Sunday, September 23, 2012

~ What's Your Choice ~ A Bowl of Cherries or A Chair of Bowlies?

ME Metal Sculpture by Enesco 1998

is just a 
chair of bowlies!"

Mary Engelbreit coined this phrase 
when she launched her very first greeting card.

 Collection of Assorted  ME Products from 1990s

To say I'm a fan of Mary Engelbreit
and her work is an understatement!  

I've been purchasing her greeting cards since the very first ones were available.  Mary's art work was a favorite in my classroom during the years I taught elementary school, and Mary's whimsical work remains a favorite here in my home.

Fresh Oregon Cherries 
in the grocery this summer prompted 
me to gather my ME cherry things for a recent tablescape.

Hood River Cherries 
from Oregon are the BEST!

I filled one of my ME cookie jars 
with bright golden sunflowers.

Then I set the table with  ME cherry dishes 
paired with solid black dishes 
and MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check.  

I added some cute cherry napkins, 
a recent find at Tuesday Morning.

Love the way they all stack up together!
You can see another tablescape 
that features the ME cherry
dishes paired with plaid here.

I added in the crystal 
compote for a special treat.

 ~ Cherries Jubilee ~

September 24, 2012  
 National Cherries Jubilee Day

Celebrate with your own bowl of 
Cherries Jubilee
Recipe Here

Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable
When it comes to containers for flowers,
don't limit yourself to an ordinary vase.
Get creative and use other 
containers found around your home.
This ME cookie jar was a perfect fit for the sunflowers.

Have a Happy Day!


Centerpiece Wednesday @ The Style Sisters


  1. I love the idea of a National Cherries Jubilee Day! What fun!
    ME is a favourite of mine too, and I recently found a copy of one of her older books in a used book store - big thrill!

  2. What a cool post!! I love her too. Have you read the book about her house. Actually. There is more pics than anything but she got a dream house.

  3. What a fun, happy setting! And your sunflowers are truly amazing Sarah-enjoy:@)

  4. What a beautiful way to celebrate National Cherries Jubilee Day! And what a nice collection of ME items you have!!

  5. Beautiful post. Love your ME with the Mackenzie Childs checks. I used to pick up the ME magazine and I never see it anymore.

  6. Hi Sarah,
    yes, that is so sweet. I love the cute figurine. Thae plates with matching snapkins are so cute, too. Thank you for sharing this great table setting.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  7. EVERY MORNING, I have my own version of CHERRIES JUBILEE! Frozen cherries in vanilla Greek yogurt with cocoa powder, oats, almonds and raisins....WOWOWOWOOWOW!

    And what fantastic table designs once again my dear! We were in a shop this Saturday that again had this fabulous checkered tableware and I must have a tea pot!!!

    THANK YOU FOR VISITING ME and I hope that one day, as I improve, that I can stir a PUBLISHER'S emotions enough to get PUBLISHED!

    One day......

  8. Ask me if I love it all? Never saw that priceless metal piece..lovelier than a bronze!

  9. I absolutely love all things Mary Engelbreit. Sarah, I truly think that we are soul sisters! I cried when ME Home Companion Magazine went sad.....

    I love this post, and is there anything better to celebrate than National Cherries Jubilee Day? I think not! ;P

    By the way, I love the sunflowers in the cookie jar. So cute!


  10. Sarah, I love the cheery, cherry plates paired with the black and white checks! It's so precious. And sunflowers? Wow- they look wonderful in the cookie jar. You have me craving sweets and it is early morning! LOL

  11. Your collections never cease to amaze me. Where do you keep all your beautiful things? Happy Day to you!

  12. Love this table!! I have just recently started buying a few ME things. LOVE her designs. The cherries jubilee looks so good! Hugs, Linda

  13. I just love your Mary Engelbreit collection. My sister Lynne has so many of her decorations too. I love those dishes, and your table looks stunning and cozy.

    You always create the best vignettes.


  14. Sarah,
    I love all of ME things and doesn't it look great with the M-C checks!!!
    ME must have a great sense of humor in real life!

  15. Oh my goodness...what a gorgeous, white and red...I just don't know if you can top it!!

  16. Sarah,
    I'm a ME fan, too! What a cheery, cherry post!!! Of course, I LOVE Sunflowers, too!!! Thanks for this delightful tablescape idea!!!

  17. Glad you like our cherries. They are pretty wonderful. I get mine from the trees in my friend's back yard. She is so generous with her fruit. Cherries at the start of Summer, plums for late Summer/early Autumn, and apples right now.

  18. I love ME too! I sure miss her magazine. I heard rumors that it may come back. Have you heard anything? Just love all the cherries. They are the perfect decorating accent I think.

  19. I love anything ME, it never fails to lift my spirits! You have such a nice collection of her pieces, I love the metal sculpture. The sunflowers look wonderful in the cookie jar. I have to learn to think like that!

    Have a wonderful week, Sarah!


  20. I enjoy looking through my ME Home Companion Magazines. My son's girlfriend is an elementary teacher, and I wonder if she has heard of ME :-)

    I wish I'd known about National Cherries Jubilee Day. Adore the sunflowers in the cookie jar. I might want to add that McK-C pedestal to my collection :-)

  21. I love the combo of your black&white check and the cherries. "Mary would be proud of your delicious table"! I think I could be called a CHERRY-AHOLIC! and this year I think I ate more than I did in my entire life. Hmmm, Maybe it'll give my cheeks a cherry glow,hehe...
    LOVE your cherry dessert and I'll be sure to print out that recipe for next years season. IF I can wait that long(probably not!)
    Have a fun week,
    Big Squishy Hugs to you,

  22. Anything ME always makes me smile. I love sweet dark cherries, too. We used to get them when we lived in Montana. You could pick them in the orchards at the end of the season. Your cherries jubilee looks sooo good. You're making me hungry.
    Cute tablescape.

  23. How cute! I remember a store we had in the 90's that had everything by Mary Engelbreit! It was always so cheerful and I wanted it but couldn't afford it! I have one piece my son got for me years later thats a red sort of planter. I have one MacKenzie Childs piece now too so I'm one for one!!
    That chair with the bowls is the cutest!

  24. Sarah, I don't remember seeing the chair of bowlies scuplture before. It's delightful, as is everything ME. Your MC and ME mix beautifully. Wish I'd known about Cherries Jubilee Day earlier. I'd have made myself one. Yours looks delicious. laurie

  25. Another scrumptious post from you dear friend!
    Love everything about it, the ME & MC are perfect together, and who knew that cherries jubilee had it's own day!

  26. I LOVE cherries anything, so I really liked seeing this and it is inspiring. Stopping by from Kathe with an E hop.

  27. Doesn't the mere mention of ME brighten up the day? I was so sad when her magazine stopped producing. I just loved that mag.

    Pretty tablescape.


  28. Sarah,
    Cute post &...
    what a cute tablescape her cherry dishes make, & a lovely vase for the sunflowers.


  29. Love ME inspired graphics! Your Table is soooo Cherriluscious!

  30. I LOVE the ME cherry jubilee display! Love, love the MC check dish...I have eyed that for a long time! Christie at TPL

  31. Very cute cherry displays, the cherries jubilee looks scrumptious!! I also love everything about Mary Englebert.

  32. ME has always been a favorite. Your post is a visual delight! Happy Rednesday!

  33. Cherries...Cherries...Cherries! Hooray for Mary Engelbreit! I, too, am a big fan of hers with so many of her darling designs in my sewing room.
    Thank you for your delightful post and oh, those Hood River cherries!
    Blessings from Bend,
    Carolynn xoxo

  34. Sarah~ I'll have a Chair of Bowlies please and a bowl of Cherries Jubilee! I haven't tried Hood River Cherries~ I love that there is a National Cherries Jubilee Day and I love Mary Engelbreit! One of my partners had an ME shoppe and sold her merchandise. I saved a few articles and ideas from her magazine, but I could kick myself for recycling all my issues of Home Companion. Love your adorable cherry napkins that complement your wonderful dish stack :)

  35. The photo of the sunflowers is so beautiful...I felt that I could pick them right out of my computer!...and ME coordinates so well with those "checks'!!

  36. What a fun post! Love all the pics and the collector items and best / WORST of all you made me hungry at the end :)

  37. This is such a HAPPY POST and very CHERRY! I love it all! so glad you will be linking to Friday Open House!

  38. Every time I see anything with ME, I think of you Sarah! I love her cards too and your post is gorgeous! What an adorable sculpture, I've never seen this. Wow, love the ME, MC and cherries stacked place. Your creative flair is showing. Gorgeous sunflowers and the Cherries Jubilee looks wonderful.


  39. Hi Sarah,

    Your post is so cheery, or um should I say cherry?!? Love all the fun colors and your beautiful photos.



  40. I certainly would have done cheery cherries had I just known about the cherry jubilee day! Oh my. This is just too cute. I too am a ME fan. Just precious. xo marlis

  41. What a happy post, Sarah!! I love all your cherry plates and napkins with your Courtly Check. It all looks so cheerful with the sunflowers. Cute cookie jar as a flower holder!

  42. Those cherry plates looks so pretty paired with the courtly checked Mackenzie childs plates, Sarah. Love your centerpiece, so cute!. Pretty table all together....Christine

  43. When KC found her first apartment in Nashville, while attending Belmont U., I helped her decorate her very first home. We did the kitchen completely in ME. Your design brings back precious and fun memories. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  44. I have always been a ME fan too! All of her creations are just so happy. For many years I gave my mom her page-a-day calendar, and my mom would cut out the little pictures on each page and send them to the appropriate person with a little personalized message on each one. How do you find out about all these National days? I love them! My daughter is soooo allergic to cherries, so they have been banned in my house, but she can eat some cooked fruit, and that cherries jubilee recipe looks delicious and easy. I'll try it! Isn't it amazing that sunflowers, with their yellow and brown color scheme, look so wonderful in any color vase? Very clever to use the cookie jar! This is a very pretty and interesting post. Linda

  45. How fun..a National Cherries Jubilee Day and your table is gorgeous! The black dishes with the red cherries are a treasure to have and paired with solid black..very fabulous!! Thank you for your lovely visit dear Sarah, I've missed you all! Hugs,

  46. Your table is so pretty. Your collections are so lovely. I am thankful to have a peek into your life.

  47. Beautiful table! Seeing those pretty ME & MC pieces, puts a big smile on my face...I love them!

  48. Terrific! You've carried your cherry theme out perfectly and I love them mixed with your bright yellow sunflowers which make any table a happy one.

  49. Hi Sarah,

    You cannot help but smile when you see ME images. I love them too!

    Had not seen this cute twist of hers on the "chair full of bowlies!"

    Her clever images conjure many old-fashioned vintage postcards I have using the same sorts of designs and coloring. So glad she revived it for all of us to appreciate it again in the present time!


  50. Hi Sarah,

    You cannot help but smile when you see ME images. I love them too!

    Had not seen this cute twist of hers on the "chair full of bowlies!"

    Her clever images conjure many old-fashioned vintage postcards I have using the same sorts of designs and coloring. So glad she revived it for all of us to appreciate it again in the present time!



  51. Hi sarah...Your table is very very pretty .love your cherry plates and all those things you have displayed.thank you..:):)

  52. I've always loved ME's bright and cheery designs and drawings, Sarah, and her clever way of illustrating quotes. Your ME collectibles are darling and your ME china looks so pretty paired with the courtly checks! Those Oregon cherries look so dark and sweet --I know I'd love them!

  53. What is my favorite? A chair of bowlies. You know I love my dishes!

    Dropping by to wish you a Happy Fall.

    My email address is shot due to a virus someone sent me. But at some point, Ihope to be back in the Land of Blog. Still computerless. I have absconded with Mr. Magpie's Ipad, and I can't type on it. So please excuse typos.

    Love you...



  54. Oh, your table makes me happy the minute I see those cherry dishes! Thank you sweet Sarah for inquiring about my daughter. She's doing so good to date, I'm sure she's going to be fine when she gets her blood tests results tomorrow and we take it to the doctor. Hubby and me are going to acompany her home, I think maybe this week coming. Thank you again, hope eveyone is great in your family. Have a blessed week.

  55. That would be such a fun day. Love the post, great images.

  56. So lovely. Love the art piece. What a fun setting.

  57. I love Mary E and MacKenzie-Childs....I still have ME's magazines and also some of her limited edition numbered prints....Such great artists!...Love this post!

  58. I too love ME. How I wish her magazine still existed. What a great post.

    - The Tablescaper

  59. Love ME also! I do miss her magazine. She looked like the blogs 10 years ago. Her mag was ahead of it's time. Thanks for joining HSH!

  60. One has to smile when they see this. So cherry and cheery! :)
    Love the colors, and ME, the sunflowers are a bonus!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!

  61. I just left a comment and I don't see it. I will come back to see if it shows up!


Thank you to each of you who take the time to leave a comment. I read and appreciate each and every one and will respond to any questions. Your notes are the only way I know who has stopped in for a visit.