.

Don't miss out on this generous gift

from Linda @ More Fun Less Laundry.

Read all about Miss Rosie's park adventures

and enter to win this set of Courtly Check padded coat hangers.

Below are the links to more 
Park Adventures of the Traveling Totes
Join the fun!

Patti and Miss Kenzie @ Pandoras Box

Linda and Miss Posie @ More Fun Less Laundry

Debbie and Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths
Colleen and Miss MacKenzie Joy
Tami and Miss MC La Mer

Rita and Miss Luna C @ Panoply

Sammie and Miss Christabel @ Samantha Stone 

Look for more adventures with the Traveling Totes

on October 30th ~ The Golden Days of FAll.  



  1. Bonjour,

    Très joli billet... merci pour cette jolie promenade faite en votre compagnie.
    Vos photos sont magnifiques.

    Gros bisous ☼

  2. Well now, I am just sad.

    Steve signed up for an Art Paint Out in Austin - an artist friend recently moved there and is living on a ranch. I was so excited, but our daughter has some things occurring at the same time so we had to back out. I was so disappointed and now I see that you live near Austin. I would have loved visiting with you.

  3. Looks like a wonderful day and a super pretty park, Sarah! The ice cream doesn't look too bad either! ;)

  4. Sounds like a perfect day! Don't you love these perfect weather days? Have a great week!

  5. What a lovely park - are the salamanders really blind? LOL Looks like a wonderful place to spend a hot day….and have an ice cream (one of my favorite summer treats). I have never been to texas, but this is certainly a park I would love to see some day! Looks like Miss Merry Mac has enjoyed her travels!

  6. Love your cute outings..I find they are lovely and creative..good for you!
    The book looks good Sarah..I am on 2 books in a row I cannot get into after quite a reading streak..
    a good book is a great find:)

    Love the conductor's hat..train whistle and scarf too..

  7. Sarah, It looks like you had a very nice day in the park. It's really amazing how many of those little trains are scattered about the country -- my tote and I visited one this month too! I have never been to Texas but I keep seeing so many places that intrigue me. It seems like a very beautiful state full of outdoor activities, and I would love to see Lady Bird's flower farm. I will definitely check out the book as I am always looking for something new to read, so thanks for the suggestion. I hope you wore the hat and blew the whistle! :) Linda

  8. Austin is such a lovely city and there is so much emphasis on the beauty of it's environment. I really want to take a ride on that train! Have you read The Lost Garden by Helen Humphreys? It is about a young women who flees from London during WWII to cultivate an abandoned garden in the country. A wonderful read.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  9. What a wonderful park, Sarah! I'm like you and would think the water would be too cold for me! I prefer water temperatures in the 80's. The park looks like a nice place for reading, relaxing and eating an ice cream cone!

  10. perfect time of year for a day in the park

  11. Sarah, your outing looks like fun. Thanks for sharing this special place. Your city has so many wonderful settings. It was great seeing this through your eyes.

  12. Sarah, that was me above making that comment. i happened to be logged into the clogging profile....LOL My mind is wacky right now..

  13. What a great post, Sarah! Thank you for sharing this, as my niece and her husband live in the Austin area, they frequent Barton Springs. I only learned of it this past spring, when it was flooded. it was hard to comprehend until they sent me footage to compare to its calm, spring waters that create its natural pool. It's nice to get an even better understanding of where it is within the park, and all it offers. Miss Merri Mac looks quite chilled, especially with her ice cream - yum!

  14. Cool park! I mean really cool place to hang out on a hot day. Miss Merri Mac looked so cute all decked out for the train. Dianne

  15. What a lovely park for you to enjoy. I love the city skyline in one of your pics. The book looks like a good end of summer read and Miss Merri Mac is the perfect tote to carry your things. I love the red pillow too! Love the tote, let me know if you see them offered again.............

  16. Sarah,
    Zilker Park... brings back great memories of when we lived in the Austin area. We attended plays and sat on the grassy slopes on blankets. We never swam in Barton Springs either. It was way too cool for me. Merri Mac had a great park outing. Thanks for the collage of photos. I especially like the city skyline with the rowboat (?) on the lake.


  17. Oh Sarah, what a lovely park with so much to do. I love your Merri-mac tote.
    The train ride is great - love the conductor's hat. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures with us - it is almost like being there.
    Have a great week.

  18. Sarah, how fortunate you and Miss Merri Mac are to have such a beautiful park. I'll see if my library has the book. Love your red glasses! I read the comments and hope that The French Hutch is able to get the tote :-)

  19. Looks like you and Miss Merri Mac had a wonderful time at the park. Your glasses are fabulous! You are so stylish. I would be willing to have an ice cream cone with you at the park.

  20. What an amazing park and Miss Mary Mac is the perfect traveling companion. Loved learning about the great things to do in Zilker Park. I can see why y'all are so proud of it. A Memory of Violets, sounds so interesting and I'm adding it to my reading list. Thanks for the suggestion and fun post.

  21. Sarah, You girls are having so much fun with your travelling totes! Reading and relaxing sounds like the perfect activity for you and Miss Merri Mac with cooler temperatures. Thank you for the book recommendation and I love your readers :) I visited Barton Springs back in the early 80s when my family lived in Houston but I don't remember it much about it other than the water being cool which was a welcome relief!

    P.S. I have a friend that calls me Mary Mac

  22. Sarah, You girls are having so much fun with your travelling totes! Reading and relaxing sounds like the perfect activity for you and Miss Merri Mac with cooler temperatures. Thank you for the book recommendation and I love your readers :) I visited Barton Springs back in the early 80s when my family lived in Houston but I don't remember it much about it other than the water being cool which was a welcome relief!

    P.S. I have a friend that calls me Mary Mac

  23. Sarah I really enjoyed going on this little outing with you. I've never been to Austin and it was fun seeing your lovely park. What a nice thing to do, bring a book and blanket and enjoy the scenery. Looks Miss Mary Mac is a wonderful companion.

  24. Miss Merry Mac has more adventures than I have! What a beautiful park, and your photos are so creative. They could be in a brochure for the park.

  25. Dearest Sarah,
    Haha, that was a great post with Miss Merri Mac and how lovely that park is!
    Sending you blessings,

  26. What a wonderful romp in the park, a beautiful day, a train ride, a good book, and an ice cream cone! I know you and Miss Merry Mac had a lovely time Sarah!

  27. Wow! I might have to take a trip to Austin just to go to the park! Looks like you had a great time, and of course, Miss Merri Mac did too!

  28. Fun!!! Thank you for the virtual trip to the park! I've never been to Texas, and I would love to some day go and visit your beautiful state!!! I have been enjoying your posts on this traveling tote!!!

  29. What a great way to spend a day! Austin is on my to see list and now I'm even more determined to get there!

  30. Sarah, your park looks lovely and a beautiful place to visit! I have never been to Texas but I have had family live there for a few years. My son, and now his son catch salamanders quite often but always let them go unless they are in danger somehow in which case, they will put them in an aquarium for the winter and then let them go when the warmer weather arrives. They would enjoy seeing the pool as they are both nature lovers. Took after me. Those little creatures are so cute and I'm glad they are being protected there. Thanks for the tour and have a wonderful weekend. Visiting from Sherry's HSH party.

  31. What a wonderful trip through the park and that purse, I have seen that before.. Its so cute!!

    Thanks for stopping by Oh My Heartsie Girl this week!!
    Have a great weekend!

  32. Happy SYC Thursday! Lovely post. Lovely bag. And oh! THE PUMPKINS!!!!!!!

  33. Yours was definitely a sweet and relaxing day. Your novel sounds delightful. You had me with the title. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  34. Hill Country or anywhere nearby, my favorite place. I truly enjoyed this trip with you.

  35. Sarah,
    What a refreshing visit today, dear friend!!!
    I enjoyed my virtual train ride, immensely!!!
    Thank you for sharing this gorgeous Park with us!!!

  36. Gosh, I just love seeing all that black & white!! What a nice day you had & what a pretty park, too. Thanks for taking us with you.

    We're finally into some nice fall weather here, so going to a park is appealing now. I hate the heat!!

  37. well that was a fun post! Loved it! never heard of that park but it sure looks fun!! the pool is amazing!!

  38. Wish I could join you. Sunday in the park with a good book and ice cream sounds like heaven.

  39. What a wonderful park dear Sarah, to spend a fun Sunday afternoon and have some ice-cream too! Love the tote and all the MCH's things.
    Have a lovely week ahead,

  40. Thanks for taking us along for a visit!
    Hope you'll also visit to link up

  41. It looks like a great park to visit. I enjoyed it all very much.

  42. Hi Sarah,

    What a lovely time you and your tote had. I'd like some of that ice cream! Thanks for making Blue Monday special.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  43. Love collages of photos and what a lovely place to spend the day ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  44. Hello, what a pretty park. And a great place to spend the day. I would like warmer water too. Wonderful series of photos. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  45. A lovely park to spend the day at.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday. Do you realize you still have Mary's old button for the meme on your sidebar? I'd love to have you replace it with mine since I've been hosting Mosaic Monday for over a year. (thanks)

  46. Well I just reserved the book, can't wait to read it! Have a great week :)
    Joy @ Books and Life

  47. Miss Merri Mac looked right at home on that park bench. And what an amazing park! Been loving the gorgeous weather we are having here lately as well. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  48. What a beautiful park! I love that checked pumpkin! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

  49. Hello Sarah - Zilker Park looks so picturesque! What a lovely place to spend a relaxing afternoon. Happy first day of autumn!! Cheers from DC, L

  50. In the 70ties I came to Austin several time, because I had some college friends there! Was this already there?

  51. Your tote is stunning, Sarah - beautiful, charming post! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

  52. Relaxing and Reading are definitely two of my favorite Rs. But, my most favorite R is my husband, Ray.♥

    Happy Pink Saturday, Sarah.


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.